Another January 6 Lie: No ‘Recon’ Tours on January 5 If January 6 was so horrific, comparable to 9/11 and other deadly terror attacks, why do Democrats keep lying about what happened? By Julie Kelly

In the aftermath of the four-hour disturbance at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, Democrats scrambled to prepare articles of impeachment against departing President Donald Trump for the second time. Trump—according to Democrats, the news media, and most of the GOP political establishment—had incited the violence with claims of a stolen election, and by encouraging his supporters to march to Capitol Hill following his speech near the White House that afternoon.

But it wasn’t enough to just denounce Trump. After all, he would be leaving Washington on January 20 to build his post-presidency political machine. So House Democrats upped the blame and shame game by accusing their Republican colleagues of organizing tours of the Capitol complex on January 5 so the alleged coup-plotters could map out the next day’s “insurrection.”

Representative Mikie Sherrill (D-N.J.) started the rumor a week after the protest. In a letter to members of the Capitol Police board, the agency responsible for securing the Capitol, Sherrill demanded an “immediate investigation into the suspicious behavior and access given to visitors to the Capitol Complex on Tuesday, January 5, 2021.” Sherrill claimed her training in the military gave her the keen ability to “recognize suspicious activity” and questioned why so many large outside groups were in and around the building that day.

Nearly three-dozen House Democrats co-signed her letter.

The Progressive Pronoun Police Come for Middle Schoolers A Wisconsin school district opened a Title IX sexual-harassment investigation against 8th graders for calling a student ‘her’ instead of ‘them.’ By Rick Esenberg and Luke Berg

For most people, the term “Title IX investigation” calls to mind allegations of rape, groping, unwanted sexual advances or a pervasive pattern of verbal abuse. Think again. Wisconsin’s Kiel Area School District, in deep red Manitowoc and Calumet counties along the western shore of Lake Michigan, has uncovered a new form of harassment. On April 25 they accused three eighth-grade boys of sexual harassment—and launched a Title IX investigation—for something called “mispronouning.” These children used “her” to refer to a classmate who wants to be called “them.”

It’s easy to dismiss this as bizarre. You won’t find mispronouning in the Wisconsin statutes or U.S. code. It hardly resembles the egregious aggression that we associate with harassment. It doesn’t, in and of itself, constitute conduct “so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to education” as Title IX law on harassment requires. But the stain that such a charge could leave on these boys’ reputations and the harm inflicted upon their futures is real.

The boys’ parents first heard about the charges when they received a call from the district that their sons were about to be charged with sexual harassment under Title IX. There had been no prior warning or discussions with the families about pronoun use at school, nor did the district initially explain what the boys had done to warrant being investigated for a violation of federal law. When the families were finally informed that the alleged sexual harassment—the boys’ potential federal offense—was “using incorrect pronouns,” terror quickly turned to bewilderment. “Is this real? This has to be a joke,” thought Rose Rabidoux, one of the parents.

House passes “Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act” targeting Americans’ thought, speech By Eric Utter

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed a new bill that would greatly enhance the federal government’s ability to spy on Americans in an alleged effort to combat “domestic” terrorism.

H.R. 350, or the “Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act,” passed by a margin of 222-203. The vote was almost entirely along party lines, with every single House Democrat and a lone House Republican– the reprehensible RINO Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois– voting to approve the measure.

The proposal would reportedly create “domestic terrorism offices” within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Justice (DOJ), and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), according to The Hill. The offices would be tasked with “monitoring and scrutinizing potential terror activity,” with a heavy emphasis on terror activity deemed motivated by “white supremacist” or “neo-Nazi” sentiments.

Democrats have predictably framed the bill as a necessary response to the mass shooting perpetrated by an avowed white supremacist at a Buffalo, New York, grocery store last week. The perpetrator, however, characterized himself online as being in the “mild-moderate-authoritarian Left category.”

