The Leftwing Insurrection Paul Krause

According to the propaganda narrative of the media, Donald Trump and the Republican Party foment insurrection and illegitimacy in American politics. Only the noble left, with its commitment to democracy, can defend America and its institutions and rule of law. This is hogwash and anyone free from the tyrannic propaganda of the media knows it. In reality, the left peddles insurrectionist language and promotes the idea of American illegitimacy so as to endorse insurrectionist behavior—“in the name of democracy” though.

Joe Scarborough, one of the most annoying individuals to ever purvey television propaganda, has recently called the Supreme Court “illegitimate.” So have other liberal opinion writers. And what does all this talk of Court illegitimacy bring? Insurrectionist beliefs. It is an announcement for haters of America to begin burning property and launching violent protests aimed at desecrating the rule of law in the United States. It is the go-ahead for the army of Bolshevik street-warriors to assail American institutions and the freedom they uphold.

I was just a child, but I do recall the hoopla over the 2000 election. Memory is short, but liberal writers and activists militantly wrote opinion pieces decrying the “stolen” election. Jonathan Chait, 12 years later, in New York Magazine, wrote that the 2000 election was stolen. Even more recently, Terry McAuliffe, the ungracious loser of the 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election, spewed that the 2000 election was stolen.  Twenty years after the election, many liberals cannot—will not—accept the 2000 election. Their language of a stolen election implies what? Insurrection and illegitimacy.

The time has come: Canada must find a way to legally remove a dangerous Prime Minister: Diane Bederman

“People who are more vengeful tend to be those who are motivated by power, by authority and by the desire for status.” Ian McKee of Adelaide University in Australia

Canada must find a way to legally remove a dangerous Prime Minister. We are being led by a Prime Minister who is corrupt, inept, immoral, divisive, vicious, vindictive and vengeful towards those with whom he disagrees. If we are to remain a democracy, we must find a way to remove dangerous Prime Ministers so that this never happens, again.

To be blunt: Justin Trudeau is a traitor to our Constitution, a traitor to our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a traitor to Canadians and is a wannabe dictator. He loves how the Chinese government functions. He even invited Chinese Troops to “train” in Canada.

He “forgets” that we have inalienable rights that he cannot take away at will.

The Badly Needed EastMed Pipeline Awaits Approval by Judith Bergman

“Germany must be prepared that it could be the next country to which Gazprom cuts gas deliveries. Europe, therefore, needs a multitude of alternatives to the Russian energy supply.” — German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, The New York Times, April 28, 2022.

The pre-feasibility studies [of the EastMed pipeline that would transport gas to Europe from Israel and Cyprus through Greece], conducted from 2015-18 and paid for by the European Union, found that the project is “technically feasible, economically viable and commercially competitive.”

“The analysis conducted for the activity related to the economic, financial and competitiveness studies, evidenced that the [EastMed] Project contributes to the improvement of market integration of currently isolated countries such as Cyprus and some Greek regions, to the enhancement of energy security diversifying the supply sources for Europe and to the reduction of the EU-wide consumers’ gas bill.” — Conclusion of pre-feasibility studies published by European Commission, July 2019.

“Moreover, taking into account the need of additional net imports to satisfy EU gas demand by 2030 and the risk associated to the current production availability, procurement and transport of gas supply, the Project provides strategic contribution to the EU security of supply.” — Conclusion of pre-feasibility studies published by European Commission, July 2019.

The significant rise in natural gas prices in Europe favors the economic viability of the pipeline, according to energy expert Michalis Mathioulakis, of the ELIAMEP think tank.

[US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria] Nuland’s comments appeared especially odd as, after meeting with her counterparts in Turkey on April 4, she told the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet that more pipelines were needed in the Eastern Mediterranean. The US, it appears, prefers to steer the business to Turkey’s strongman, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, rather than to America’s democratic allies, Cyprus, Israel and Greece.

