Two years ago, Dhaba Almontaser, aka Debbie, lost her chance at being principal of the Khalil Gibran Middle School after the New York Post revealed her affiliation with a group that had printed Intifada NYC tee shirts. Dhab/Deb first denied that she knew anything about the shirts, then shifted to explaining that intifada was […] Turkey: A Threat, Yet Again By Srdja Trifkovic Inside the Beltway, the fact that Turkey is no longer a U.S. “ally” in any meaningful sense is still strenuously denied. But as I note on Alternativeright we were reminded of the true score on March 9, when Saudi King Abdullah presented Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan with […]
Ali Sina is a co-founder of Former Muslims United. It is , as he said in an email, “his homage to Dr. Wafa Sultan”. It is a rebuttal to the editorial in the National Post authored by alleged ‘hardened secular Muslim, Tarek Fatah. Dr. Sina also takes Dr. Daniel Pipes to task for his espousal […]
 Click here: Netanyahu is being Sharoned by the Obama Administration – Maggie’s Farm Netanyahu is being Sharoned by the Obama Administration What the heck is the Hurva, and what is its current role in Israel-Palestinian and Israel-US tensions? The Hurva (“ruin†or “wreck†in Hebrew) has become a target for the Palestinian campaign to […]
AND HOW QUICKLY NETANYAHU CAVED IN AND APOLOGIZED…..RSK HOW QUICKLY THEY FORGET: A REMINDER OF US POLICY BY BARRY RUBIN March 14, 2010 more than four months the U.S. government has been celebrating Israel agreeing to stop construction on settlements in the West Bank while continuing building in east Jerusalem as a great step forward […]
THIS REMINDER WAS SENT MY AN EVER WATCHFUL E-PAL NURIT GREENGER…A REMINDER FOR ISRAEL THAT GUARANTEES ARE WORTH NOTHING…..RSK Why should Israel or any nation take America’s word? To urge Israel’s painful unilateral withdrawal of 8,000 people from their homes and communities in Gaza, the U.S. offered the following Letter Of Commitment. Obama has since […]
Friday Afternoon Roundup – Conservatives with Courage   Biden and Terrorist leader Abbas cheerfully passing past a line of uniformed terrorists FOX News’ bashing of Geert Wilders has been making the rounds of the blogsphere this week. While a number of people attribute this to the growing power of Saudi Arabia over Newscorp. This […] Exclusive: California Man Perpetrates Immigration Fraud by Taking College Exams for Middle Eastern Students Michael Cutler The fraud that permeates the immigration system has many guises. This week, a report surfaced that a California man took college exams for Middle Eastern students. Six of the students were arrested, although more than100 students availed themselves […] EDITORIAL: Obama’s sick obsession THE WASHINGTON TIMES Nationalized health care is the progressives’ Golden Fleece. It is their obsession, the ultimate prize that was denied to previous administrations but is closer than it ever has been. As the ability of government to take over the health care system draws tantalizingly near, the president and […]
In the End the Muslim “Moderates” Just Can’t Handle the Truth Tarek Fatah: It is also quite revealing that not one member of the audience found it objectionable that a synagogue was being used to slam the Prophet of Islam as a child rapist. Not one person raised an objection. We were reminded that […]