The Baehr Essentials Richard Baehr Scott Brown has won a seat occupied by the Kennedy family for 55 of the last 57 years. He won by 5% in a state that had not elected a Republican Senator since the early 70s, a state that Barack Obama won by 26%, and is the most Democratic state […]

DIANA WEST: MEANWHILE BACK IN AFGHANISTAN Meanwhile, Back in Afghanistan … Jan 23 Written by: Diana West Saturday, January 23, 2010 Stars and Stripes photo: Pvt. Abdulaziz Alqahtani, who serves with the special security force from Bahrain, is among 125 troops from the Muslim nation deployed to Helmand province, Afghanistan. —– Take your eyes away for a few days and […]

OBAMA’S TOWN HALL MEETING IN OHIO WAS A TRAIN WRECK FOR THE PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA Obama’s Train Wreck of a Town Hall in Ohio Earlier this week, during a radio interview, I had said that Obama’s appearance for Martha Coakley on Sunday was the least effective stump appearances I had seen from a president. A lot of factors contributed to that – Coakley’s literally yawn-inducing speech, the […]

MICHELLE BACHMANN WHUPS POLITICAL CROSS DRESSER ARLEN SPECTER Michelle Bachmann Whups Air-Bag Arlen Specter On Talk Radio Show 2010 January 22 by John L. Work My mother was a puncher when she needed to punch. She swung a mean left hook and blacked more than one eye during her youth. Horrified, her older sister Audrey ran into my grandmother’s home one day, […]

DUMB AND DHIMMI: ISRAEL SHELLS OVER 10.5 MILLION FOR GAZA DAMAGE…..YIKES Israel pays U.N. $10.5 million over Gaza damage By Patrick Worsnip Patrick Worsnip Fri Jan 22, 4:45 pm ET UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – Israel has paid the United Nations $10.5 million for property damage and injuries the world body suffered during Israel’s attack on Gaza a year ago, a U.N. spokesman and Israeli diplomats […]

Fitzgerald: Arabia Petraea, Or General Petraeus’ Middle East (Part 2) Fitzgerald: Arabia Petraea, Or General Petraeus’ Middle East (Part 2) Part 1 is here. T. E. Lawrence thought of himself as a great expert on the Arabs, and he managed to convince others to share in that belief. And he met a felt need, in Great Britain in the 1920s, after the Great War, […]

FILIPINO WORKER IN SAUDI ARABIA IS RAPED AND SENTENCED TO 100 LASHES Saudi Arabia: Rape victim now faces 100 lashes for the crime of being raped Recently someone forwarded me a pseudo-scholarly piece by a smooth Islamic apologist purporting to prove that I was wrong, wrong, wrong (and therefore evil as well, of course) about Islamic rules of evidence for crimes of zina (adultery, fornication, and […]

IT’S CARTERAMA ALL OVER AGAIN Mass. Vote Shows Obama a Rerun of Carter Dan Gainor Friday, January 22, 2010 It’s January and we’re watching reruns. The clueless main character and his band of misfits are struggling through another groovy episode. Barack Obama’s playing the cool lead with V.P. Joe Biden filling the role of the balding, curmudgeonly father figure. […]

GRIM NEWS ON UNEMPLOYMENT Unemployment rose in 43 states last month Christopher S. Rugaber ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON (AP) — Unemployment rates rose in 43 states last month, the government said Friday, painting a bleak picture of the job market that illustrated nationwide data released two weeks ago. The rise in joblessness was a sharp change from November, when […]

ONCE AGAIN MR. PRESIDENT…FOR US SCHLUBS THAT DON’T GET IT: MARK STEYN How’s That Again, Mr. President, For Us Schlubs Who Don’t Get It? By MARK STEYN The president at a Jan. 17 campaign stop in Boston for Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley. The most striking aspect of his performance was… View Enlarged Image So what went wrong? According to Barack Obama, the problem is he overestimated you dumb […]