THE SULTAN’S WEEKLY ROUNDUP   Friday Afternoon Roundup – First We Take Manhattan, Then We Take Berlin The difference between Bill Clinton and Barack Obama’s political instincts couldn’t be clearer with the Health Care Summit. Clinton knew when to get out, shift focus and outplay his opponents. Obama meanwhile remains under the delusion that he’s a bulldozer that […]

BLINKING ON IRAN….NO “CRIPPLING SANCTIONS” Obama Giving Up On “Crippling” Iran Sanctions This is the second time in as many weeks that the State Department has, for reasons that are largely unfathomable, unilaterally taken an anti-Iran option off the table. Two Wednesdays ago Clinton told Al-Arabiya that military action wasn’t even a consideration, which had the predictable effect of […]


NRO — The Corner “In the Democrat leadership, we are not dealing with conventional politicians for whom the goal of being reelected is paramount and will rein in their radicalism. They want socialized medicine and all it entails about government control even more than they want to win elections.” Saturday, February 27, 2010 Transformation [Andy […]

REPUBLICANS LOVE ISRAEL….DEMS NOT SO MUCH Republicans ♥ Israel. Democrats? Not So Much. According to a Gallup survey tracking attitudes about the “situation” in the Middle East, 63 percent of Americans today say their sympathies lie with Israel, while only fifteen percent express the same for the Palestinians. Which should be a comfort to supporters of the Jewish State, who […]

UK HARDENS SUPPORT FOR “GALLSTONE” REPORT Britain hardens line in support of Goldstone Report, not one EU member state votes against it at latest UN resolution In yet another shameful day at the United Nations, Britain has signalled a hardening of its position in support of the Goldstone Report on Gaza. In the General Assembly’s latest vote on Friday, Britain […]

FEEL SAFE? HOMELAND SECURITY BUDGET FALLS SHORT OF THE MISSION   Saturday Feb 27th The FY 2011 Homeland Security Budget: Spending Doesn’t Match the Missions Written by Jena Baker McNeill    Saturday, 27 February 2010 06:34 Backgrounder #2376 Abstract: President Obama has released his fiscal year 2011 budget request. While the budget increases funding for the Department of Homeland Security […]


Friday, February 26, 2010 The PVV: Heading for Victory in Almere by Baron BodisseyThe Dutch government has fallen, and new elections have been scheduled: first in line are next Wednesday’s local municipal elections, followed by elections for the national parliament in June. In the March 3 elections, Geert Wilders’ party has fielded candidates in only […]

BEWARE OF GREEKS RETURNING GIFTS: DAVID SOLWAY Three Bottles of Wine: Greece, Israel, and Me Beware of Greeks returning gifts. February 27, 2010 – by David Solway In the Aeneid of Virgil, the character Laocoön warns his compatriots about the Trojan Horse left at the gates of the city. “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts” — an aphorism that has entered the […]

WHO LOST IRAN? PLEASE SEE NOTE ON IKE SORRY MR. LEWIS BUT YOUR CLAIM: “That slogan”Who lost China?” reminded American voters to elect Ike Eisenhower. As Supreme Allied Commander in Europe he had unsurpassed experience in national security and international politics. He was a wise and reassuring presence, the right president for the First Nuclear Age.” IS JUST PLAIN DEAD WRONG!! IKE […]

ANOTHER MURDER BY CASTRO’S KGB/STASI REGIME Black Civil Rights Activist Murdered by Castro Regime By Humberto Fontova On Feb 23th Black Human Rights activist Orlando Zapata-Tamayo died after an 83 day hunger strike and a series of savage beatings by his Castroite jailer/torturers. Some background: Shortly after Jimmy Carter (famous for his “Human Rights” flavored foreign policy as president) visited […]