THE ULTIMATE WORD GAME: GADI ADELMAN   Exclusive: The Ultimate Word Game Gadi Adelman In case you missed the news on April 7th, since it was considered by so many news agencies not even to be newsworthy and all but disappeared by the next day, the AP reported that “President Barack Obama’s advisers will remove religious terms such as ‘Islamic […]

ARE MOSLEMS ENTRAPPED BY ISLAM? AMIL IMANI   Are Muslims Entrapped by Islam? Amil Imani “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of […]

WERE THE SOVIETS PREPARING FOR WORLD WAR III IN EAST GERMANY?,1518,687920,00.html East Germany’s Forgotten Bunkers New Research Sheds Light on Soviet Plans for World War III By Matthias Schulz German historians are divided over the significance of a massive Communist-era bunker in the former East Germany. Was it to be used as a command post in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western […]


The Deadly Tax on Medical Innovation Posted By Paul Hsieh Most technology aficionados are familiar with Moore’s Law [1], which states that computing power tends to double roughly every two years. The average American experiences this most clearly when purchasing personal computers. In 1998, Apple introduced its iMac computer with a 233 MHz processor, 32 MB RAM, […]


Gorin: More Details on the Georgia-Hosted Jihadi Conference Emerge More Details on the Georgia-Hosted Jihadi Conference Emerge by Julia Gorin An analysis published Monday by Defense & Foreign Affairs offers some corroboration for the Georgia-hosted, U.S.-approved jihadi confab in December, the mention of which seemed to upset some readers. Here are the relevant excerpts […]

HOW TO CLEAR UP “MISPERCEPTIONS” OF ISLAM….ROBERT SPENCER Dhimmi reporter, unsavory Islamic group seek slick Muslim to deceive Americans about Islam MPAC unsavory? See here. I’ve got a better idea for Mary Sanchez and MPAC: if they really want to “unravel” Americans’ “misperceptions” of Islam, here is an easy way they can do it without going to all the time, trouble and […]

IN SOUTH AMERICA THE DICTATORS GAIN AND OBAMA SNOOZES Ecuador’s Chávez Another Latin dictator gets a pass from the Obama administration. Now that Mr. Correa has consolidated his power, he is employing state intimidation to destroy his opponents. The press is under constant threat, critics are being driven into exile, the economy is in shambles, and it has come out that Colombia’s FARC […]

LESSON OF THE “JOKESTER” QATARI DIPLO…PROFILING ENJOYS WIDE SUPPORT The Lesson of the Joking ‘Shoe-Bomber’ ‘Profiling’ turns out to have widespread public support. By L. GORDON CROVITZSince 9/11, one of the big open questions has been how willing Americans are for all forms of intelligence to be used to stop potential terrorists. In particular, profiling by suspicious behavior has been largely off-limits as […]

PENTAGON BRIEFS 2 “LAWMAKERS” ON CIA RISKS Pentagon to brief 2 lawmakers on CIA risk   Bill Gertz The Pentagon will conduct a briefing this week for two senior House Armed Services Committee members on the investigation into whether defense attorneys for al Qaeda members endangered the lives of CIA interrogators. However, the Defense Department is holding off on a full […]

SOL SANDERS: NORTH KOREA IS A TICKING TIME BOMB SANDERS: North Korea a time bomb ticking louder   Sol Sanders ANALYSIS/OPINION: Despite the global attention focused on Iran’s emergence as a nuclear-armed power, an equally if not more serious crisis swells on the Korean Peninsula. There are hints that North Korea, sheltered behind its communist regime’s all-encompassing secrecy, might implode. For the moment, […]