Now we wait and watch the trans phenomenon end in overflowing rivers of tears.
Conservatives are pre-canceled in the debate about transgenderism. I get the sense that we’re not even participating in it directly at all. All the journalism and essays by Madeleine Kearns, Douglas Murray, or Abigail Shrier are ignored by our woke opponents. They are used only to inform the permitted antagonists: centrist “Nones” such as Bill Maher and Bari Weiss, or TERFs like Lierre Keith or J. K. Rowling, who take some, but not all, of our arguments into the arena.
The recent opening of real debate in formerly closed spaces — whether in Irish media or the news section of the New York Times — suggests that many liberals feel uneasy about the woke orthodoxy on gender identity and at least want to air a debate before the medical-malpractice lawsuits start rolling in.
We have grown used to the idea that ideologues want to tell the public that “gender is fluid.” But now the White House is proclaiming that it only flows one way. Away from biological sex and toward anything else, with the assistance of hormone therapy and surgery.
There is no debate that there is currently a social explosion of young people experimenting with gender identities. Children are responding, in a rash of social contagion, to their peers coming out with these new identities and to the all-but-open solicitation of this behavior among schoolteachers, psychologists, and especially digital peer groups.