IS OBAMA TREATING PALARAB VIOLENCE AS INEVITABLE? Is Obama Treating Palestinian Violence as an Inevitability? By Daniel Mandel Late last month, upon receipt of news that Israel was proceeding with a program of urban construction for Jews in parts of Jerusalem lying beyond the old 1948 armistice lines, President Barack Obama said that he opposed [1] it because it could be […]

BLACKBALLED FOR BEING A SKEPTIC? CLIMATEGATE IN THE CLASSROOM Art Horn: Climategate in the Classroom? (PJM Exclusive) As an independent meteorologist, I do a lot of public speaking about weather and climate. I bring my weather program, called “How the Weather Works [1],” to elementary and middle schools. Most of the program is about the basics of our atmosphere, and a little bit […]

KIMBERLEY STRASSEL:THE CARBON BOMB FIZZLES In the high-stakes game of chicken the Obama White House has been playing with Congress over who will regulate the earth’s climate, the president’s team just motored into a ditch. So much for threats. The threat the White House has been leveling at Congress is the Environmental Protection Agency’s “endangerment finding,” which EPA Administrator […]


Obama’s boffo Oslo speech versus the real nuclear world. President Obama gave a gracious speech yesterday accepting his Nobel Peace Prize, starting with the humble note that he has yet to earn it. If his Oslo hosts expected a woolly-headed address about peace in our time, they also didn’t get it. He stated clearly […]

THE PERV SAFE SCHOOLS CZAR: A GUIDE TO TEENS FOR CRUISIN’ GAY BARS Teenagers shouldn’t drink alcohol. That’s the policy of the United States government, which spends billions to enforce laws backing the policy, and it also is the position of pretty much every respectable organization in the nation, including the Department of Education. So naturally, when looking to fill the post of the nation’s top school-safety […]

STACKING HIS VOTING BASE AND THE CENSUS WITH ILLEGALS Illegal immigration axis Anthony Bowe The Obama administration has dramatically realigned the 2010 census, practically transforming it into an arm of the illegal-immigration lobby by partnering with nearly two dozen pro-amnesty organizations. A comparison of census documents from 2000 reveals that’s three times as many illegal-alien-amnesty organizations as were active during the Clinton administration […]

PRUDEN: ON OBAMA’S REMARKABLE TUTORIAL….SEE NOTE HIS SPEECH IS A NEO-“CON” JOB..THIS IS STILL THE PREZ THAT HAS BETRAYED OUR EASTERN EUROPE ALLIES, THAT PUMMELS ISRAEL AND GENUFLECTS TO ISLAM…RSK PRUDEN: Obama’s remarkable tutorial Wesley Pruden OPINION/ANALYSIS: Nobody teaches harder lessons than Experience, the lady who grades on the steepest curve. But sometimes even her most difficult student looks like […]


CAIR’s Call for Jihad – by Jamie Glazov   Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Dave Gaubatz, the first U.S. civilian (1811) Federal Agent deployed to Iraq in 2003. He is the owner of DG Counter-terrorism Publishing [1]. He is currently conducting a 50 State Counter-terrorism Research Tour (CTRT). He is the co-author (with Paul […]

ANDREW BOSTOM; CLIMTE SCIENTOLOGY, ISLAM AND RELIGIOUS FANATICISM   William Happer on contemporary Climate Scientologists: “Disagreeing with them is like going to Saudi Arabia and criticizing Muhammad.” Eric Hoffer: “[A]bsolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power.”  The so-called “Climate Gate” e-mail scandal simply confirms fraudulent activity masquerading as (albeit stubbornly contested) pseudo-scientific “modeling errors” which I reviewed last Christmas (12/25/08)—a bitterly […]


The New Socialism “The cultural elites went straight from the memorial service for socialism to the altar of the environment.” Charles Krauthammer WASHINGTON — In the 1970s and early ’80s, having seized control of the U.N. apparatus (by power of numbers), Third World countries decided to cash in. OPEC was pulling off the greatest wealth […]