Formal inquiry sought in polling caseJerry Seper A senior House Republican plans Wednesday to introduce a “resolution of inquiry” calling on the House Judiciary Committee to formally ask Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to explain why the Justice Department dismissed a civil complaint against the New Black Panther Party after party members disrupted […] PRUDEN: Another raid by the Gaffe Patrol Wesley Pruden What this country really needs, more than that famous “good nickel cigar,” is a federal agency to regulate the apologies of public officials. The Apologetics and Atonement Administration would be assigned to the Ministry of Euphemy, charged with measuring the sincerity of the miscreants and […] ‘Macaca’ A La Reid Posted 01/11/2010 07:23 PM ET Leadership: The top Senate Democrat has exposed the hypocrisy of modern liberalism through his racially insensitive remarks. Trent Lott lost his post for humoring an old man. How will Robert Byrd’s party honor him? Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele has called for the resignation […] Roguish EPA’s Junk Science Risks Recovery By STEVE MILLOYPosted 01/11/2010 06:15 PM ET If you still require proof the Environmental Protection Agency operates without any sort of tethering to reality, you need look no further than its crackdown on smog. The agency recently proposed to ratchet down the ground-level ozone standard to 0.060 to […]
January 11, 2010 A Confluence of Folly (Part One of Two) D. L. Adams The barely prevented horror that was the recent Christmas Day jihad terror attack on an inbound flight to Detroit from Amsterdam seems to have affected people in our country in a way that other recent terror attacks have not. Only eight […]
Death by 1000 cuts Center for Security Policy | Jan 11, 2010 By Frank Gaffney, Jr. Seasoned observers understand that, in official Washington, the so-called “death of a thousand cuts” technique is the preferred means of stealthily undermining, and ultimately defeating, initiatives and institutions too strong to be taken on via a frontal assault. […]
Hitler? A scapegoat. Stalin? I can empathise. Oliver Stone stirs up history Oscar-winning director announces controversial 10-hour crash course in 20th century for American television Ed Pilkington in New York, Sunday 10 January 2010 22.16 GMT larger | smaller Oliver Stone on stage taking questions from TV critics about his new series in Pasadena, […]
The Secret History of the Left Oliver Stone, the American left’s answer to Leni Riefenstahl, having drained the swamps of Viet Cong propaganda dry is going to apply his talent for cinematical historical revisionism to WW2 in a Showtime miniseries, “The Secret History of America”. Like virtually every piece of left wing historical revisionism, Stone’s […] Israelification: The Way to Secure Air Travel Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, US Army (Ret) North America’s airports groan and grind under the weight of another sea-change in security protocols and requirements mostly with much infliction on the innocent American traveler. One word keeps popping out of the mouths of more knowledgeable experts: Israelification. […] UK: Gay Muslims suffer forced marriages, honor violence UK: Gay Muslims suffer forced marriages, honor violence A UK charity is dealing with an increasing number of young gay Muslims becoming homeless after fleeing forced marriages and so-called honour violence. Trust worker Annie Southerst said in the past six months there has been an increase […]