When the war finally comes where the world learns that we ARE the world’s Superpower; that we care more for our security than for their good will; that we treat our enemies as enemies; and that they can trust not only our promises of peace but our absolute willingness to fight them, if necessary, to […]
The Jewish Question: British Anti-Semitism By HAROLD BLOOM TRIALS OF THE DIASPORA A History of Anti-Semitism in England By Anthony Julius 811 pp. Oxford University Press. $45 Anthony Julius has written a strong, somber book on an appalling subject: the long squalor of Jew-hatred in a supposedly enlightened, humane, liberal society. My first, personal, reflection […]
May 10, 2010 Why the Ground Zero Mosque Must Be Stopped By Madeline Brooks Planting a mosque just two blocks from where Muslims murdered Americans on 9/11 in the name of Islam is a huge slap in the face. Why shouldn’t Muslims be sensitive enough to realize that a huge mosque planted right near the […]
TimesPeople Back to Main Daily Lesson Plan Lesson Plan Archive News Snapshot Issues in Depth On This Day in History Crossword Puzzle Campus Weblines Education News Newspaper in Education (NIE) Teacher Resources Classroom Subscriptions  Conversation Starters Vacation Donation Plan Discussion Topics Site Guide Feedback Job Opportunities   The War in Europe is Ended! […]
http://samforcongress.com/ Â HE STANDS THE BEST CHANCE TO UNSEAT CHRIS MURPHY WHOÂ VOTED FOR OBAMACARE AND CAP AND TRADE(WITHOUT READING IT!!!)….HE’S BEEN CALLED A “PELOSI PULL TOY RSK Â Defending our Nation Sam is committed to defending our nation from enemies at home and abroad. He believes we must make every effort to protect our borders, […]
http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ Can the Republican Party Win the Black Vote? The large number of Black Republican candidates running for office has opened up once again the question of how the GOP can win its share of the minority vote. John Hawkins recently argued in a Pajamas Media article that the GOP needs to radically change […]
 May 09, 2010 The Narrative of Defeat By Janet Levy It is now life-threatening to criticize or mock Islam in the United States of America. The creators of South Park, Viacom, and anyone associated with the production of a recent episode portraying Mohammed in a bear suit would have potentially risked life and limb if […]
http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,693336,00.html  Nuclear Proliferation in Latin America Is Brazil Developing the Bomb? By Hans Rühle Brazil has signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, but experts suspect it may be working on a nuclear bomb. The country is allowed to legally enrich uranium for its nuclear submarines, but nobody knows what happens to the fuel once it […]
Back to Main Daily Lesson Plan Lesson Plan Archive News Snapshot Issues in Depth On This Day in History Crossword Puzzle Campus Weblines Education News Newspaper in Education (NIE) Teacher Resources Classroom Subscriptions  Conversation Starters Vacation Donation Plan Discussion Topics Site Guide Feedback Job Opportunities   The War in Europe is Ended! Surrender […]
http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/israel-divestiture-movement-at-uc-berkeley-loses-battle-but-advances-their-war/?print=1 Israel Divestiture Movement at UC Berkeley Loses Battle, but Advances Their War Posted By Abraham H. Miller Both sides of the anti-Israel divestiture movement were focused on UC Berkeley [1] on April 29 [2]. Proponents of divestiture were making their third attempt to get a resolution passed, this time by trying to override Student […]