Many Republicans have slammed the bill as a frightening example of government overreach. Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy, for example, said the bill constitutes the “empowerment of the federal bureaucracy to target Americans.” He added, “This is nothing more than empowering the federal government to police thought and speech in the United States of America, and we should oppose it roundly.”

State Farm Abandons LGBTQ Children’s-Book Program after Whistleblower Email Leak Caroline Downey

State Farm, the household-name insurance company, has abandoned its program to distribute LGBTQ-themed books to teachers, community centers, and libraries, explicitly targeting children as young as kindergartners, after a media exposé based on a whistleblower email caught the company by surprise on Monday.

In an email to all State Farm agents and staff members sent just hours after multiple news outlets revealed the book initiative, Victor Terry, chief diversity officer and vice president of public affairs, announced the cancellation of its collaboration with GenderCool, an organization that promotes LGBTQ teaching via speaking events, mentorship programs, DEI/HR consulting, and advising for parents of transgender children.

“State Farm’s support of a philanthropic program, GenderCool, has been the subject of news and customer inquiries. This program that included books about gender identity was intended to promote inclusivity,” the email, obtained by Libs of TikTok, read. “We will no longer support that program.

“Conversations about gender and identity should happen at home with parents. We don’t support required curriculum in schools on this topic. We support organizations providing resources for parents to have these conversations,” Terry wrote.

The original program was supposed to recruit hundreds of agents and staff volunteers to “help diversify classroom, community center and library bookshelves with a collection of books to help bring clarity and understanding to the national conversation about Being Transgender, Inclusive and Non-Binary,” according to the January 2022 email, obtained by Consumers’ Research, which surfaced Monday.

Biden’s Covid Policy Is Incoherent — but That’s Politics By Charles C. W. Cooke
It sure as hell isn’t leadership.

Yesterday afternoon, I received an email from a family member who is coming to visit me in July. He was asking whether the United States still requires travelers from outside the country — including U.S. citizens — to provide proof of a negative Covid test before they may enter the country. I was halfway to saying that no, all that is over, when a little red flag went up in my head and prompted me to check the State Department’s website, where I learned that, actually, the United States does still insist upon this, and that it does so without exception.

The Biden administration’s position on Covid-19 is now perfectly absurd. It is evidently the official position of the federal government that the Covid-19 virus represents a sufficiently serious threat to Americans to justify testing fully vaccinated tourists before they may fly to the United States, but that the Covid-19 virus does not represent enough of a crisis to justify maintaining the Title 42 rules that govern how illegal immigrants are treated when they unlawfully cross the southern border. Speaking before Congress earlier this month, an attorney at the Justice Department, Jean Lin, insisted that Title 42 ought to “terminate as soon as practicable” on the grounds that it is an emergency health measure, not a permanent policy, and that it “is disrupting the processing of immigration laws that Congress enacted.” Legally, Lin is correct, but for her objection to have any force, the same rule must be applied to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ Covid-testing regime, which is also the product of an emergency health measure and which also disrupts the processing of immigration laws that Congress enacted. Ultimately, the Biden administration needs to decide: Do we have a crisis on our hands, or not? If we do not have a crisis on our hands, then all of our crisis measures ought to be rescinded forthwith. If we do have a crisis on our hands, then those measures ought to be maintained. Whichever course he picks, it must be consistent.

On student loans, the administration is equally incoherent. When President Biden is asked to justify his continuation of the “pause” in the collection of debt (“pause” is a curious word to use to describe a policy that has lasted longer than an entire Congress), he explains that there’s a pandemic raging, don’t you know, and that, anyhow, if he doesn’t keep extending the policy, “millions of student loan borrowers” will “face significant economic hardship, and delinquencies and defaults could threaten Americans’ financial stability.” Elsewhere, however, the economic picture Biden paints is rather rosy. “Our economy has gone from being on the mend to being on the move,” the president proposed last week. “And now, we’re outpacing the world.” This, Biden says, is the result of the “historic infrastructure investments, creating record job growth, and rebuilding our economy.” Apparently, we are expected to believe that the Biden-led, record-job-creating, on-the-move American economy is strong enough to be the envy of “the world,” but also so weak that to ask college graduates (whose unemployment rate is 2 percent) to resume paying back their loans would bring the whole thing crashing down. Convenient!

