FRANK GAFFNEY IN BIG PEACE Obama’s Ground Zero Mosque At a White House celebration of Ramadan in the company of representatives of several of the Nation’s most prominent Muslim Brotherhood front organizations, President Obama announced his strong support for one of their most immediate objectives: the construction of a mega-mosque and “cultural center†at […]
Power Line – An Awful President, A Worse Theologian An Awful President, A Worse Theologian Jim Hinderaker, I was working on a post about President Obama’s enthusiastic endorsement of the Ground Zero mosque when I saw that Paul had already done one. So I will just add this coda: Obama’s lecture on religion […]
verified by snopes…… California Law = Arizona Law-a surprise A friend of mine checked the California Penal Code. This quote of 834b is correct, it is taken verbatim from that law. Do any of you Californians know this and why haven’t any authorities mentioned this law or tried to have it taken out of […]
The Iconoclast Saturday, 14 August 2010 Obama Hedges his Ground Zero Mosque Comments President Obama at Panama City, Florida Press conference Shortly after his arrival for a family vacation on Florida’s Gulf Coast in Panama City, President Obama held a press conference and immediately hedged his remarks about last night’s endorsement of the Ground Zero […] Obama takes a stand for Islam Fresno Zionism As everyone knows by now, President Barack Obama has come out squarely in favor of building a mosque and Islamic center two blocks from ground zero: “As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone […]
Palin Blasts Obama on Ground Zero Mosque Endorsement Brava to Governor Palin for standing up and speaking out against this profoundly insensitive and egregious attack on the American heart. Obama has sealed his fate and shown himself to the American people. Worse still for his party, but good for the American people, every Democrat […] We live in a pluralistic society with a guaranteed freedom to worship according to our own beliefs. This in itself is a remarkable right that should never be taken for granted. Somehow, that has become confused with the notion of each religion accommodating itself to other religions as a show of brotherhood. This is […]
“A country without secure borders can no more stand than can a house without walls!November 2nd cannot come fast enough!” Hi Gang: The news report I have attached below appeared in the Washington Times on Friday, August 13th and is an important report for you to pay attention to because it makes it clear […] Islam Means the End of Religious Freedom Posted: 14 Aug 2010 10:18 PM PDT At an Iftar dinner in the White House, Barack Hussein Obama proclaimed that he supports the building of the Ground Zero mosque as part of his “unshakable commitment to religious freedom”. Which of course sounds very noble and good, until […] Friday Afternoon Roundup – Salmonds, Chaouks and Other Strange Creatures With Alvin Greene indicted on obscenity charges, Rangel and Maxine Waters facing high profile ethics charges, this is not the best time ever to be a Democrat. Or so you would think. Nevertheless when Rangel threw his party/fundraiser, every Democrat in New York, including […]