The Sovietization of American Life Behind all our disasters there looms an ideology, a creed that ignores cause and effect in the real world—without a shred of concern for the damage done to those outside the nomenklatura. By Victor Davis Hanson

One day historians will look back at the period beginning with the COVID lockdowns of spring 2020 through the midterm elections of 2022 to understand how America for over two years lost its collective mind and turned into something unrecognizable and antithetical to its founding principles.

“Sovietization” is perhaps the best diagnosis of the pathology. It refers to the subordination of policy, expression, popular culture, and even thought to ideological mandates. Ultimately such regimentation destroys a state since dogma wars with and defeats meritocracy, creativity, and freedom. 

The American Commissariat

Experts become sycophantic. They mortgage their experience and talent to ideology—to the point where society itself regresses. 

The law is no longer blind and disinterested, but adjudicates indictment, prosecution, verdict, and punishment on the ideology of the accused. Eric Holder is held in contempt of Congress and smiles; Peter Navarro is held in contempt of Congress and is hauled off in cuffs and leg-irons. James Clapper and John Brennan lied under oath to Congress—and were rewarded with television contracts; Roger Stone did the same and a SWAT team showed up at his home. Andrew McCabe made false statements to federal investigators and was exempt. A set-up George Papadopoulos went to prison for a similar charge. So goes the new American commissariat.

Examine California and ask a series of simple questions. 

Why does the state that formerly served as a model to the nation regarding transportation now suffer inferior freeways while its multibillion-dollar high-speed rail project remains an utter boondoggle and failure? 

Why was its safe and critically needed last-remaining nuclear power plant scheduled for shutdown (and only recently reversed) as the state faced summer brownouts? 

Why did its forests go up in smoke predictably each summer, as its timber industry and the century-old science of forest management all but disappeared from the state?

Why do the state’s criminals so often evade indictment, and if convicted are often not incarcerated—or are quickly paroled? 

Why are its schools’ test scores dismal, its gasoline the nation’s highest-priced, and the streets of its major cities fetid and dangerous—in a fashion not true 50 years ago or elsewhere today?

In a word, the one-party state is Sovietized. Public policy is no longer empirical but subservient to green, diversity, equity, and inclusion dogmas—and detached from the reality of daily middle-class existence. Decline is ensured once ideology governs problem-solving rather than time-tested and successful policymaking.

Will America Remain Virtuous Enough to Be Free? John Adams and America’s moral and religious foundations. Terrence P. Jeffrey

“To pass the American tradition of freedom down to future generations we must also pass down the moral and religious foundations needed to sustain it.”

John Adams, who would soon surrender the presidency to Thomas Jefferson, ventured up to Capitol Hill on Nov. 22, 1800, to deliver the first-ever in-person presidential address in the not-yet-finished home of the United States Congress.

It was noon on a Saturday. What message did he deliver?

First, Adams congratulated the American people for building the Capitol itself.

“I congratulate the people of the United States on the assembling of Congress at the permanent seat of their government, and I congratulate you, gentlemen, on the prospect of a residence not to be changed,” he said. “Although there is cause to apprehend that accommodations are not now so complete as might be wished, yet there is great reason to believe that this inconvenience will cease with the present session.”

Then Adams pointed to morality, religion and God.

“It would be unbecoming the representatives of this nation to assemble for the first time in this solemn temple without looking up to the Supreme Ruler of the universe and imploring His blessing,” he said.

“May this territory be the residence of virtue and happiness!” said Adams. “In this city may that piety and virtue, that wisdom and magnanimity, that constancy and self-government, which adorned the great character whose name it bears be forever held in veneration! Here and throughout our country may simple manners, pure morals, and true religion flourish forever!”

This was not a new theme for the nation’s second president or for his contemporaries.

In 1778, while serving the newly independent United States as a commissioner to France, Adams passed by a mansion called Bellevue that King Louis XV had built as a residence for his mistress, Madame de Pompadour.

Adams came to view this estate as a symbol of the depravity of the French monarchy.

Twisting the Truth about Tinseltown At the leftist Times, an absurd whitewash of leftist Hollywood. Bruce Bawer

If you happened to take a look at the New York Times website a few days ago – specifically, on June 2 – you’d have found the usual daily mix of predictable left-wing claptrap. One article smeared the Proud Boys as a “violent” gang of “far-right nationalist[s]”; another lamented the verdict in the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial because it afforded the unacceptable spectacle of “a woman brought low,” while yet another asserted that Depp won “[b]ecause he’s a man.” Meanwhile the travel section pretended that Paris (a “City of Light” nowadays only when Muslim gangs are setting cars and churches ablaze) is still the romantic locale of Gigi and Funny Face, and the op-ed page offered an essay headlined “Inflation Should Make Us All Vegetarians” and an argument that the main problem with the “capable, decent men and women” who make up the Biden administration is that they’re insufficiently eager to make nice with China.

