COPENHAGEN: NO FIX, NO DEAL, NOBAMA SUCCESS  Copenhagen climate summit: confusion as ‘historic deal’ descends into chaos The “historic” climate change deal at the Copenhagen climate summit has descended into chaos after some developing nations rejected the plan for fighting global warming championed by US President Barack Obama. By David Barrett and Louise Gray, in Copenhagen (From Left) European Commission President […]

THE SURGE AND ITS SUCCESS: PART ONE DIANA WEST The “Surge” and “Success”, Pt. 1 Written by: Diana West This week’s syndicated column is the first in a series on the impact of the Iraq “surge” strategy: The main reason the “surge” in Afghanistan is on is because the conventional wisdom tells us the “surge” in Iraq “worked.” The problem is, the Iraq […]

FLYGLOBESPAN CREW STRANDED IN MEDINA, SAUDI ARABIA …. Thirty flight crew members stranded in Medina, can’t venture outside because they’re non-Muslims If they did venture out, the could be killed. Islamic Tolerance Alert from the Kingdom of the Two Holy Places: “Crew members stranded in Muslim holy city,” from Herald Scotland, December 18 (thanks to Twostellas): Thirty Flyglobespan crew members are stranded […]

PROFESSOR OF ISLAMIC HISTORY AVERS THAT MINARETS CAN BE SYMBOLS OF SUPREMACY Professor of Islamic history affirms that minarets can be assertions of political power and supremacy When the Swiss minaret ban first broke, I noted that minarets were often expressions of Islamic political dominance. Many dismissed this as an “Islamophobic” idea. But now it has been affirmed by Tarek Kahlaoui, assistant professor of Islamic art […]

MOB OF 1000 MOSLEMS STORMS CHURCH IN INDONESIA Indonesia: Mob of 1000 Muslims storms a church under construction The 7th-century Pact of Umar forbade the construction of new churches or repair of existing ones. The pact is in the spirit of Qur’an 9:29, which commands that non-Muslims “feel themselves subdued” — a fundamental reason why incidents such as this are neither new […]


Dead Wrong Durbin The law will not stop the courts from releasing foreign jihadists in the United States. By Andrew C. McCarthy Sen. Dick Durbin (R., Ill.) is the leading congressional advocate of the plan to ship the terrorists being detained at Guantanamo Bay to a prison in his (and the president’s) home state — […]

NAT HENTOFF INTERVIEWED: OBAMA IS QUITE POSSIBLY THE MOST DANGEROUS ….. America Under Barack Obama An Interview with Nat Hentoff By John W. Whitehead “I try to avoid hyperbole, but I think Obama is possibly the most dangerous and destructive president we have ever had.”—Nat Hentoff Nat Hentoff has had a life well spent, one chock full of controversy fueled by his passion for the […]


The Weekly Standard 12/28/2009, Volume 015, Issue 15 Back to the Future: British anti-Semitism returns-with a vengeance. by Gabriel Schoenfeld Like cancer, ideas can metastasize. In 2007, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt — the former a professor at the University of Chicago, the latter at Harvard — came out with The Israel Lobby and U.S. […]


The Palin Wonder – by Jamie Glazov | FrontPage Magazine The Palin Wonder – Interview with Victor Davis Hanson Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Victor Davis Hanson, a classicist and historian at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. FP: Victor Hanson, welcome to Frontpage Interview. Hanson: Glad to be here again. FP: Sarah Palin is, clearly, carving […]


Column One: Reconsidering the Suez Campaign Caroline Glick , THE JERUSALEM POST It is hard to seize the initiative. The consequences of acting are frightening. It is always better to let others go first. But sometimes that is impossible. Today it is becoming clear that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has no choice but to lead. […]