REVIEW & OUTLOOK JANUARY 26, 2010 Abdulmutallab in 50 Minutes The more we learn about his ‘interrogation,’ the worse White House policy looks. The attempted Christmas Day destruction over Detroit of Northwest Flight 253 by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is fading from public memory as a fortunate near-miss. This incident should not fade from view. As […]


breaking… Monday, January 25, 2010 U.S. asks Israel ‘in no uncertain terms’ to refrain from retaliatory ops WASHINGTON — The United States has renewed pressure on Israel to refrain from any operation that could spark another war in the Middle East. Government sources said the administration of President Barack Obama has renewed appeals by senior […]

TURF WAR; BLAIR AGAINST HIS EGO Turf Warrior Can Dennis Blair save U.S. intelligence? James Kirchick January 25, 2010 In the shadow of the intelligence failure that culminated with Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab lighting an explosive aboard a Detroit-bound flight, the titular head of the U.S. intelligence community was busy fighting another war. For months, in fact, Admiral Dennis C. Blair, […]

WHITEWASHED JIHAD Whitewashed Jihad Posted 01/25/2010 07:02 PM ET Hasan: Did Pentagon ignore the elephant in the barracks? AP View Enlarged ImagePolitical Correctness: The Pentagon’s long-awaited review of the Fort Hood terror attack completely ignores the elephant in the barrack — the internal threat from radicalized Muslim soldiers. The 86-page report, “Protecting the Force: Lessons from […]

THE SULTAN; NO ANSWER TO TERRORISM   No Answer to Terrorism Bin Laden’s latest message, real or memorex, is an uncomfortable reminder for the current ruling party of the United States that terrorism did not go away just because they found it inconvenient or thought global warming was a much more crucial threat. Like every terrorist Bin Laden does not […]


Exclusive: ‘One Nation under Allah’Gadi Adelman When I returned to the United States in 1981, my biggest concern was that the terrorism I had witnessed in Israel would reach our shores before to long. I was called an alarmist and told by those “in the know” that America didn’t have terrorism. Off the cuff, my […]

WHY ARE AMERICANS DYING SO IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN CAN REMAIN SHARIA NATIONS? Exclusive: Why Are American Soldiers Dying so Iraq and Afghanistan Can Remain Sharia Law Nations? D.L. Adams With great fanfare but little grit or talk of victory, President Obama announced at West Point last month that 30,000 additional American soldiers are going to Afghanistan. If the mission in Afghanistan is two-fold, the defeat of […]

THE 2010 CENSUS, THE CONSTITUTION AND YOU…..A WARNING FROM FSM Exclusive: The 2010 Census, the Constitution and You The Editors The year 2010 is another Census year, and many Americans are concerned about the apparent politicization of a process that has been with us since our Constitution was first written. The director of the Census Bureau will now report directly to “White House senior […]

FEAR OF A COMING EURABIA …..BIRTH RATES, IMMIGRATION AND CONVERSION AS WEAPON Opinion: Why is the fear of a coming Eurabia so strong in certain quarters? Opinion: Why is the fear of a coming Eurabia so strong in certain quarters? Khaled Diab, a Brussels based journalist, recently wrote an opinion piece in the Guardian debunking the Eurabian invasion theory. I’ve discussed the issue of demographics on […]

CHECHEN PRESIDENT KADYROV: “AMERICA FOUNDED AL QAEDA” Monday, January 25, 2010 Chechnya: Those who call for Sharia law and for jihad have never prayed Chechnya: Those who call for Sharia law and for jihad have never prayed Besides which, according to Kadyrov, the US is the root of all evil. Those who call for Sharia law and for jihad have never […]