Biden Takes Blind Sheikh’s Terror Group Off Terror List Biden administration wants to befriend terror group linked to World Trade Center bombing. Daniel Greenfield

In 1993, the United States finally arrested Omar Abdel-Rahman, popularly known as the Blind Sheikh, the religious leader of the Egyptian Jihadist group Gamaat Islamiya after three years during which his followers bombed the World Trade Center and plotted to bomb the Statue of Liberty and a range of targets all across New York City.

The Biden administration has now announced that it’s taking Gamaat Islamiya off the terror list.

During the original Jihad in New York, an undercover informant described meetings to case potential targets in which a member of the terror cell told him, “Stand here, brother, let me take your picture with the Statue of Liberty because it will not exist anymore” and “Brother, let me take your picture with the World Trade Center because it will not be here anymore”.

“The Jews and Christians are the ones that are fighting every Muslim resurrection,” the imprisoned sheikh later urged, “Oh, Muslims everywhere! Cut the transportation of their countries, tear it apart, destroy their economy, burn their companies, eliminate their interests, sink their ships, shoot down their planes, kill them on the sea, air, or land.”

Throughout the 90s, Gamaat Islamiya continued engaging in terrorist attacks. In 1997, the Islamic terrorist group carried out its ugliest atrocity in Luxor, Egypt, where European and Japanese terrorists were mutilated and disemboweled. Among the horrors, the marauders cut off the ears and noses of several of their victims. A note praising Islam was found inside one disemboweled body. Among the victims was 5-year-old Shaunnah Turner: a little British girl.

The massacre had been funded by Al Qaeda which was allied with Gamaat Islamiya.

‘Republicans For Biden’ Owe The Nation — Heck, The World — An Apology

In the run-up to the 2020 election, the Biden campaign was gleeful about the flood of prominent Republicans who’d crossed the aisle to support Joe’s candidacy. These Never-Trumpers weren’t just expressing their disdain for President Donald Trump, they were heartily, lovingly, making the case for Joe Biden.

Back then, they were lauded as heroes by the establishment. Today, everyone knows the truth.

These Biden-supporting Republicans were utterly, embarrassingly, dangerously wrong about the man they were touting for president. And we are all now paying an enormous and rapidly increasing price for their arrogant stupidity.

Nothing better encapsulates the “Republicans for Biden” mindset than the statement issued by nearly 500 former national security officials in the fall of 2020 backing Biden.

Forget about the fact that they trafficked in anti-Trump lies such as the “Russian bounty” story and sided against Trump on China, climate change, and other issues of importance to conservatives.

What stands out today is when they claimed that Biden “is the leader our nation needs.”

“It is unthinkable,” these “experts” said in their statement, “that [Biden] would ever utter the phrase ‘I don’t take responsibility at all.’”

Would anyone make such a claim today?

Do a Google search of “Biden blames” and you’ll be flooded with examples of his refusing to take responsibility for anything.

Senators Demand Biden Pull Taxpayer Funding for Anti-Israel Initiative State Department fueling ‘new anti-Semitism,’ lawmakers say: Adam Kredo

Senate Republican foreign policy leaders are demanding the Biden administration pull nearly $1 million in taxpayer funding for groups to investigate alleged human rights abuses in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip—an effort that the senators say is fueling a “new anti-Semitism.”

The State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) announced in March it will pay nonprofit groups up to $987,654 to “strengthen accountability and human rights in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza,” according to a grant notice first posted online in February. Groups angling for the grant money are instructed to investigate alleged crimes inside and outside of Israel to “collect, archive, and maintain human rights documentation to support justice and accountability and civil society-led advocacy efforts, which may include documentation of legal or security sector violations and housing, land, and property rights.”

