LAST NIGHT, GELLER WHO SPEARHEADED THE ANTI CORDOBA MOSQUE MOVEMENT APPEARED ON O’REILLY AND GAMELY TRIED TO REFUTE NASTY ALLEGATIONS….O’REILLY INTERRUPTED ALMOST EVERY SENTENCE BUT GELLER MANAGED TO GET HER POINT ACCROSS…..RSK National security is not the president’s interest. By Pamela Geller As a federal judge gutted Arizona’s new immigration law on July 29, […] GOP hails measure’s landslide win By Sean Lengell The Washington Times More than four months after pushing through President Obama‘s health care legislation, Democrats said Missouri voters who overwhelmingly rejected the new law still don’t know enough about it. “Once you explain what’s in this bill, the American people, of course, like it,” said […] Obama’s Arizona Betrayal Posted By Rick Moran As the courts continue to move at a glacial pace in deciding whether Arizona’s tough anti-illegal immigration statute passes constitutional muster, the need for immediate assistance from the federal government to stem the human tide pouring across the Arizona border is growing. Federal statistics showing violent crime […] By JAMES TARANTO They told us that Americans would learn to stop worrying and love ObamaCare. To judge by yesterday’s election in Missouri, they were wrong. Official election returns show that citizens of the Show Me State voted overwhelmingly–71% to 29% in favor of Proposition C, a ballot measure described in a pre-election report […] PULEEZ!!!! THE BRITS BETRAYED THE JEWS IIMMEDIATELY AFTER THE BALFOUR DECLARATION BY SLICING UP THE “JEWISH HOMELAND” AND DEEDING 82% TO THE HASHEMITES FROM SAUDI ARABIA WHO HAD NO HISTORIC TIES TO PALESTINE; THEY ISSUED WHITE PAPERS THAT CLAMPED SHUT THE GATES OF PALESTINE EFFECTIVELY TRAPPING MILLIONS OF JEWS IN THE HOLOCAUST; THEY BLOCKADED […] Feted on his 70th birthday, Nordau’s star eclipses Herzl’s “Max Nordau celebrates his 70th birthday” was the lead headline the July 29, 1919, edition of Haaretz, then known as the “daily newspaper of life and literature.” It was not rare at the time to devote articles and sometimes entire pages to milestone birthdays of […] Daniel Henninger: The Great-Guy Theory Of HistoryWe consider today the sad case of Charlie Rangel, the beloved 20-term Congressman from New York City. You’ve probably heard of the Great Man Theory of History. The Charlie Rangel story can be explained by the Great Guy Theory of History. Men have a shorthand way of sorting […] While the guardians of our diversity-obsessed society stress the need for us to welcome a Muslim mosque to Ground Zero, despite Muslim antipathy towards western values, I wonder why the selfsame champions of gay rights are silent about Islam’s prohibitions against homosexuality and harsh penalties for offenders. Christine Quinn, the first lesbian Speaker of […]
Shariah Comes to the Supreme Court: Elena Kagan’s Decisions Posted by Christine Brim The Senate should not confirm Elena Kagan, because her views render her the first Supreme Court Justice who actively favors the introduction of Shariah law into national Constitutions and legal systems. To excuse themselves for voting for her confirmation, Senators of […]
August 4, 2010 · Vol. 5, No.31 ——————————————————————————– No Lame Duck In the election of 1800, the country thoroughly repudiated the Federalist Party. President John Adams was defeated in his reelection campaign by Thomas Jefferson and the Democrat-Republicans gained majorities in the House and Senate. The Federalists had clearly lost the support of the people. […]