According to the Biden administration, therefore, pipelines that go via Turkey are apparently acceptable, Algerian gas pipelines are also acceptable, but the long-planned Israeli-Greek-Cypriot EastMed pipeline is not acceptable.

“What we are waiting for is the final report which is financed by the EU. And I repeat, the position was from the start – and that is why the study is being carried out – if it is viable, if there are investors, if the seabed permits, then it will be carried out. The US government does not decide about a European project. What everyone can see, and this is very important, is the need for the EU to cease being dependent on specific markets and the alternative channels for natural gas to Europe and the closest is none other than the basin of the eastern Mediterranean.” — Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades, Cyprus Mail, April 8, 2022.

“[I]t must not be up to one of the parties, the United States, to impose its own energy policy upon the parties, but rather, it should be up to the parties to arrive at an energy policy that best serves their collective interest. Under Secretary Nuland’s contradictory messaging on Eastern Mediterranean pipeline projects…. gives the appearance of appeasement of Turkey.” — Nick Larigakis, American Hellenic Institute, Ekathimerini, April 12, 2022.

Turkey has been opposed to the EastMed pipeline project all along… [W]hen the Biden administration first announced its unofficial opposition to the project, the reasons given by the US were primarily environmental and financial. Then, suddenly, Nuland claimed that the timeline for the project is too long because Europe needs gas “now.” Whatever the reasons given, they come across as an ill-disguised attempt at placating Turkey at the expense of Europe’s energy security, and attempts to free itself of Russian energy dependency. The Biden administration is once again demonstrating how, unfortunately, it prefers to do business.

Russia is expected to make almost $321 billion from its energy exports this year — over a third more, according to Bloomberg, than last year.

The Devil is in the Details, so Let’s Avoid the Details E.J. Hare

The pro-abortion party tries to defend the practice by not talking about it.

The reported leak of a Supreme Court decision returning the question of abortion laws to the states drove the leftist media into a state of outrage and indignation. But after so many years of fundraising and voter mobilization based on the threat of Roe being overturned, it seems the Left has forgotten its arguments in favor of the unrestricted right to abortion. Instead, it is struggling to find an argument that is consonant with their present focus on race-based injustice as the through line for all social and political debate.

Amid the predictable race-and-gender based invective against the three white men among the five-justice majority indicated by the leaked draft, there is a discernible effort to steer the discussion away from the issue at hand. We are told that this decision will be quickly followed by reversals of the right to contraception access, state-sanctioned homosexual marriage, or interracial marriage. While there is no clear connection amongst these issues beyond a reliance on “substantive due process,” implication is that the Left would prefer to deflect from talking about abortion itself toward more comfortable subjects.

But abortion, even for its proponents, involves very specific ideas about when a human fetus becomes worthy of protection by the state, and the dubious notion of “viability.” It involves distasteful realities that cannot be elided via euphemism. Today’s abortion rights absolutists insist on a right to terminate a developing fetus well past the point of “viability,” and become incensed by any mention of what would be involved in terminating a fetus at 40 weeks.

Inflation: A Long Way to Go

The news that the headline rate of inflation (CPI) had eased slightly (to 8.3 percent) was, of course, better than news that it had increased, but, like one of those days when the Entente reported having seized an extra hundred feet of mud on the Western Front in 1916, it was no real cause for celebration.

As AP’s Christopher Rugaber noted:

Wednesday’s report contained some cautionary signs that inflation may be becoming more entrenched. Excluding the volatile food and energy categories, so-called core prices jumped twice as much from March to April as they did the previous month. The increases were fueled by spiking prices for airline tickets, hotel rooms and new cars. Apartment rental costs also kept rising.

I can see how the surge in the cost of airline tickets might ease after a while but, given how rising home prices take a while to percolate through to “shelter” costs for the purposes of the CPI, that’s one area (I reckon) that will not be showing slower increases any time soon.


In April, a fallback in gas prices helped slow overall inflation. Nationally, average prices for a gallon of gas fell to as low as $4.10 in April, according to AAA, after having spiked to $4.32 in March. But since then, gas prices have surged to a record $4.40 a gallon.

