Tonight, on Passover we will recount the history of the escape from Pharaonic tyranny, and the sojourn to Israel which revealed the Ten Commandments for decency at a time of chaos and barbarism. We will recall the Passover of 1943 in the Warsaw Ghetto when unarmed civilians rebelled and held off the Nazis for over a month- an epic rebellion during an epic time. Then we will pray for the souls of the innocent murdered civilians in Israel, Ukraine, and the persecuted Christians throughout the world.
Finally, we will retell the story of 1948, when once again the seas parted for the hulls of ships bringing the wretched survivors of the Holocaust as well as the refugees from Moslem states to the new/ancient homeland of the Jewish people. The Palestinian Jews who lived there from time immemorial welcomed them in a historic rescue with shelter, counseling, vocational training, immediate citizenship, and an army to protect them from the ensuing wars and terrorism.
Thanks to the Abraham Accords many former enemies have turned to accommodation and recognition of Israel and they too will reap the blessings of Israel’s amazing and outsize research and development of life enhancing technology and science.
However, breaking with tradition, four new questions hang in the air:
One: Why is it that in the United States, an exceptional and glorious corner of the Diaspora, the academies which should be citadels of learning and free speech permit hateful groups to libel and distort Israel’s legitimacy and history but censor the language and opinions of critics their faux narrative?
Two: Why does the mainstream media airbrush growing Anti-Semitism — including harassment and violence, and defacement of shrines, cemeteries, and synagogues — while treating every other minority victim claim as a “hate crime”? And why do they downplay the bloodcurdling threats toward America and Israel that emanate from Iran?
Three: Why are the legislators in the corridors of power so loath to criticize and censor the vile and virulent anti-Semitism of so many fellow Democrat members of Congress, bowing to partisan solidarity with these common bigots? They are political vultures whose support of all “progressive” policies borders on risible street theater.
Four: Why do too many of our brethren who trumpet every “woke” cult assiduously avoid supporting Israel and denouncing the murder of Israeli citizens going about their daily business? Is there a yet undiscovered commandment that invokes blind adherence to “progressive” policies that are inimical to Jewish survival?
We vowed “never again” to exactly what is happening once again, and the sound of silence is deafening!

Turkey: Kurdish Children Killed, No Consequences by Uzay Bulut

In the indictment concerning the latest killing, the police officer said that the child “hit his vehicle”.

“These reports are defective. It is a massive problem that these reports list many faults of the defendant but conclude that he is guiltless or is just secondarily at fault. It is also a huge problem that these reports are prepared not by independent persons or institutions, but rather by the police or other state institutions. Evidence was blacked out, and not collected properly. And a crime scene investigation has not been thoroughly conducted. The conclusions of these reports do not reflect reality.” — Ömer Sansarkan, human rights lawyer who joined Tektekin’s trials on behalf of the Diyarbakir Bar Association’s Children’s Rights Center, to Gatestone, April 5, 2022.

According to a 2012 report by the Diyarbakır branch of the IHD, 569 Kurdish children were killed between 1988 and 2013 by state violence such as police or military fire, gas bombs, mines, or explosions of abandoned or derelict ordnance.

Because of the “political tendencies of the government”, “the actions of the public officials in line with these tendencies” and “a lack of independence of the judiciary”, “human rights violations resulting from arbitrary practices by public officials are considered legitimate and the perpetrators are protected with impunity.” — The Working Group on Children Affected by War and Conflict of the Children’s Rights Center of Diyarbakir Bar Association, March 2, 2022.

These crimes also constitute discrimination, as they occur mostly in the majority-Kurdish region of Turkey, the report added.

“None of the perpetrators has received a fair punishment.” — Ömer Sansarkan, to Gatestone, April 5, 2022.

On September 11, 2019, a five-year-old Kurdish child, Efe Tektekin, was killed crossing the street when a Turkish police officer hit him with his armored vehicle in Diyarbakir. The officer, after facing trial for “causing death by negligence,” was acquitted following the final hearing of the court case on March 29.

