MYRICK: Hezbollah car bombs on our border Why isn’t Obama’s Department of Homeland Security concerned? By Rep. Sue Myrick – An indictment was handed down Aug. 30 by the Southern District Court of New York that shows a connection between Hezbollah – the proxy army of Iran and a designated terrorist organization – […] “This small and symbolic crisis is not a test of constitutional liberties, for in regard to the question at hand the Constitution allows discretion. It is rather a test of how far America can be pushed, and America is not at all as powerless as it has been portrayed.” The World Trade Center Mosque […]
Clues to Obama’s Muslim Problem:A “psychological and scientific” perspective….. GEEZ…THANK GOODNESS THIS HAS BEEN “EXPLAINED” BY THEM WHAT KNOW…..RSK;_ylt=Aq3ROHA.D3gXl7WzuxeS3EqwhrZ_;_ylu=X3oDMTNpNXZscjQxBGFzc2V0Ay9zL2xpdmVzY2llbmNlL2NsdWVzdG9vYmFtYXNtdXNsaW1wcm9ibGVtBGNjb2RlA21vc3Rwb3B1bGFyBGNwb3MDNgRwb3MDNgRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3JpZXMEc2xrA3N0dWR5b2JhbWFzbQ– Jeanna Bryner LiveScience Managing Editor jeanna Bryner livescience Managing Editor Perhaps the belief that President Obama is a Muslim has nothing to do with him and everything to do with us, a new study […] The Cordoba House and the Myth of Cordoban ‘Ecumenism’ Posted By Andrew G. Bostom On September 2, 2010 @ 12:00 am Imam Feisal Rauf, “founder and visionary [1]†of the Cordoba Initiative [2], apparently sees the construction of a triumphal mosque within the 9/11 World Trade Center attack’s zone of destruction [3] as a […]
IMRA – Independent Media Review and Analysis Website: PLO praises Iran’s anti-Zionist stands Tehran, Sept 2, 2010 IRNA (Iran news agency) – According to Palestinian news agency MO’A, Palestinian Liberation Organization praising Iran’s anti-Zionist stands on Wednesday, emphasized need for world Muslim’s participation at Int’l Qods Day, marked by late Imam Khomeini (P). […],css.print/pub_detail.asp Israeli Concessions – A Zero Sum Game Victor Sharpe With Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, about to sit with Arab leaders and President Barack Hussein Obama in the White House, some have likened Netanyahu to a minnow surrounded by circling sharks. Present will be Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Jordan’s kinglet, Abdullah, the Chairman of […]
Daniel Greenfield article: The Bankruptcy of Barack The Bankruptcy of Barack Last night Obama delivered a speech about a war that he exploited for political advantage during the election, and ignored the rest of the time. A war that he tried to sabotage as a Senator, and neglected once in the White House. Where […]
WWW.MYTHSANDFACTS.ORG PRESERVING ISRAEL AT THE ELEVENTH HOUR, NUCLEAR DETERRENCE, ENEMY RATIONALITY AND “PALESTINE” Guest: Professor Louis René Beres ” The worst-case outcome for Israel would be the simultaneous appearance of “Palestine” with a nuclear Iran. Such a portentous outcome must be avoided at all costs.” Faced with the daunting prospect of seemingly endless terrorism, and […]
FIRING INSPECTOR GENERAL GERALD WALPIN WHEN HE GOT TOO CLOSE TO DISCOVERING CHICANERY WAS THE FIRST SALVO IN SUBVERTING JUSTICE BY THIS ADMINISTRATION……WALPIN IS ONE OF THE MOST RESPECTED AND HONORABLE LAWYERS IN AMERICA…RSKWALP Walpin-gate judge has conflict Jurist owes career advancement to Attorney General Holder ”I’ve got your back.” That’s what U.S. District […] Gabe Schoenfeld also see below this column a response from an alum…..rsk The University of Chicago is a great school. And academic freedom is a great principle. But should there ever be limits on who can teach what? Consider the following course offering from Chicago’s 2010 catalog: Zionism and Palestine. This course has three […]