Grocery prices, too, are still soaring, in part because Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has heightened the cost of wheat and other grains. Food prices rose 1% from March to April and nearly 11% from a year ago. That year-over-year increase is the biggest since 1980.

FBI Whistleblowers Claim Agents Investigated Parents Accused of Threatening School Boards over Mask Policies-By Zachary Evans

House Judiciary Committee Republicans claimed in a letter on Wednesday that the FBI conducted investigations into Americans based on allegations that they threatened local school boards, citing whistleblowers from the agency.

The FBI’s counterterrorism bureau reportedly created an internal “threat tag” in fall 2021 to track alleged threats against school boards following an October 4 directive from Attorney General Merrick Garland. Garland released his directive after the National School Boards Association called on the Biden administration on September 29 to investigate parents who allegedly threatened boards over policies on school masks and critical race theory, and to determine whether the parents had violated the Patriot Act or hate crimes laws. (The NSBA subsequently apologized for releasing the letter.)

The FBI labeled “dozens” of investigations with the threat tag “EDUOFFICIALS,” Representatives Jim Jordan (R., Ohio) and Mike Johnson (R., La.) claimed in their new letter on Wednesday, citing FBI whistleblowers. Jordan and Johnson wrote that the new revelations contradicted Garland’s congressional testimony denying that parents were intentionally targeted under counterterrorism procedures.

A Pure Call to Patriotism through Music by Lawrence Kadish

It should come as no surprise that some of the most heartfelt music about our nation was penned by an immigrant, Irving Berlin. His biography reports that he was born Israel Baline in a Siberian Jewish village. After it was attacked by an anti-Semitic mob, his family realized America was their only hope, settling in Manhattan’s Lower East Side in search of opportunity but — more important — freedom.

Few know America’s exceptionalism better than those who have borne witness to the deprivations of other lands.

When one considers Berlin’s lyrics the reader can appreciate why many call it America’s unofficial anthem.

God bless America, land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above
From the mountains to the prairies
To the oceans white with foam
God bless America, my home sweet home
God bless America, my home sweet home

Berlin knew why he was writing lyrics from his American soul. He is quoted as stating, “My ambition is to reach the heart of the average American……..the real soul of the country….”

Biden’s Racial Preferences Gone Wild By Kenin M. Spivak

Despite a century of Supreme Court decisions that forbid discriminating on the basis of race, 140 federal agencies plan to do just that.

In April, the Biden administration powerfully signaled that it will not be constrained by the Constitution or federal law as it implements its “whole-of-government” executive order to embed “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) in all aspects of federal-government policies and American lives.

In 2021 the administration amplified its initial executive order with a second order on DEI in the federal workforce, a government-wide strategic plan, and a Gender Equity Plan that paints a dystopian picture for American women and, like the administration’s other DEI plans, focuses on people of color and members of the LGBTQI+ community. The American Rescue Plan (ARP) and the infrastructure bill included billions to advance equitable outcomes for restaurant owners, farmers, small businesses, homeowners, and construction companies that are denied, depending on the program, to straight white males, other whites, and Asian Americans.

More than once, the Supreme Court has observed that “distinctions between citizens solely because of their ancestry are by their very nature odious to a free people” (e.g., Rice v. Cayetano [2000] and Hirabayashi v. United States [1943]). As Chief Justice John Roberts has noted, using racial discrimination to undo racial discrimination doesn’t work; rather, “the way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race” (Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1 [2007]). In Shaw v. Hunt (1996), the Court put it directly: “Racial classifications are antithetical to the Fourteenth Amendment.”

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in federally funded programs, and Title VII does the same in private employment. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 has been construed generally to prohibit the federal government from varying individual property and contract rights based on race or color. In Bostock v. Clayton County, the Supreme Court recently extended these protections to gender identification.

Abortion Polls Are Garbage-By David Harsanyi

Media outlets do everything they can to obfuscate the issue and protect Democrats. It’s obvious in the questions they ask.