But the day’s most ludicrous piece of agitprop was an essay in which Times film critic A. O. Scott actually tried to make the case that Hollywood isn’t left-wing. Yes, he admitted, the film industry is “a hub of Democratic Party fund-raising and activism” – but, hey, there are also plenty of “suspected conservatives” in La La Land (he didn’t pause to ponder why they’re only “suspected”), and in any case, he suggested, it all evens out, because during the era of the “Red Scare” Hollywood conservatives subjected liberals to “blacklisting and betrayal.” Um, no. Here’s the real story: through much of the 1930s and 40s, the writing and acting branches in Hollywood were dominated by ruthless, card-carrying Stalinists like Dalton Trumbo, who sought to use their power to propagandize for Communism; it was they, not conservatives, who aimed to crush the liberals in their midst; and it was they, not liberals, who were later targeted by the HUAC hearings. “Betrayal”? It was these Stalinists, enemies of their country and tools of the Kremlin, who were the traitors.

Remembering the Boys of Pointe du Hoc By Paul Krause

“Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force: You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you.”

Eisenhower’s speech, on the eve of the greatest military campaign for freedom in human history, was matched only by the speech of President Ronald Reagan in 1984 on the fortieth anniversary of that event. “The men of Normandy had faith that what they were doing was right, faith that they fought for all humanity, faith that a just God would grant them mercy on this beachhead or on the next.” D-Day remains one of the greatest manifestations of the American, and human, spirit of liberty and courage ever known.

We are told that America stands at a crossroad. America has always been standing at crossroads. And time and again America has weathered the storm and come back stronger and freer than before. While it is easy to despair, we must remember what propelled the spirit of freedom and progress — true freedom and progress — into the new dawn despite the surrounding darkness.

What Eisenhower and Reagan’s speeches have in common is a thread going back to our Founding Fathers and the very spirit that birthed America.

In his inaugural address, George Washington said, “I dwell on this prospect with every satisfaction which an ardent love for my Country can inspire: since there is no truth more thoroughly established, than that there exists in the economy and course of nature, an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness, between duty and advantage.”

Pete Buttigieg’s tour de force of fatuousness, dishonesty, and backdoor socialism By Andrea Widburg

“In other words, everything Buttigieg said was dishonest or dangerous. He is a perfect representative of the Biden administration.”

Pete Buttigieg took questions on Sunday from George Stephanopoulos. This little man with the carefully tweezed eyebrows, sleazy 5:00 shadow, Alfred E. Neuman mien, and orator’s voice hid behind fatuous, hackneyed political babble even as he discretely revealed the hardcore totalitarianism that drives him and, indeed, drives the entire Biden administration. In many ways, Buttigieg is like a Stepford politician. There’s something eerily unreal about the man as, no matter the question, he responds with administration talking points rather than substantive information.

Stephanopoulos opened by speaking about Jamie Dimon’s warning that America is facing an economic “hurricane” (a word Stephanopoulos carefully avoided using), as well as Larry Summers’s concerns about a recession, and then asked if Americans need to brace for an economic storm. Buttigieg answered with blather.

He boasted about the swift, red-hot, wildly fast economic growth in the first year of the Biden administration—which was in fact a weak return to work by Americans who had been locked out of their jobs for over a year—but then conceded that we won’t be seeing that “growth” this year. He wants us to know, though, “that this administration takes seriously” people’s fears. The Fed will do its job and Congress will do its job and the supply chain will be stronger. And more blah-blah and some yadda-yadda.

Poll: Nearly Three-Quarters of Americans Disapprove of Biden’s Handling of Inflation By Caroline Downey

Over 70 percent of Americans disapprove of President Biden’s handling of soaring inflation and gas prices, indicating that economic security remains a high priority for the voting population.

As of June 3-4, 71 percent said they are unsatisfied with Biden’s efforts to curb inflation and 72 percent said the same for gas prices specifically, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll released Sunday. Meanwhile, 28 percent say they are content with Biden’s management of the inflation crisis.

Thirty-seven percent said they approve of the president’s handling of the economic recovery following the Covid-19 downturn, although that number represents a sharp drop of 16 percent from July 2021, when 53 percent approved of Biden’s performance on economic recovery.

Fifty-one percent of respondents reported that inflation and the economy will be “extremely important” in influencing their voting behavior in the 2022 midterm elections. Asked to rank key issues in terms of personal importance issues inflation and the economy received the highest percentages for “extremely important,” beating out the Ukraine conflict, the pandemic, and abortion.

Twenty-one percent of respondents said that inflation would be the “single most important issue” impacting their midterm vote, while 19 percent said the same of the economy, making those issues the top two highest rated in terms of importance, respectively. The poll surveyed a nationally collected sample of 542 adults from June 3 to June 4.

Is Public Input On Science And Technology Policy Worthwhile? Henry I. Miller

In the throes of a pandemic that won’t quit, many Americans are anxious, but not only about COVID-19; they’re also fearful about vaccines, chemicals, and even (non-existent) “chemtrails,” to name just a few. Inexplicably, even after more than a million U.S. deaths from COVID-19, the U.S. population remains under-vaccinated and under-boosted. While California has gotten more than 70% of its population fully vaccinated, a large number of states – including Missouri, Georgia, Arkansas, Alabama, Wyoming, Indiana – have barely reached 50%, in spite of exhortations by political leaders and medical professionals.

