McCHRYSTAL CLEAR:” COUNTERINSURGENCY IS DECIDED BY “HOW PEOPLE FEEL” War General’s Worry: “How People Feel” Written by: Diana West It feels like forever, but it’s only been six months since I started following “counterinsurgency” philosophy as particularly hyped by our top commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley A.McChrystal. Then again, it’s only been six months since McChrystal got the top job. In that time, […]

DIANA WEST: YOU CANNOT WIN AFGHAN HEARTS I Repeat, You Cannot Win Afghan Hearts Diana West “Jihad? What’s jihad? Among see-no-Islam Western policymakers, Islamic war doctrine is a cipher, a taboo, so policy is made in ignorance. But thousands of uneducated Afghans knew exactly what the Taliban meant. And what’s more, they acted on it. ” This wasn’t supposed to happen […]

IT IS OFFICIAL NOW: POLITICAL CORRECTNESS KILLED 13 AT FORT HOOD Spencer: Political Correctness Claims 13 Lives at Fort Hood In Human Events this morning I discuss the recent revelations confirming that Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Hasan’s Islamic supremacist tendencies were repeatedly overlooked by his cowed and politically correct superiors, who kept promoting him instead of removing him from the military: It’s official: political correctness […]

GOOGLE GOES JIHAD: ROBERT SPENCER Google Goes Jihad Posted By Robert Spencer Google, the Internet’s ubiquitous search engine, is under fire this week for censoring negative search results about Islam. If you type “Christianity is” into the Google search box, there immediately pop up a series of suggested completions to the sentence, most of them derogatory: “Christianity is bulls—t,” […]

KRAUTHAMMER: A YEAR AGO HE WAS KING OF THE WORLD…WHAT HAPPENED? System Takes Its Revenge On 2009’s King By CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER What went wrong? A year ago, he was king of the world. Now President Obama’s approval rating, according to CBS, has dropped to 46% — and his disapproval rating is the highest ever recorded by Gallup at the beginning of an (elected) president’s second […]

CIVILIZATION AT WAR WITH ITSELF: THE SULTAN Civilization at War with Itself If there is one guiding motto for modern liberalism, it is Pogo’s, “We have met the enemy… and he is us”. That core paradigm usually rendered in more poetic and radically charged prose traveled from radical salons to become embedded in the educational system and popular culture. And its […]

BETTER SECURITY NEEDED IN VISA PROCESS: MICHAEL CUTLER January 14, 2010 Exclusive: Better Security Needed in Visa Process Michael Cutler This recent Washington Times article focuses on the efforts of Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) to highlight the need for better security in the visa issuance process. I’ve raised this critical issue on a number of occasions, and I’m pleased that Sen. Grassley […]


January 14, 2010 Exclusive: Political Correctness – a Deadly Infection Tom McLaughlin Only recently have I become aware of the depths to which political correctness has permeated our culture. I knew it was bad, but I didn’t know how bad. It’ll be the ruin of us if we don’t kill it and comb its nits […]

ABBAS AND THE PALARABS: INFLATED EXPECTATIONS Past Anti-Israel Diplomacy On one side of the vaunted Palestinian territories, Hamas absolutely refuses to negotiate with Israel, thereby confirming every single thing they’ve ever said. On the other side Fatah can’t handle their own terrorists let alone go after Hamas or Islamic Jihad infiltrators. It’s an open question whether they even want to […]


TSA: Security fails to spot gun at Mont. airport Thu Jan 14, BOZEMAN, Mont. – Officials say security screeners at a Bozeman-area airport failed to spot a gun in a passenger’s luggage last month, but the man turned himself in when he realized his error. Transportation Security Administration spokesman Dwayne Baird said in a written […]