White House Goes All In on Trans Agenda By Michael Brendan Dougherty


Now we wait and watch the trans phenomenon end in overflowing rivers of tears.

Conservatives are pre-canceled in the debate about transgenderism. I get the sense that we’re not even participating in it directly at all. All the journalism and essays by Madeleine Kearns, Douglas Murray, or Abigail Shrier are ignored by our woke opponents. They are used only to inform the permitted antagonists: centrist “Nones” such as Bill Maher and Bari Weiss, or TERFs like Lierre Keith or J. K. Rowling, who take some, but not all, of our arguments into the arena.

The recent opening of real debate in formerly closed spaces — whether in Irish media or the news section of the New York Times — suggests that many liberals feel uneasy about the woke orthodoxy on gender identity and at least want to air a debate before the medical-malpractice lawsuits start rolling in.

We have grown used to the idea that ideologues want to tell the public that “gender is fluid.” But now the White House is proclaiming that it only flows one way. Away from biological sex and toward anything else, with the assistance of hormone therapy and surgery.

There is no debate that there is currently a social explosion of young people experimenting with gender identities. Children are responding, in a rash of social contagion, to their peers coming out with these new identities and to the all-but-open solicitation of this behavior among schoolteachers, psychologists, and especially digital peer groups.

Good News! Harris to Head New Biden Disinformation Task Force By Robert Spencer


The bad news is that the Biden administration’s notorious Disinformation Governance Board, a flagrantly unconstitutional effort to restrict the freedom of speech that was “paused” in May after an avalanche of criticism, is back (although its Orwellian name is still on ice). The good news is that heading up Biden’s handlers’ new foray into authoritarianism is none other than Vice President Kamala Harris. This is good news because Harris has handled the previous jobs she has been given with spectacular ineptitude. If she stays true to form this time, she may end up actually strengthening speech protections, rather than destroying them as she has been tasked to do.

The new incarnation of the Disinformation Governance Board, announced Thursday, will, according to the New York Post, be focused on “developing programs and policies” that will protect “political figures” from “disinformation,” “abuse” and “harassment.” This is already treading dangerous ground in terms of the First Amendment, as “abuse” and “harassment,” to say nothing of “disinformation,” are subjective terms. What is to prevent the person who is charged with judging what constitutes them — Kamala Harris, evidently — from considering sharp criticism, or even any criticism at all, no matter how accurate or justified, to be abuse or harassment?

The ‘White Nationalists’ Arrested At The Idaho Pride Event Were The Least Armed And Dangerous People That Day By: Eddie Scarry


There were no guns nor ammunition, but they did have some kind of document spelling out a plan to march in a line through a downtown park and agitate passersby.

By the way Chief Lee White of the Coeur d’Alene Police Department is acting, you’d swear he just prevented a mass shooting in a preschool using only psychic abilities and a roll of tape.

But that’s not what White and his force did. Instead, on Saturday they arrested 31 guys who were found to be in possession of nothing other than a single smoke bomb and a plan to make noise throughout the city.

Each individual was charged with one misdemeanor, “conspiracy to commit riot,” based on the fact that the men involved were dressed in distinguished uniforms of khaki pants and blue t-shirts, plus some of them had shin guards and shields. There were no guns nor ammunition, but they did have some kind of document spelling out a plan to march in a line through a downtown park and agitate passersby.

The intent was to align in “a column forming on the outside of the park, proceeding inward, until barriers to approach are met,” according to The New York Times, and “once an appropriate amount of confrontational dynamic has been established the column will disengage and head to Sherman [Ave.].” In other words: Show up, irritate pedestrians, and then leave.

Why Is Merrick Garland Smiling? The unprecedented collaboration between the Justice Department and Congress to target political foes of the regime endangers the rights of hundreds of Trump-supporting Americans.  By Julie Kelly


Attorney General Merrick Garland, the media insists, is handling the unprecedented criminal investigation into the events of January 6 with a calm, objective professionalism and is above reproach. The former federal prosecutor who sat on the D.C. appellate court for 25 years is somehow beyond the rising temperatures in Washington’s political pressure cooker and remains nonplussed by the January 6 drama produced on an hourly basis on Capitol Hill. 

To some degree, the media is correct about the attorney general’s detachment. Garland is to the Justice Department what Joe Biden is to the White House—a lost old man installed in office to give a grandfatherly-like disguise to the malicious puppet masters in control of his teleprompter. In Garland’s case, as the New York Times recently confirmed and American Greatness has reported for months, the real authority lies in the vengeful hands of Matthew Graves, the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, and Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, a longtime Obama loyalist.

But the carefully crafted hagiography portraying Garland as independent of the partisan machinations of U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and company came crumbling down this week. 