According to Naval War College professor Tom Nichols, we’re witnessing the “death of expertise”: “a Google-driven, Wikipedia-based, blog-sodden collapse of any division between professionals and laymen, students and teachers, knowers and wonderers – in other words, between those of any achievement in an area and those with none at all.” 

The pandemic has brought armchair epidemiologists and infectious disease experts out in droves, and especially with policies in flux, this is not a trivial problem. It confounds policymakers and regulators who feel compelled to seek non-expert input on decisions, wasting time and taxpayers’ money, and making them increasingly reluctant to contravene even uninformed, misguided vox populi.

Science is not democratic. The citizenry does not get to vote on whether a whale is a mammal or a fish, or on the boiling point of water; legislatures cannot repeal the laws of nature, although legislators in Indiana once tried to redefine the mathematical constant pi.

Americans Pretty Much Disgusted With The Big Media: I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones

Among major American institutions, the media have had a particularly rough ride over the past year. Public trust in the media’s integrity and performance has soured significantly in recent months, with big media credibility continuing to sink, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows.

The most recent data come from our May online nationwide poll of 1,320 adults, taken from May 4-6. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 2.8 points.

Each month since March of 2021, poll respondents have been asked the following two questions:

“Generally speaking, how much trust do you have in the traditional or established news media (Example: Washington Post, New York Times, NPR, CBS News, etc.) to report the news accurately and fairly?”
“Generally speaking, how much trust do you have in the alternative news media (Example: New York Post, Washington Times, NewsMax, The Daily Caller, RealClearPolitics, etc.) to report the news accurately and fairly?”

For the more mainstream “established” media in the first question, the poll shows how poorly in the public’s esteem the news outlets are: Only 37% of those who responded said they had either “a lot of trust” (15%) or “quite a bit of trust” (22%) in the media.

Meanwhile, 56% said they either had “little trust” (28%) or “no trust at all” (28%), for an overall negative trust reading of -19 points. An abysmal reading given the central informational role the media play in our daily lives.

Dems May Be Ensuring Their Own Destruction With Latest Moves by Jan. 6 Cmte Jonathan Turley

Democrats know that they’re about to get wiped big time come the midterms, and they’re desperately searching for something that will turn the tide, whether it’s maximizing the leftist reaction to the leak from SCOTUS about the abortion case or trying to demonize Republicans over gun control. But none of that has changed the basic trend toward Republicans sweeping the field in November.


The only thing they have left is the thing they’ve been planning for a while: using the Jan. 6 Committee hearings to smear the Republicans. The committee has no Republican appointees on it, so it’s already compromised. But they have been trying to go scorched earth, demanding people testify and give up their private communications in the hopes they will find something in their desperate fishing expedition.

They’ve subpoenaed people, including their former colleague Mark Meadows, and even held people in contempt and pursued an indictment against people when they refused to go along with the political farce, like Peter Navarro. Instead of having Peter Navarro, a Trump adviser, simply arrange to surrender, as one might do for something like a contempt charge, they had him arrested and cuffed at an airport — for maximum embarrassment and Democratic PR. That’s how law enforcement is now being used — to hurt the Democrats’ political opponents.

Between this and the failure to hold the Democrats themselves accountable for all their bad acts, that’s leading the country to a very bad place. They’re doing this, despite the evidence that Americans have moved on from the three-hour riot, that they are much more concerned about how Joe Biden and the Democrats are hurting their wallets with their bad policies. But the Democrats are still hoping that they can spin new disclosures that will help their cause.

Hillary’s Role in the Russia Smear The Sussmann trial provides more evidence that she personally directed the effort. By Douglas Schoen and Andrew Stein

The acquittal of former Hillary Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann—charged with lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation while acting on behalf of her 2016 campaign—leaves major questions unanswered about Mrs. Clinton’s role in her campaign’s effort to tie Donald Trump to Russia. It also provides new evidence that she personally directed the effort.

In July 2016, John Brennan, then director of the Central Intelligence Agency, briefed President Obama that Mrs. Clinton gave “approval” for a “proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up scandal and claiming interference by the Russian security service,” according to Mr. Brennan’s notes from the meeting, which were obtained by Fox News.

During Mr. Sussmann’s trial, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, testified that he and other top aides decided to feed the press a story in October 2016 about the now-disproven allegations of secret ties between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank. Importantly, Mr. Mook said that Mrs. Clinton was aware of, and approved of, this plan. “We discussed it with Hillary,” Mr. Mook testified. “She agreed with the decision.”

When the campaign leaked the unverified story, Clinton aide Jake Sullivan—now President Biden’s national security adviser, and perhaps the foreign-policy adviser to whom Mr. Brennan referred—issued a statement indicating that a probe could be imminent: “We can only assume that federal authorities will now explore this direct connection between Trump and Russia as part of their existing probe into Russia’s meddling in our elections.” Mrs. Clinton tweeted out Mr. Sullivan’s statement.