With the leak of a Supreme Court draft opinion by Samuel Alito overturning Roe v. Wade, the media have gone into hyperdrive trying to obscure the real contours of the debate. One of the most obvious ways they do it is by highlighting politically motivated surveys and conducting push-polling.

Take Politico’s recent Morning Consult poll, which informs us that 53 percent of voters say Roe should not be overturned. Even among Republican voters, only 48 percent support overturning Roe. First of all, who cares? It’s a completely irrelevant query, really. The court exists not to care what polls tells them. And, really, on what constitutional grounds do these 53 percent of Americans maintain the decision should be upheld? There is tons of evidence illustrating that, other than in the broadest terms, most Americans have no idea what Roe entails.

If you want to delve into the topic, a more far more worthwhile line of inquiry would be: “Do you believe the issue of abortion should be a protected constitutional right, or should voters be able to decide the issue on a state level?” This properly lays out the reality of choices that voters face. And I suspect the numbers would look quite different when the issue is framed properly. But, of course, that would mean informing those being questioned that overturning Roe doesn’t necessarily mean an abortion ban. That would be inconvenient.

The Morning Consult poll also finds that 41 percent of voters say it is “very important” for them to vote for a candidate in the 2022 midterms who supports “abortion access.” Every Republican-led law that’s been enacted on the issue of abortion in recent years, including the Mississippi bill that sparked the Dobbs case, provides “access” to abortion. Maybe some future bill won’t, but these do. Do you think those 41 percent understand this reality — one that is purposedly obscured by the question? I don’t.

They’re Not Insane, They Have a Plan Is it just deranged thespians and virtue-signaling politicians who have been driven mad? Not quite. By Sebastian Gorka

What has happened to politics in America? I know we should never look to Hollywood for sagacity or nuanced political analysis, but things are out of control. Do you remember the TV show “Beauty and the Beast”? Or the original “HellBoy” movie? Ron Perlman starred in both and made a name for himself over the years play-acting tough guys. He seems to have forgotten it was all make-believe and that he’s only an actor. 

In the reaction he posted online to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signing a bill to prevent the systematic sexualization of children in Florida, Perlman ranted in an expletive-laden tirade like a character out of “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” And it’s not just actors who have lost the plot. 

In response to the eminently reasonable law, New York City Mayor Eric Adams, a former cop who should know better, has spent taxpayer dollars on billboards in Florida to lure gay Floridians to move to New York. He seems to think homosexual Americans should love high taxes and skyrocketing crime rates. 

Is it just deranged thespians and virtue-signaling politicians who have been driven mad? Not quite. The ideological infection has spread all the way to the White House, with outgoing White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki breaking down at the prospect of the excellent Florida Bill becoming law. 

I could go on. Just consider the organized indoctrination in our schools by delightful teachers parading their trans agenda on TikTok. But at least the lunacy can’t affect the real world that you live in, where 2 + 2 = 4. The empirical world of real jobs, free markets, and concrete bottom lines will remain apart from this nonsense, right? Wrong. Thanks to the investigative journalism of Christopher Rufo, we now have internal videos from one of the biggest for-profit, capitalist entities in the world, the Walt Disney Co. These videos show their perverse agenda to sexualize their young viewers.  

Where did this all come from, and what do we do about it? Well, as with most diabolical movements in Western Civilization today, the radical transgender project can be traced back to the Frankfurt School of neo-Marxists. Whether it’s environmentalism, globalism, open-borders policies, or just systematic anti-Americanism, it can usually be traced back to that motley crew of malcontents. 

Transgenderism itself is particularly rooted in something called “queer theory,” the best analysis of which can be found in Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay’s crucial work Cynical Theories.  In it, using the works of key postmodernists, we learn that: “Queer Theory is a political project [designed] to challenge what is called normativity—that some things are more common or regular to the human condition.” If it’s normal, if it’s morally sound, if it’s traditional, it must be challenged and eventually overturned.