In response to a question from CNN correspondent Evan Perez—who helped launch the Trump-Russia collusion hoax narrative—Garland made clear the Justice Department is paying close attention to the January 6 committee’s made-for-TV performances. “I am watching and I will be watching all the hearings although I may not be able to watch all of it live but I’ll be sure, I’ll be watching all of it. And I can assure that the January 6 prosecutors are watching all the hearings as well,” Garland said with a smile.

Now, had the committee abided by its originating legislation and allowed even a hint of fair play, Garland’s comments might be considered noncontroversial. That, however, is not the case—and recent moves by Garland’s Justice Department indicate the agency is working closely with House Democrats to add a legal imprimatur to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) latest anti-Trump witch hunt.

The incredible expanding lies of Joe Biden By Eric Utter


President Biden blamed congressional Republicans for record-high inflation while addressing the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) in a recent speech in Philadelphia.  Biden pathetically argued that his economic agenda, which relies on massive government spending, would help tame inflation.  He also lamely — and falsely — blamed Republican obstruction of that agenda for the country’s current economic woes.  (It seems Biden is an alumnus of the Hillary Clinton Institute for Excellence in Blame-Shifting and Denouncement.)

Biden boldly — if comically — stated, “Under my plan for the economy we made extraordinary progress and put America in a position to tackle a worldwide problem that’s worse everywhere but here: inflation.”

As if that wasn’t a big enough lie, he added: “The problem is, Republicans in Congress are doing everything they can to stop my plans to bring down costs on ordinary families.  That’s why my plan is not finished, and the results aren’t finished, either.”

Now tell us the one about the three bears.  (Okay, I’ve used that one before.)

Apparently, Biden is also a graduate of the prestigious William Jefferson Clinton School for the Advancement of Prevarication.  First off, overspending is a primary cause of inflation, not a cure.  Secondly, (relatively) moderate Democrat senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona also opposed the plan, effectively killing Biden’s Build Back Better social-spending bill at this time — taking Republican opposition into legislative relevance.

Mahmoud Abbas Hosts American Delegation In Ramallah Appeasing Iran and other terrorists. Hugh Fitzgerald


Joe Biden will be visiting the Middle East this July, but what he hopes this will accomplish — other than allowing him to be seen to be doing something about the Middle East other than appeasing Iran in Vienna – is unclear. He will no doubt be repeating the Bidenites’ new mantra, that both Israelis and Palestinians “deserve equal measures of freedom, security & prosperity.” By way of preparing the ground for Biden’s visit, an American delegation met with Mahmoud Abbas on June 11. A report on the meeting is here: “Palestinian Authority President Hosts US Delegation in Ramallah,” Algemeiner, June 12, 2022:

Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas hosted Saturday a US delegation led by Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Barbara Leaf, ahead of an expected visit of US President Joe Biden.

Abbas reiterated his requests to remove the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) from the US list of terrorist entities during the meeting, his office said.

The PLO is not only a terrorist entity, but the earliest of Palestinian terror groups, spreading murder and mayhem ever since its founding in 1964, years before the PFLP (1967), Hamas (1987), and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (1987) existed. The fact that the PLO has in recent decades been overshadowed by other terror groups, especially Hamas, does not mean that it has forsworn terrorism as a tactic, but only that it has been less active than other groups. It was morally intolerable that the PLO was ever allowed to open a Washington office, in the naïve aftermath of the Oslo Accords, when Washington was prepared to believe the assurances of the PLO’s leader, Yasir Arafat, that the organization now abjured terrorism. It was, like every other statement by Arafat, a lie. The PLO continued to praise and promote terrorist attacks; right up to the present, it has never denounced any of them. Yet in his insensate desire to appease the Palestinians, Joe Biden promised, as a presidential candidate, to reopen the PLO office in Washington that Trump had closed in 2017.

Lockdown: The Socialist Plan to Take Away Your Freedom A new book explains how the Left didn’t let a pandemic go to waste. Mark Tapson


When COVID-19 first reared its ugly head a mere couple of years ago (seems like much longer, doesn’t it?), the Trump-hating Left recognized that here was a crisis too good to waste, to paraphrase Obama’s former Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel. As Cheryl Chumley observes in her new book Lockdown: The Socialist Plan to Take Away Your Freedom, “Democrats, progressives, globalists, collectivists, socialists, and Marxists saw opportunity to reshape an entire world.” Lockdown, from Humanix Books, is her damning overview of how the power-lusting Left manipulated and exploited the pandemic to kickstart their Great Socialist Reset.

Chumley is the online opinion editor for The Washington Times, an Army vet, a journalist, and author – most previously (2020) of Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise or America Will Fall. If you are unfamiliar with her writing, Ms. Chumley pulls no punches in her takedowns of the Left, and makes no apologies for her Christian perspective on political events. She is not reticent about identifying as “evil” the forces wreaking ruin in the world today; nor is she vague about their aim: leftists “want total and complete lockdowns of individual freedoms, individual rights, individually held liberties so they can stage their reset and reshape a new America, a new world, more in line with their collectivist and elitist beliefs. It’s called destroy, then rebuild. What they’re destroying is the Constitution; what they’re trying to rebuild is cultural Marxism and communist control.”

