OBAMACARE BITES BLANCHE LINCOLN Election 2010: Arkansas Senate Arkansas Senate: Boozman (R) 65%, Lincoln (D) 27% Friday, August 20, 2010 Support for incumbent Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln has now fallen to its lowest level yet as Republican John Boozman remains on track to shift Arkansas’ Senate seat to the GOP column. The latest Rasmussen […] Friday Afternoon Roundup – Obama Akbar Posted: 20 Aug 2010 03:49 PM PDT The media is all worked up over a poll that shows the majority of Americans don’t think Obama is a Christians and nearly a 1/4 of Americans think that Obama is a Muslim. Naturally the “mainstream” conservative blogs are embarrassed by […] Australian court orders Muslim witness to testify without burka An Australian court has ruled that a Muslim woman must remove her burka while she gives evidence so that the jury can assess her facial expressions. Bonnie Malkin in Sydney Published: 1:57PM BST 19 Aug 2010 The full Islamic veil covers the whole body except […]
Australian election: early counting puts opposition ahead The conservative opposition party was ahead by 45 seats to 36 in early vote-counting during one of the closest Australian elections for 50 years. By Bonnie Malkin in Sydney Published: 11:09AM BST 21 Aug 2010 Tony Abbott, opposition leader and Julia Gillard, Australia’s Prime Minister Photo: AFP […]
Clinton Administration’s Chickens Come Home to Roost:’ A very real clear and present danger to America and our Pacific Rim allies has its roots in the state-of-the-art military technology stolen by China in the late 20th century. By Ed Timperlake On August 16, 2010 the U.S. Department of Defense released a congressionally mandated report […]
Muslims, not Americans, are religious bigots | Washington Examiner–101125989.html Muslims, not Americans, are religious bigots Editorial, Washington According to an article in Time magazine, there has been no increase in violence against Muslims since the announcement of plans to build a mosque near Ground Zero. (Alan Diaz/AP) Time magazine asked this week whether […]
National Review Online Andrew C. McCarthy NR Contributing Editor August 21, 2010 4:00 A.M. Which Islam Will Prevail in America? That is the real question at hand in the Ground Zero mosque debate. The real battle for religious freedom lurks beneath the Ground Zero mosque controversy. It is sadly ironic that our public debate […] I DON’T THINK HE’S A MOSLEM AND YOU CAN BET THERE WILL BE A FLURRY OF PHOTO-OPS SHOWING HIM ENTERING AND LEAVING CHURCH SERVICES WITH HIS TELEGENIC NUCLEAR FAMILY….HE IS A “THIRD WORLDER” AND SEES HIMSELF AS APOSTLE FOR MULTI-CULTI GLOBALISM. PLUS HIS WIFE’S EXPOSED UPPER ARMS AND THIGHS WOULD NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH […] Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, left, executive director of the Cordoba Initiative, greets an unidentified worshiper inside a Muharraq, Bahrain, mosque after leading midday prayers Friday, Aug. 20, 2010. Imam Rauf, who is leading plans for an Islamic center near the site of the Sept. 11 attacks on New York, is on a U.S.-funded outreach […]
Rauf’s Muslim Brotherhood roads to Malaysia by Alyssa A. Lappen Rauf’s Muslim Brotherhood roads to Malaysia All roads taken by Feisal Abdul Rauf seem to lead to the sharia state of Malaysia. Rauf spent many weeks there in summer 2010. He first attended school there. Rauf stands second in command at Malaysia’s Perdana Global Peace […]