DOWN UNDER THEY ARE MORE UP FRONT ON THE PERILS OF MULTICULTURALISM John Pasquarelli on the perils of multiculturalism John Pasquarelli What’s happening on our streets today is the product of decades of multiculturalism, stupidly subscribed to by all sides of politics. The guilt-wracked Malcolm Fraser gave us the first boat people when Vietnamese fleeing their Communist vanquishers sought refuge in Australia and other countries. In […]

AUSTRALIA CONFRONTS IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS Strong lure of a soft landing in Australia for asylum seekers By Paul Toohey and Steve Lewis From: The Daily Telegraph March 31, 2010 12:00AM GLOBAL refugee groups have warned that the tide of asylum seekers is showing no signs of slowing, placing further pressure on Australia to receive boat people. They have suggested […]


THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS WITH OBAMA…HE COULD SO EASILY MAKE THIS CHLLENGE MOOT…WHY DOESN’T HE? Exclusive: Highly Decorated Army Surgeon Refuses All Military Orders Until Obama Proves He Is a Natural Born CitizenMargaret Hemenway A decorated active duty Army medical officer, Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin (selected for promotion to Colonel), is calling upon his […]

THE SULTAN: THE IMMIGRATION JIHAD   The Immigration Jihad Several hundred years ago when the forces of Islam wanted to capture Vienna, they came with the sword and the cannon and laid siege to the city walls. Today they simply take a plane. While Vienna was able to resist repeated sieges, it was not able to resist Islamic immigration, […]


 to Rt Hon, David Miliband Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Maurice Ostroff                                                                                                                          March 25, 2010 5, Asher Barash, Herzliya, 46365 Israel Email: Sir, Your statement about the fraudulent use of British passports (by Israel) in the Dubai affair as recorded in Hansard. It is with great respect that I suggest that […]

LEADING ISLAMIC ORGANIZATION SANCTIONS MARRIAGE TO LITTLE GIRLS Exclusive: Leading Islamic Organization in Indonesia Sanctions Pedophilia Paul Williams, PhD One of the world’s largest Islamic organizations has issued a religious ruling stating that Muslims should feel free to marry prepubescent girls as young as six or seven. Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) further ruled that Muslim men may have intimate relationships, including intercourse, with […]

OBAMA TO ISRAEL: FREEZE JERUSALEM BUILDING TO DEFROST THE SUICIDE PROCESS U.S. seeks 4-month Jerusalem building freeze: report 6 mins ago JERUSALEM (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama wants Israel to freeze construction in East Jerusalem for four months in exchange for an attempt to renew stalled Israeli peace talks with Palestinians, an Israeli newspaper said on Wednesday. Washington hopes such a deal could persuade […]


Matthew Modine: Useful Idiot Posted By Pam Meister Lee Ermey, the ex-Marine-turned-actor [1] who played the drill instructor in Full Metal Jacket [2], Stanley Kubrick’s classic 1987 film, parlayed his role into success as an American folk hero, particularly via his long-running shows on the History Channel, such as Mail Call [3] and Lock ‘n’ […]

JEWISH NAMES GET HIS KNICKERS IN A KNOT…THE UK’S ROBERT INGRAMS   A portrait of the extremist mainstream in Great Britain, a man with a problem with Jewish names Richard Ingrams  Back in 2003, Richard Ingrams, one of Britain’s best known columnists and a co-founder of the satirical weekly Private Eye wrote in the Observer (sister newspaper on Sunday to the Guardian) the following […]

CASTING CALLS FOR GITMO ALUMNS IN GERMANY,1518,686168,00.html Germans Moving Closer to Accepting Guantanamo Detainees By Holger Stark Berlin has reversed course and may now be willing to accept prisoners from the Guantanamo detention facility. A delegation of German officials has visited the detention facility to interview potential candidates for resettlement, but there is still some resistance to the idea at home. […]