‘Radicals’ Are Racist Criminals Driving America towards the abyss. David Horowitz



The crisis currently facing our nation is a crisis of faith – faith in the Constitution that has shaped our destiny, faith in the rule of law, and faith in the principle of equality before the law. The root cause of the lawlessness that is consuming our country is the monopoly of the executive power in Washington by a political party that has fallen under the control of the radical Left. This Left describes itself as “progressive,” but is focused on the goal of “re-imagining” American institutions and principles, in other words of dismantling the constitutional order that created the prosperity and freedoms that have shaped this country since its beginnings.

Having been born into this political Left and then rejected it, I have acquired an intimate perspective on its nature, and the threat it poses to the American future, which is grave. I was raised by Communists who always referred to themselves as “progressives,” and were sworn enemies of America and its institutions, as was I. We saw ourselves as warriors for social justice, acting on the “right side” of history.

We could not have been more mistaken. The “moral arc” of history is not “bent towards justice,” as progressives like to say. If it were, the 20th Century would be the most enlightened instead of the scene of the greatest atrocities and oppressions on human record. Worse yet, for this progressive myth, these atrocities and oppressions were perpetrated by progressives in the name of “social justice.”

The practical achievement of the revolutionaries was the dismantling of whole societies, and their reconstruction as national prisons, and slave labor camps. Supported by progressives everywhere, Communists bankrupted whole continents while killing more than 100 million people – in peacetime – in order to realize their radical schemes. Their atrocities and failures continued until the day they saw their progressive future collapse under its own weight. This failure was entirely predictable because as every similar attempt to “re-imagine society” and change it by force has shown, it is simply beyond the power of human beings to create a “just” world. 

Forty years ago, a series of tragic events that I have described in my autobiography, “Radical Son,” stopped me in my tracks, and caused me to re-evaluate what I had believed until then. These second thoughts turned me against the cause to which I had been devoted since my youth, and which I now saw as a threat to everything human beings hold dear. Most of my generation of radicals, however, chose to continue on their destructive course. Over the next decades I watched the radical movement I was born into infiltrate and then take control of the Democratic Party and the nation’s cultural institutions, until one of its own, Barack Obama, became President of the United States. 

How’s That January 6 ‘Blockbuster’ Working Out for Dems?By Kyle Smith


Across all networks, something like 20 million people tuned in to the opening night of the January 6 hearings in Congress. That supposed “blockbuster” video was going to Change Everything. I guessed at the time that only a handful of political obsessives were paying attention. Now, we’ve got several days of polling data and . . . if the needle has moved, these eyes can’t detect it.

In three polls listed on RealClearPolitics quizzing voters starting last Friday, the generic congressional ballot has been Democrats plus two, Republicans plus four, Republicans plus three. Democrats have had an outright lead in this poll dozens of times this year (albeit only one time this month), so not much has changed there. Democrats typically need a large lead in the generic ballot to win Congress; if it’s close, Republicans take the House.

As for President Biden’s job approval rating, his RCP average in polls is at 39.6. In polls that started since last Friday, his approval rating has notched a 40, 44, 40, 39, and 43. So Biden is one tenth of a point above his all-time low, which he hit last Thursday. Do you see a January 6 bounce? I don’t. The Democrats have been trying to make hay of it all year, and the voters don’t seem to be paying it much mind.

‘Stop Cruelly Manipulating Children’: Panel Slams Gender-Transitioning Treatment for Kids: By Jack Wolfsohn


A new study discredits the theory that injecting children with cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers decreases suicide rates.

A new study published June 13 debunks the theory that injecting gender-confused children with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones decreases suicide rates. In fact, the study, done by Jay Greene, senior research fellow at the Center for Education Policy at the Heritage Foundation, found the exact opposite:

In the past several years, the suicide rate among those aged 12 to 23 has become significantly higher in states that have a provision that allows minors to receive routine health care without parental consent than in states without such a provision.

Greene made various recommendations based on his findings, including raising the minimum age at which cross-sex treatments can be given as well as mandating that school administrators and health professionals receive parental approval before providing health services to children.

On Tuesday, the Heritage Foundation held a panel discussion of the study at which Greene was joined by Ryan T. Anderson, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center; Jay Richards, director of the DeVos Center at the Heritage Foundation; and Virginia Gentles, director of the Education Freedom Center at the Independent Women’s Forum.

“It’s time to stop cruelly manipulating children with cult-like slogans,” Gentles said. She argued that, in recent years, “trans activists have ushered in a new era that cuts parents out of critical decision-making regarding their children.” Left-wing LGBT groups such as GLAAD, the Human Rights Campaign, and PFLAG seek to help children transition without consulting their parents, she said, creating a “gender-support plan” for the child.