Click here: US Defense Manufacturing Sent To Turkey – Maggie’s Farm Friday, June 4. 2010 US Defense Manufacturing Sent To Turkey A reader of Maggie’s Farm manufactures spare parts for military applications. He emails, posted here with his permission, about our Defense Department preferring Turkish firms above his, “in a way that is rather unique […]
happy warrior MARK STEYN Judenhass in the Med It was one of those stories people followed at airports and railway stations — not exactly 9/11 or the death of the Princess of Wales, but not a routine story of faraway disaster, either. Small knots stood around looking up at the screens and shaking their heads […] The ferocity and speed of the current international assault on Israel has left the government in a daze. Statements from our leadership are marked by confusion. This reaction is understandable. Everywhere Israel turns it is met with hostility. Turkey — which just a decade ago was Israel’s most important regional ally – has taken […]
Wandering Jews share genetic traits By CHUCK BENNETT Jews really are a tribe. The Chosen People have more than 5,000 years of history and culture in common — they also share distinct genetic traits linking them by blood throughout the millennia, a new study found. A genome analysis of 237 Jews representing the world’s three […],0,7364243.story Genes set Jews apart, study finds Those of European descent are more closely related with one another than By Thomas H. Maugh II, Los Angeles Times June 3, 2010 | 6:21 p.m. Jews of European descent living on opposite sides of the globe are more closely related to one another than they are to […]
Corruption, Collusion, Convolution; Kandahar For the past several months now, a chorus of voices, including mine have been trying to draw attention to the one great failure in the prosecution of the war(s) in Afghanistan and in Iraq. That failure has been and continues to be an inaccurate assessment of the enemy. In the beginning, […]
I’ve gotten some e-mails regarding the posts on candidates so I want to make something clear. I get mails from e-pals throughout the country who tell me what is happening in their districts or states and I post them for general information about how things are lining up and not to promote any at this […] June 4, 2010 What is Tablighi Jamaat? Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury The following are edited extracts from a larger article published in the Bangladeshi newspaper, The Weekly Blitz, called “Rauf and his Mosque at Ground Zeroâ€. The original article can be read here. The activities of Tablighi Jamaat are gradually increasing in United States, […] Douglas Murray is a bestselling author and award-winning journalist based in London. He has written for numerous publications including the Telegraph, Spectator, Wall Street Journal and Sunday Times. He is a columnist for Standpoint magazine and the Director of the Centre for Social Cohesion, a Westminster think-tank which studies radicalisation and extremism in Britain. […],1518,698640,00.html Dalia Mogahed is the director of the Center for Muslim Studies at the American pollster Gallup. She is also the author of the book, “Who Speaks for Islam? What a Billion Muslims Really Think,” and an advisor to the White House on issues of interreligious dialogue. Born in Egypt, she emigrated as a child […]