Click here: New York Times Reports (Sorta) On Brooklyn College’s Indoctrination Book – Maggie’s Farm Wednesday, September 1. 2010 New York Times Reports (Sorta) On Brooklyn College’s Indoctrination Book When even the New York Times recognizes criticism of a leftist attempt to indoctrinate students with an Arab-American victimism and anti-American book, the sole one […] Cal Thomas Book ReviewIn his Oval Office address Tuesday night announcing the end of combat operations in Iraq, President Obama said “It’s time to turn the page” and start focusing on rebuilding the American economy. That would be fine with me if we could be certain about what was on the next page, or […]
The Ostrich Accords By David Isaac This month is “Black September†according to one Israeli diplomat quoted by the Washington Times. Legal challenges in European courts, UN resolutions, International Atomic Energy Agency pressures – the calendar is filled with “political landmines.†At the center of this minefield lies the resumption of the ‘peace talks’. […] Still No ‘Peace Process’ For Israel (Part I) By: Louis René Beres Date: Wednesday, September 01 2010 The more things change, the more they remain the same. From its imperiled beginnings, from the plainly one-sided inception of Oslo, the so-called “Middle East Peace Process” never gave Israel a chance. Widely animated by a distinctly […] As Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu heads to Washington for another stillborn round of talks with Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas hosted by US President Barack Obama, he will probably be preoccupied with one issue. It won’t be Obama’s bigoted demand that Jews be prohibited from building synagogues, schools and homes in Jerusalem and Judea and […]
There Will Be No Peace On Monday all the talk in the news was of an Israeli Rabbi who had called on G-d to strike down Abbas, the head of the terrorist Palestinian Authority, and the rest of his gang. On Tuesday, terrorists murdered a pregnant woman and three other people. The same media […] O, Palestine! By Moshe Dann The notion of a Palestinian people and Palestinian identity, although taken for granted today, has neither a long nor a distinguished history. Understanding its origins and what it represents explains why the peace process between Israel and the Arabs has failed and will continue to fail. Inherent in Palestinianism, […]
-——————————————————————————- Fire the Job Killers On Monday we will celebrate Labor Day, a holiday to commemorate and give thanks for the contributions of the American worker to our nation’s strength and prosperity. This year’s holiday is a particularly opportune time to reflect upon that message. America’s unemployment rate stands at a stubborn 9.5%. If you […]
The Speech: Why Didn’t They Call Rewrite? URL to article: Posted By Roger Kimball Presidential speeches are tricky things. It is in the nature of things — the nature, that is, of contemporary politics — that they consist largely of more or less empty rhetorical boilerplate punctuated here and there by bursts of forthrightness […]