Mr. President, Your Animus Is Showing Okay, so Obama’s teeth gnash when it comes to Israel, but our past Secretary of State Rice had a great deal of trouble hiding her animus to Israel. Was it not also “personal”.?..In her words about the Palarabs’ terrorism: “The prolonged experience of deprivation and humiliation can radicalize […]
Genocide In South Africa By Pamela Geller The genocide of white South Africans is heating up. Last week, South Africa’s ruling African National Congress (ANC) finally told its members to stop singing the song “Kill the Boer” — that is, murder white South Africans. (Boer is Afrikaans for “farmer,” but colloquially is a disparaging term […]
OPINION APRIL 15, 2010 ‘Peace Is Our Profession’ The Soviets knew Gen. Curtis LeMay wouldn’t hesitate to bomb them if ordered. That may be why he never had to. By WARREN KOZAK In 1964, Hollywood mirrored the world’s fears with two major motion pictures focused on nuclear nightmare scenarios—”Fail-Safe” and “Dr. Strangelove.” That same year […]
What Drives Islam to be the Religion of War “He it is who has sent His Messenger (Mohammed) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam) to make it victorious over all religions even though the infidels may resist.” Koran 61:9 Â Â Hezbollah (Party of Allah) in LebanonWhy is Islam constantly a source of […] Al-Qaeda at city mosque in Sydney ERIK JENSEN April 15, 2010 EXCLUSIVE AN AL-QAEDA recruiter, described as the No. 1 terrorist threat to America, was engaged by a Sydney youth group to address hundreds of young people – a decision that has caused deep divisions at one of Australia’s largest mosques. At the same […] Published on The Brussels Journal ( Why Israel’s Struggle Is Our Struggle, Too By Fjordman As Bat Ye’or showed in Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis and I elaborated in my own book Defeating Eurabia, Eurabia was born when Western European leaders abandoned their pro-Israeli stance due to Arab threats in the 1970s. This should serve […] Exclusive: Arizona Legislature Takes a Stand on Illegal Aliens as Feds Twiddle Their Thumbs Michael Cutler An article appearing in the Los Angeles Times this week reports on how Arizona’s legislature have passed new laws that would get local law enforcement involved in the enforcement of the immigration laws. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is […] Hamas executes two Palestinians in Gaza 34 mins ago GAZA (Reuters) – Hamas said on Thursday it executed by firing squad two Palestinians convicted by a Gaza military court of collaborating with Israel. It was the first time that Hamas has carried out formal executions since the Islamist group seized control of the Gaza […]
LIE AFTER LIE…..BY THE FOLKS WHOSE PARENTS CHEERED HITLER…..RSK SPIEGEL ONLINE 04/14/2010 02:38 PM The Right-Wing Revolutionaries Tea Party Movement Mirrors a Deeply Divided America By Marc Hujer and Thomas Schulz US President Barack Obama came to power promising to unite the nation. Now he has divided it even more than his predecessor George W. […]
IN 1990 AMERICANS FOR A SAFE ISRAEL PUBLISHED A PAMPHLET : “THE NEW ISRAEL FUND: A FUND FOR ISRAEL’S ENEMIES” BY IRVING MOSKOWITZ….WHAT TOOK OTHERS SO LONG TO WAKE UP? AF New Israel Fund: Supporting Israel’s Destruction, One NGO at a Time?Posted By Abraham H. Miller Like every person who reads the Jewish Forward […]