Iran’s – and America’s – Plans to Fund Russia’s War In Ukraine by Con Coughlin

Iran’s efforts to conclude a revised nuclear deal with the Biden administration could result in the Kremlin receiving a windfall of half-a-billion dollars to fund its war effort against Ukraine.

To boost its economy, Russia is now demanding that Iran pay in cash for the deals currently under discussion, as well as repaying outstanding debts believed to be worth more than half a billion dollars in cash owed for Russia’s work on the Bushehr facility.

“Iran has promised Russia that it will pay its debt once Iranian funds held in the US are no longer under sanctions and become available for use,” a senior Western security official told me this week. “Furthermore, Iran has made transferring down payments to Russia for the purpose of implementing the military agreements between the parties conditional on reaching an agreement in Vienna.”

Apart from offering to help the Kremlin evade sanctions, Iran is also believed to be working to engage China and enlist its assistance as well for the purpose of bypassing Western sanctions.

Despite denials by the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was quoted by the Russian news agency RIA confirming that there has been coordination between the parties for the purpose of bypassing Western sanctions.

Western security officials are concerned that any funds Iran sends to Moscow will be used to help fund Mr Putin’s war effort in Ukraine. There have already been reports of Iran providing weapons to support Russia’s war effort in Ukraine, and Moscow is desperate to find new ways of supporting its economy so that it can maintain its military offensive.

The fact that Iran is actively seeking to provide Moscow with financial assistance which could be used to fund the war in Ukraine is deeply embarrassing for the Biden administration, which still shows no sign of ending its efforts to revive the nuclear deal.

Certainly, if the deal does go ahead, enabling Iran to pay off its debts to Moscow, then the Biden administration could find itself accused of having the blood of innocent Ukrainian civilians on its hands for allowing Iran to fund the Kremlin’s war effort.

Iran’s efforts to conclude a revised nuclear deal with the Biden administration could result in the Kremlin receiving a windfall of half-a-billion dollars to fund its war effort against Ukraine.

That is the conclusion reached by Western security officials who are becoming increasingly concerned about the discussions taking place between Moscow and Tehran about deepening their cooperation once the nuclear deal has been signed.

The Doctor Who Exposed Fauci’s Fallacies and Got Harassed and Fired from HHS for Telling the Truth By John Dale Dunn, M.D.

Dr. Paul Elias Alexander was a well credentialed, internationally known epidemiologist invited by Trump administration officials to be part of the COVID 19 response team at the White House in April of 2020. He packed up his family, leaving a secure and prominent position in Canada to move to Washington, DC.  

But then he criticized the public health mandates by Drs. Fauci, Collins, and Birx and showed them research that proved they were wrong about lockdowns, school closings, masking, and social distancing.

Following that, he was silenced, harassed and then fired. 

The Trump White House staff and leadership knew what was happening but did nothing to stop the Fauci and NIH/CDC-led deep state malefactors.

I was enraged reading Dr. Alexander’s personal account, excerpted below, telling of the DC savagery.  I knew he had left McMaster University in Ontario where he was part of the GRADE Working Group, an international consortium of medical researchers promoting reliable, evidence based medical research (EBM).  Doctor Alexander has been a stand-up man advocating good medical science his whole career. The details of this truthful doctor’s mistreatment in DC were shocking and maddening.
Excerpts below tell the story of Dr. Alexander in DC via his essay.  I will provide excerpts and ellipses to get you through the 3000-plus word essay.  Read the whole essay at this link

Justice Department Plans to Re-Try Two Remaining Whitmer Fednapping Defendants By Julie Kelly

Despite a humiliating defeat in what the Justice Department considered one of its biggest domestic terror investigations in recent history, federal prosecutors announced they will re-try two men who were not acquitted last week on charges of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020.

Chief District Court Judge Robert Jonker declared a mistrial on April 8 after a jury in western Michigan could not agree on the guilt of Adam Fox, the so-called ringleader, and Barry Croft, Jr. related to the alleged plot; two other men, Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta, were found not guilty on all charges and went home last Friday night after spending 18 months in jail.

