Throughout the War on Terror, liberals have been lecturing us on the virtue of holding on to the “Moral High Ground”, which is their way of saying that we should forgo trying to defeat terrorists military, and instead show them up with our superior civil liberties. Yes Abdul, you may have a suitcase nuke, […] Remember Judge Bathurst Norman, who summed up for the jury that went on to acquit the seven defendants who had attacked a Brighton factory that sold armaments to Israel by commenting that ‘you may well think that hell on earth would not be an understatement of what the Gazans suffered in that time’. Well, […] French ban on Muslim burka brings out multi-culturalist prejudices as liberal-establishment descends into self-parody Now, let’s be clear about a couple of things right from the beginning: First, all other things being equal a liberal-democratic society should have no problem accommodating a multiplicity of different cultures, and the traditions and customs that go with […]
The War on Burqas French Ban only Latest in European Debate,1518,706446,00.html The French parliament moved on Tuesday to ban full face veils, such as burqas, across the country. A similiar law was passed earlier this year in Belgium and others could soon be considered in other European countries. Human rights groups warn it could […]
Berwick: Bigger Than Kagan If the American people want the health-care world Dr. Berwick wishes to give them, that’s their choice. But they must be given that choice. Barack Obama’s incredible “recess appointment” of Dr. Donald Berwick to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is probably the most significant domestic-policy personnel […] Amil Imani Islam Must Be Stopped In America Warning: Islam is not a religion but a political ideology which incites hate, violence, intolerance and terror. Islamists are terminators. You cannot bargain with them. You cannot reason with them. They do not feel pity or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, […] Holder’s Hypocrisy Holder will continue to embarrass the nation until he steps down. Attorney General Eric Holder has developed a bad habit of accusing others of acting in bad faith while doing so himself. Take the issue of Guantanamo Bay. In Aspen, Colo., last week, Holder accused Congress of playing politics by preventing President […]
The Shifting Landscape of Passport Fraud 9cd6fb59af90480d901d215ad29b35d6 By Scott Stewart The recent case involving the arrest and deportation of the Russian intelligence network in the United States has once again raised the subject of document fraud in general and passport fraud in particular. The FBI’s investigation into the group of Russian operatives discovered that […]!/page/full Cal Thomas We Can Do It! The co-chairs of President Obama’s Debt and Deficit Commission painted a gloomy picture of the economy last weekend when they appeared at the closing session of the National Governors Association meeting in Boston. Former Wyoming Republican Senator Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles, former White House chief of staff […]
O’Reilly’s Burqa Betrayal Posted By Jamie Glazov Bill O’Reilly is clearly continuing his shameless and cowardly surrender to Sharia Law. Daily on his program, The O’Reilly Factor on, he engages in the standard and phony obfuscations about the jihadi threat the West faces, consistently refusing to honestly name and label the Islamic foundations […]