The War of Ideas: Jihadism Against Democracy By Raymond Ibrahim After the strikes of 9/11, a plethora of books dealing with the threat of radical Islam appeared in the West. In The War of Ideas: Jihad Against Democracy, Dr.Walid Phares-who has been studying Islamism and its impact on international relations decades before 9/11 […]
National Review Online Andrew C. McCarthy NR Contributing Editor April 17, 2010 7:00 A.M.  The Kids Are Alright Holder cows Republican senators into silence on the Gitmo Bar and the CIA. So now we know why the self-proclaimed “most transparent administration in American history†continues to stonewall rather than reveal the official responsibilities […]
Putin wins again By RALPH PETERS Jeez, this guy is good. A few years back, I wrote that Russia’s Prime Minis ter Vladimir Putin was the most impressive major leader on today’s world stage. Since then, he’s gotten better. Back then, he was eating President George W. Bush for breakfast. Now he’s snacking on […] We knew, it was only a matter of time… 16 04 2010 From “Scientific†American via Reuters, proof positive that global warming is omnipotent and is intertwined into anything you choose it to be. Why, even the inner Earth bends to its will. And we all know that once the inner Earth gets out, we’re […]  …HERE IS MY E-PAL JOEL B. POLLAK NOMINEE FOR CONGRESS R-IL NINTH DSTRICT…. AND PLEASE SEE THIS VIDEO OF HIM AT THE TEA PARTY….YOU’LL LOVE IT!!!…..RSK  Max Blumenthal Trashes Roth Report On Antisemitism Posted by Joel B. Pollak Max Blumenthal, a blogger who has frequently accused prominent conservative activists of racism, has trashed […]
Defeat al Qaeda by removing its “cool” image Michael Holden  LONDON (Reuters) – The way to beat al Qaeda and stop Islamist groups gaining recruits to violent causes is to remove their “cool” image and make fun of terrorists instead, according to a major international study published on Friday.  Islamist groups gaining […] Exclusive: Insects in the Dust G. Murphy Donovan “Feministing (the blog) is head and shoulders above any writing on women’s issues in mainstream media.†– Columbia Journalism Review  Once upon a time, American feminists had noble goals; sexual equality, a political franchise, and a host of concerns about the rights of girls and […]  Exclusive: Two for the Price of One Marilyn Penn There is something infinitely satisfying about getting two for the price of one or, as the slightly different aphorism states, killing two birds with one stone. We like the appeal of mutual benefit and of both parties in a transaction coming out ahead – […]  The Palestinians Already Have Two States: The Truth According to Khaled Abu Toameh The Real War is Palestinian vs. Palestinian The world has gone mad—or at least, the American leadership has now formally joined the Islamist and international madness about “peace in the Middle East.†President Obama has just claimed that American “vital […]
Jewish World Review April 16, 2010 / 2 Iyar 5770 Far Left Israeli paper manufactures spy scandal to harm Jewish State By Caroline B. Glick Ha’aretz fancies itself as the Middle East’s “newspaper of record”. It champions those who seek an Israeli affirmation of their anti-Israel attitudes Over the past two weeks Israel has been […]