Defense attorneys argued the men were entrapped by the FBI, which the jury presumably believed in the case of Harris and Caserta. Numerous FBI experts and agents took the stand for the government, as did Dan Chappel, the lead informant and one of his FBI handlers. The three-week trial exposed a wide-ranging operation inside the FBI and Justice Department to target the men—who did not know each other until the FBI got involved—infiltrate the group with informants and undercover agents, create encrypted group chats monitored by the FBI, plan and fund excursions including a surveillance trip to Whitmer’s summer cottage, secretly record every conversation including when the targets were high on marijuana, and drive several defendants to the arrest site in October 2020 under a phony pretense.

Nonetheless, Andrew Birge, assistant U.S. Attorney for Western Michigan, confirmed this week his office plans to again prosecute Fox and Croft; Birge’s office told a Grand Rapids television station on Monday that charges will be refiled.

Loose Nuke Talk The world has become obsessed with nuclear weapons. Is there a danger in daily normalizing the abnormal and casually thinking the unthinkable?  By Victor Davis Hanson

Americans, like the planet’s other 7.5 billion people, are not prone to talk or think much about nuclear weapons. 

Of course, some of us are old enough to remember how “mutually assured destruction,” or MAD, was supposed to ensure the general peace. 

Some recall the eerie Cold War-era nuclear bomb movies like “Dr. Strangelove” or “Fail Safe” or more recent postnuclear armageddon films like “The Book of Eli.”

Millions have grown up referring to the scary “doomsday clock” of atomic scientists that usually ticks closer to a midnight nuclear holocaust in times of crisis.

So the planet is not naïve about the dangers of its 13,000 to 15,000 nuclear weapons. In 1961, the Soviet Union terrified the world when it exploded history’s greatest nuke—the 50 megaton “Tsar Bomba.” 

The Cuban Missile Crisis a year later brought the United States and the Soviet Union closer to a nuclear exchange than at any time since. 

In 1983, Ronald Reagan countered the Soviet nuclear-tipped SS-20 ballistic missiles aimed at Europe by stationing American Pershing II missiles in Germany. 

Feds Apologize to Violent BLM and Antifa Rioters for Not Being Nicer to Them as They Set Fires in Front of White House By Victoria Taft

If you still weren’t convinced of the legal double standard between the right and the left, this announcement by the Department of Justice (DOJ) on Wednesday should remove all doubt.

The Biden Administration’s radical civil rights division boss at the DOJ has “reached an agreement to settle claims in four civil cases arising from the June 1, 2020, law enforcement response to racial justice demonstrations in Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C.”

This was during the Black Lives Matter and Antifa Reign of Terror or, as then-Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan accidentally coined it, a “Summer of Love,” after the George Floyd riots began in Minneapolis and spread across the country.

Protesters and violent rioters set seized upon Lafayette Square, breaching a White House perimeter, and rioted, rallied, and set fires for days. An umbrella group called “Shut Down DC,” composed of far-left professional agitators, including Lisa Fithian, called helped orchestrate the attack to incapacitate the nation’s capitol.

Washington, D.C. not only indulged this “first amendment activity,” but Mayor Muriel Bowser also encouraged it by memorializing part of the city streets with a Black Lives Matter mural paid for by taxpayers.

Biden Wanted To ‘Restore The Soul of America.’ Here’s How Much That Cost You (So Far) By: Eddie Scarry

All of this is thanks to the man who promised he would ‘lower the temperature,’ ‘bring the country together,’ and ‘restore the soul of America.’

Each and every time President Biden or any given White House official appears on TV, I imagine everyone watching feels his heart drop, dead certain that more bad news is about to be delivered. Seriously, when was the last time any administration official said something positive?

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s red hair flashed across my screen Monday, and I had no doubt that whatever was about to come out of her mouth was going to ruin my day. Psaki: “We expect March [Consumer Price Index] headline inflation to be extraordinarily elevated due to Putin’s price hike.”

