Updated: Fri., Feb. 5, 2010, 3:55 AM The Goldstone hustle By BENNY AVNI Last Updated: 3:55 AM, February 5, 2010 Posted: 12:48 AM, February 5, 2010 An important battle in the global War on Terror takes place today on the East River, as the UN General Assembly resumes its hearings on knocked-together allegations that Israel […]
Updated: Fri., Feb. 5, 2010, 4:02 AM Another chaplain outrage Posted: 1:10 AM, February 5, 2010 It’s time for City Hall to take the chap laincy program at the Department of Correction and shake it like the dirty rug it has become. Wednesday, Imam Zulqarnain Abdu-Shahid was arrested as he entered the Tombs in lower […]
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/feb/04/holders-ignorance-of-terrorism//print/ The U.S. attorney general should read up on the history of terrorism. He might learn something. On Wednesday, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. sent a five-page letter to Sen. Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, detailing his rationale for treating purported Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab as a criminal suspect rather than a terrorist […]
UNTIL THE OUSTING OF THE SHAH IRANIAN WOMEN WORE WESTERN CLOTHES AND DESIGNER DECOLLETE UNTIL THEY GOT THEIR AYATOLLAH AND HIS DECOLLATION (RANDOM HOUSE DEF. “beheading, decapitation”) OF INFIDELS….RSK How the Veil Conquered Cairo University Posted By Jamie Glazov [1] Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Nonie Darwish, the co-founder of FormerMuslimsUnited.com [2] and the author […]
http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/9289 Sovereignty Now!! by Moshe Dann (Israelnationalnews.com) Salam Fayyad, the PLO Prime Minister, claims that he is preparing the non political groundwork of the Palestinian state, while the US is seeing to the political aspects, that is, to making sure Israel ends “occupation”. He doesn’t blink an eye when talking about East Jerusalem being Palestinian […]
Click to watch the video: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/135850 Published: 02/03/10 Prof. Aumann Israel news photo: Yoni Kempinski Prof. Aumann: Freeze is Immoral and Stupid by Malkah Fleisher, Yoni Kempinski (IsraelNN.com) Professor Robert J. “Yisrael” Aumann, the Israeli who won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2005 for his work on conflict and cooperation through game-theory analysis, thinks […]
http://townhall.com/columnists/CharlesKrauthammer/2010/02/05/the_great_peasant_revolt_of_2010 The great peasant revolt of 2010 By Charles Krauthammer Friday, February 5, 2010 “I am not an ideologue,” protested President Obama at a gathering with Republican House members last week. Perhaps, but he does have a tenacious commitment to a set of political convictions. Compare his 2010 State of the Union to his first […]
National Review Online Andrew C. McCarthy NR Contributing Editor February 5, 2010 12:01 A.M. http://article.nationalreview.com/424019/holder-on-holder/andrew-c-mccarthy Holder on Holder AG is unconvincing about ‘his’ decisions on Christmas bomber. Attorney General Eric Holder has responded to criticism of the Obama administration’s handling of the Christmas bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, with an “all’s well that ends well†letter […]
Israel, the Holocaust and the Survival Lesson Last week’s Holocaust Memorial Day, part of that dubious practice in which we assign one day to important events and people, Mothers, Grandmothers, Presidents, Veterans, WW2 and forget them the rest of the time, has come and gone. But the Holocaust itself was long ago co-opted to promote […]
http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.5431/pub_detail.asp Exclusive: Terror Attack Certain in Next Few Months? Has Security Taken a Back Seat? The Editors As Americans anticipate Super Bowl Sunday, preparing themselves for the excitement of large men smashing into each other, the commercials, the half time show featuring rock stars old enough to be grandparents and seeing which partygoer can make […]