The grant was seized upon by Israel’s defenders on Capitol Hill as a prime example of the Biden administration’s efforts to undermine the Jewish state and strengthen the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, which wages economic warfare on Israel. Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) and 11 other Republican lawmakers are calling on the Biden administration to cancel the grant program and live up to its repeated pledges to combat the BDS movement.

“As a policy matter, it is wholly unacceptable for the State Department to fund NGOs to delegitimize and isolate Israel,” the lawmakers write, according to a copy of the letter obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The State Department, the lawmakers allege, is using taxpayer dollars to promote a “new anti-Semitism” that is “driven by a global network of anti-Israel nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and human rights groups.”

Woke Medicine: A Prescription for Disaster REVIEW: ‘Take Two Aspirin and Call Me By My Pronouns’ by Stanley Goldfarb, M.D.Christine Rosen

It is a popular sport among those on the progressive left to dismiss conservatives’ concerns about the spread of “woke” ideology (such as Critical Race Theory and “antiracism” training) in public education and corporate culture. Parents are scolded for suggesting that seeing the world through the “lens of CRT” or the factually challenged posturing of the 1619 Project might be harmful to their children’s education, and employees are chastised for questioning the effectiveness of new mandates on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The implication is that only a racist would resist the new “antiracism.”

And yet, there is one arena in which woke thinking is not merely politically polarizing, but deadly. As Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, a nephrologist and associate dean for curriculum at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, writes in Take Two Aspirin and Call Me By My Pronouns, the “quiet woke revolution” that had been going on in medicine for some time “erupted in spring 2020 into a full-blown revolution”—one with ongoing negative consequences.

That year, in the wake of the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the ensuing protests, and amid a global pandemic, doctors and medical students began going well beyond their remit as physicians to embrace the role of social justice activists. “Led by a cadre of woke administrators who embraced the tenets of critical race theory, the medical establishment was committing itself to a misguided focus on anti-racism and equity in all aspects of the health-care system,” Goldfarb writes.

Groups of physicians organized under names such as White Coats for Black Lives, and issued manifestos that were little more than crypto-Marxist argle bargle: A June 2021 statement outlined the group’s mission of “dismantling dominant, exploitative systems in the United States, which are largely reliant on anti-Black racism, colonialism, cisheteropatriarchy, white supremacy, and capitalism,” for example. When “just what the doctor ordered” means a lecture on the harms of the cisheteropatriarchy, it is clear medicine has strayed far from its professional purpose.

Goldfarb makes short work of many of the faulty “antiracism” medical studies that take as their starting point the new popular assumption that medicine is racist.

Primary source of COVID misinformation is the feds, scientists and scholars tell surgeon general Academic freedom groups warn feds not to chill research that challenges conventional wisdom or adjudicate “properly scientific questions.”By Greg Piper

U.S Surgeon General Vivek Murthy recently asked the public how COVID-19 misinformation “in the digital information environment” had affected health outcomes, trust in the healthcare system and “likelihood to vaccinate,” among other issues.

According to vaccine and healthcare policy experts who joined with Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, the misinformation is coming from inside the house.

They filed a comment in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proceeding, accusing the CDC and other health organizations of promoting falsehoods and shoddy research that “shattered the public’s trust in science and public health,” which will “take decades to repair.”

Rokita and epidemiologists Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford School of Medicine and Martin Kulldorff, formerly of Harvard Medical School, also took aim at official government figures for COVID deaths that are repeatedly cited in the media.

“The government spent close to $5 trillion fighting COVID-19, but still can’t provide Hoosiers with an accurate number of deaths or hospitalizations from COVID-19,” Rokita said in a press release.

While the comment doesn’t mention National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, the press release specifically calls him out for “misleading messages” about the abilities of vaccines, masks and asymptomatic testing to stop COVID transmission.