The Labor Department announced the next day that consumer prices were up 8.5 percent from a year ago, the highest rate of inflation in more than 40 years.

Never fails! It turns out the only time you can assume Psaki isn’t lying is when she’s telling you how bad things are or how bad they’re about to get. To that end, under Biden, what exactly is going well in America?

India: Policeman Rescues Infant From Flames After Muslim Mob Attacks Hindus Celebrating Hindu New Year An image that shatters the propaganda of perennial Muslim victimhood. Ashlyn Davis

The image is one of valor and courage, and deserves to win awards. But it does not suit the propaganda of perennial Muslim victimhood that the biggest names in global media promulgate. It also shatters the fake narrative they have peddled for years. It is an image of an Indian policeman who ran through burning buildings to rescue an infant from Islamic rage. This kind of photo makes liberal media platforms uncomfortable.

On April 2, disputes broke out in Karauli, Rajasthan. Hindus were celebrating the Hindu New Year, and had organized a celebratory motorbike rally. While the bikers were passing through a Muslim-dominated area in Karauli, they were ambushed by rioting mobs who had prepared to display their solidarity and communal harmony by throwing stones at these Hindu motorcyclists. The mob flung rocks at these men from all directions.

A couple of police officers were riding with the Hindus in order to provide security from known miscreants and anticipated dangers. But the Indian state of Rajasthan is ruled by the Muslim-pandering Indian National Congress, and there is only so much that security officials can do to protect the Hindus while reporting to a government that is desperate to appease the Muslim community. Often, these policemen also become victims of jihad activity.

Around 43 people, including four police officers, reportedly sustained severe injuries after an enraged Muslim mob charged at the Hindu rally as it passed through the Muslim area. The victims were rushed to the nearest medical facility for treatment; one among these victims was Pushpendra, who was in critical condition and had to be moved to Jaipur, the state capital, for better medical attention.

‘France’s Trump’ Out of the Running for President A painful loss for Éric Zemmour – and for the French. Bruce Bawer

Even before he announced for president, the French media were out there, along with prominent academics and sundry bien pensant observers, warning potential voters that he was a “populist,” a “polemicist,” and a “provocateur” who was “obsessed with Islam” – and not, mind you, in an an affectionate, Obama-like way – and hence patently “dangerous,” “divisive,” and “discriminatory.” Worst of all, as you could tell from reading his books, including the huge 2004 bestseller Le Suicide français, Éric Zemmour subscribed – as do the majority of his countrymen – to the “Great Replacement” theory, which posits that the people of France are in the process of being supplanted by Muslims and their society, culture, and laws are gradually giving way to their Islamic counterparts.

On November 30, Zemmour released a seven-minute video in which he officially declared his candidacy. In powerful words matched with equally powerful images that contrasted present-day France with the France of history, he stated: “You walk the streets of your city and you don’t recognize it. You look at your screens and you are spoken to in a language that is strange and, quite frankly, foreign….you have the impression that you are no longer in the country you know.” He cited the threats posed by mass Muslim immigration to French liberty, French civilization, French film and food and fashion and “the charm of our art of living.” It was, I commented at the time, “an oration for the ages.” And of course the elites sneered: in the New Yorker, the execrable Adam Gopnick compared Zemmour to Hitler and Stalin.

In fact Zemmour seemed to be the only candidate for president of France who was truly serious about – and remotely capable of – saving it from an Islamic future. But despite that stirring kick-off video, and despite what should have been a sensational endorsement by Marion Maréchal, the niece of perennial “far-right” presidential also-ran, Marine Le Pen, his campaign went nowhere. Yes, even before his announcement he’d drained support from Le Pen; but she recovered. Then Valérie Pécresse entered the race, echoing many of Zemmour’s talking points, and not only briefly captured the attention of the media but also briefly stole the #2 spot in the public-opinion polls from Le Pen.