Behind the mosque By ANDREW G. BOSTOM Imam Feisal Rauf, the central figure in the coterie planning a huge mosque just off Ground Zero, is a full-throated champion of the very same Muslim theologians and jurists identified in a landmark NYPD report as central to promoting the Islamic religious bigotry that fuels modern jihad […] Exclusive: Do We Really Have a Free Press? The Editor An Ethical Press? Scandals connected with the behavior of journalists who subscribed to the now-defunct “Journolist†private web forum have once again opened up the debate about what role the press is meant to serve in a democratic society. Originally, notions of “Freedom of […],1518,707255,00.html Cuban President Raul Castro has begun releasing 52 imprisoned dissidents. Is this the hoped-for signal of liberalization? Critics of the regime do not believe that a sea change is in the works. Instead, they fear it is just a tactical move designed to weaken the opposition. The meeting point is in a rundown apartment […] ” RELAX,GAIN WEIGHT AND PLAN ATTACKS”….. Whenever we think back to summer camp, memories of cookouts and songs around the piano spring to mind. If Colombian officials are to be believed, somebody in Venezuela seems to have had the same idea. Yesterday, the Colombian government presented evidence that the narcoterrorist Revolutionary Armed Forces of […]
Top Muslim Cleric Urges Western Muslims to ‘Liberalize’ Posted By Raymond Ibrahim A recent episode [1] of the popular Arabic show al-Sharia wa al-Haya (Law and Life), which airs weekly on Al Jazeera and features renowned Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, addressed the important yet little known Muslim concept of taysir (pronounced “tey-seerâ€). Qaradawi, […] By STEPHEN POWER Senate Democratic leaders Thursday shelved their effort to cap greenhouse-gas emissions as part of a broad energy bill, putting aside indefinitely a centerpiece of President Barack Obama’s ambitious effort to transform the way Americans produce and consume energy. The proposal would have allowed utilities to trade permits to pollute as they […] Germany rejects Israel bid for naval aid – report BERLIN (Reuters) – Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government has turned down Israel’s bid to buy a sixth naval submarine, two warships and torpedoes from it at deep German discounts, the U.S. journal Defence News reported. The decision was conveyed to an Israeli Defence delegation in Berlin […]
The Iconoclast Thursday, 22 July 2010 No sale! Says Staten Island parish to Muslim American Society A tip of the Chapeau to Madeline Brooks of Act! Manhattan. There’s the ground zero mosque in Lower Manhattan and the Murfreesboro Mosque in Tennessee still out there roiling the public. No longer the case with the controversial pending […] By STEPHEN POWER Senate Democratic leaders Thursday shelved their effort to cap greenhouse-gas emissions as part of a broad energy bill, putting aside indefinitely a centerpiece of President Barack Obama’s ambitious effort to transform the way Americans produce and consume energy. The proposal would have allowed utilities to trade permits to pollute as they […] Germany rejects Israel bid for naval aid – report BERLIN (Reuters) – Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government has turned down Israel’s bid to buy a sixth naval submarine, two warships and torpedoes from it at deep German discounts, the U.S. journal Defence News reported. The decision was conveyed to an Israeli Defence delegation in Berlin […]