Exclusive: No Big Deal, Just Some People in Africa, Right? Gadi Adelman It’s a shame that people in this country don’t believe those of us who warn about creeping Sharia and Islam. To a certain extent, it’s understandable, especially when the media just ignore not only global massacres but the obvious happening right here […]
SPIEGEL ONLINE Verse Behind the Veil Saudi Woman Challenges Religious Order with Poetry By Alexander Smoltczyk Hissa Hilal was the first woman to reach the final of Abu Dhabi world-famous poetry competition, “The Million’s Poet,” which attracts a massive television audience across the Arab world. But the success of the veiled Saudi Arabian poet, who […] The Jews of Silence By Richard Baehr The New York Times, in a front page article, described how President Obama appears to be reconsidering, if not turning away from, the historic strategic alliance between the U.S. and Israel. In remarks made at the end of the multinational nuclear security talks, Obama reinforced this message, […]
HE SHOULD FRET AND MAYBE PACK UP…THE PALARABS REMEMBER HIS DADDY’S MASSACRE OF THE PLO UPSTARTS AND THEY KNOW THAT HIS THRONELET HAS NO HISTORIC TIES TO PALESTINEÂ …..RSKÂ Photo by: AP Abdullah: Summertime war possible By JERUSALEM POST STAFF 17/04/2010 21:40 King urges Israel, PA to accept Arab peace initiative. Talkbacks (77) Â Moderate Muslim […]  THIS IS ALL MORE BLAH, BLAH, BLAH ABOUT THE SLOWER ROUTE TO THE TWO STATE DISSOLUTION BUT McFARLAND DOES SEE SOMETHING HERE WHICH I FEAR IS THE REAL OBAMA LINE….  “a family of policies aimed not only at resolving the Israeli-Palestinian dispute but also at creating a new regional security architecture to […]
The View From Jerusalem Why Israel is anxious about the Obama Administration. “For all the current talk about Israel costing America lives and treasure, the striking fact is that the U.S. has never had to go to war to defend the Jewish state. This is more than can be said for Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, […] Gates warns Obama US lacks Iran policy in secret ‘wake-up call’ memo Robert Gates, the Pentagon chief, has warned President Barack Obama in a secret “wake-up call” memo that the White House has no effective policy for dealing with a nuclear Iran. By Toby Harnden in Washington  In the memo, Mr Gates outlined a […]
NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE          PRINT Elliott Abrams April 19, 2010 4:00 A.M. SCUDs and Syria:Israel has a legal right and a moral obligation to keep Syrian arms out of Lebanon.  According to recent news stories, Israel believes that Syria is supplying SCUD missiles to Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon. Should Israel bomb Syria to stop […]
Presidential Mistakes by David Pryce-Jones President Obama is reported as saying that American policy towards Israel is “costing us significantly in blood and treasure.” First mistake. It’s the other way round, Israel is holding the front line against Iran whose power is spreading through the region via Syria, Hizbollah and Hamas. If Israel was not holding […]
IslamoCare Posted By Dr. John Kenneth Press The UK Department of Health recently announced that it would loosen hygiene rules for Muslim and Sikh doctors and nurses. From now on, Muslim female staff will not need to wash their hands before procedures as it compromises their modesty. Instead, they will have the admittedly less sanitary […]