Protesting the Protesters by Cal Thomas “I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, somehow you’re not patriotic, and we should stand up and say, ‘We are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.’” Was that a […]
Published on The Weekly Standard ( Libya Joins the Jihad Against Switzerland BY Olivier Guitta Normally placid, neutral Switzerland has been going through a rough couple of years. First there was financial scandal, when Swiss banking giant UBS was caught helping U.S. clients evade taxes. Then came intense international pressure to overturn the country?s banking […]
Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West (US Army, Retired) Greetings Wheels on the Road (WOTR) readers, fellow South Floridians, and all Americans, time for another monthly political assessment. There are so many thoughts running through my brain but they all come back to the events of Thursday, 15 April 2010….Tax Day. On that day I had […]
National Review Online: Are We Still an Ally of Israel? Who Knows? V Victor Davis Hanson In a recent Gallup poll, 85 percent of Republicans and only 48 percent of Democrats supported Israel rather that the Palestinians. What to make of it? The hard Left’s multiculturalist furor at Israel has made enormous inroads into the […]  Monday, April 19, 2010 Obama Congratulates Israel on 62nd Anniversary – Just Kidding A search for “Obama congratulates Israel on 62nd anniversary” pops up numerous results, but for 2009, not 2010…you remember, back when Obama was stilll carrying on the presidential charade. Update 7:50 p.m. EDT Reader “Gee” has just sent a […]
May 1948, When American Foreign Policy Had The Moral Compass It’s Missing Today The first country to recognize the State of Israel was the United States. That recognition almost didn’t happen. It was purely by the will of the President, Harry Truman, that the UN Partition Plan was implemented. Throughout the months leading up to […]
The Strategic Foundations of the US-Israel Alliance CAROLINE GLICK Israel’s status as the US’s most vital ally in the Middle East has been so widely recognized for so long that over the years, Israeli and American leaders alike have felt it unnecessary to explain what it is about the alliance that makes it so important […] Humor vs. Contempt: Obama and the Question of Character Much has been made of Barack Obama’s claim to have been “amused†by the nationwide tea party demonstrations on Tax Day last week. Really, he told acolytes at a Democratic fund-raiser (expected haul: $2.5 million), “they should be saying thank you.†Applause. Cries of “Thank […]
Dear E-pals:  Americans For a Safe Israel has issued a pamphlet written by William Mehlman our AFSI chapter chairman in Israel. It is named “Jabotinsky….The Man and the Vision”.  From the foreword: Exerpts  “Seven decades have passed since the death of Ze’ev Jabotinsky. In that time great and terrible events have transpired […] Â A True and Lasting Independence Without the sacrifices made to preserve freedom, there could be no independence. And without independence, those sacrifices have no meaning. And so tonight Israel remembers its fallen in the Yom HaZikaron, Memorial Day. And tomorrow, it remembers their achievement, a free and independent nation in Yom HaAtzmaut, Independence […]