MATT PATTERSON….NYPOST If this keeps up, no one’s going to trust any scientists. The global-warming establishment took a body blow this week, as the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change received a stunning rebuke from a top-notch independent investigation. For two decades, the IPCC has spearheaded efforts to convince the world’s governments that man-made […]
The Ground Zero Mosque — What Americans Could Learn from Israel Posted By Daniel Gordis The Jerusalem Post September 3, 2010 In its basic form, the Ground Zero mosque debate boils down to a conflict between two competing values – American freedom of religion versus the sensitivities of the families of the victims of 9/11. […] Another Tack: From Brooklyn to Park Place A couple of weeks ago Kathy, my fellow alumna of New York’s High School of Music and Art (renamed the LaGuardia High School for the Arts), sent me an update on a column I devoted (some two years back) to our much-belated reunion. The next day roughly […]
What can Israel-Palestinian Peace Talks Achieve?,css.print/pub_detail.asp As the latest round of Israeli/Palestinian peace talks begin today, it is hard not to feel deep cynicism. We have seen such events being presented to the world as big media events, but the hope, like the media hype, diminishes at every occasion. The most memorable rapprochement happened […] Middle East Peace Talks: Déjà Vu all over again all over again Roger L Simon Middle East peace talks to resolve the so-called Israeli-Palestinian crisis have been coming and going most of my adult life and I’m no spring chicken — free range or otherwise. And now here they are again! But this time, […] The Ground Zero Imam’s Troubling Texts Ilya Feoktistov It’s now clear to most Americans that while Imam Feisal Rauf has the right to build his mosque wherever he desires, his decision to build it near Ground Zero is grossly insensitive, to say the least, and flies in the face of his reputation as a […] I HOPE HIS DESERVED VICTORY DOES NOT GIVE PALIN UNDERVED ASPIRATIONS FOR THE WHITE HOUSE….SHE COULD BE A REAL SPOILER AND THERE ARE GOOD GOP CANDIDATES TO CONSIDER….RSK BY RICH TRZUPEK Joe Miller’s stunning victory over Lisa Murkowski to win the Alaska’s GOP primary for the Senate is remarkable on many levels, yet the […]
oh puleez…another wishy washy column. Some Moslems are moderate but the religion is not. It’s central tenet is jihad…just ask experts like Robert Spencer, Andrew bostom, Ibn Warrack, Wafa Sultan……rsk Why Islamic Moderates Are So Scarce It goes back to a ninth-century theological dispute. As past statements of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf continue […]
New York Times blames the victims for Beit Hagai massacre Leo Rennert When it comes to differentiating between Israeli settlers and Hamas terrorists, the New York Times displays more sympathy for the latter than for the former — as is quite apparent from its Sept. 1 coverage of the killing of four Israeli civilians, […] Hillary’s Choice By Eileen F. Toplansky Though never a fan, I used to feel sorry for Hillary Clinton. I saw her as the epitome of a woman who was used by not one man, but two. Her philandering husband shames her in front of the nation, but in good Southern tradition, Hillary is determined […]