Vengeful Democrats investigating the January 6 riots may help elect Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis president in 2024. Good for them; the nation is grateful.
In spending weeks and months conducting their one-sided hearings into the riots at the Capitol, Democrats have undermined the standing of former President Donald J. Trump. There is no question that the made-for-TV show trial has taken a toll; polling confirms that Americans, including many Republicans, are disgusted by Trump’s behavior during those consequential hours.
Trump increasingly has baggage, the kind of baggage that caused Hillary Clinton to lose in 2016. When you run for president, it is not helpful if a majority of the country considers you dishonest and untrustworthy. That’s where Clinton was in the summer of 2016; that’s where Trump is now.
Democrats are congratulating themselves on this achievement. A recent Bloomberg piece was titled: “Good news for Democrats: Even Republicans are Tiring of Trump.” The story says the hearings have turned off a lot of “soft Trump” voters and Independents who are ready to “move on.”
But in possibly sidelining Trump, Democrats have unquestionably furthered the fortunes of DeSantis who, on many matrices, could be a much tougher opponent that Trump. They may in fact have cost themselves the White House in 2024.