The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is one of the largest and most respected Muslim organizations on the continent. Politicians routinely fawn all over it. But it is also easily one of the most sinister Islamic organizations in the West ISNA manifested its truly evil agenda once again recently, when it issued a statement denouncing “Israeli violence against Palestinian worshipers” without, not surprisingly, bothering to notice that those “worshipers” were actually Islamic jihadis who were stockpiling stones and other material to use as weapons in attacks against Israeli civilians.
On May 5, one group finally called out ISNA, which continues to enjoy mainstream acceptance and wield considerable influence in the corridors of power in Washington. The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), which represents “over 2000 traditional, Orthodox rabbis in matters of American public policy,” called on ISNA to “retract its statement issued April 16 entitled, ‘ISNA Condemns Israeli Violence Against Palestinian Worshipers.’ CJV pointed to numerous factual errors in the statement which, taken together, could easily be characterized as promoting a false narrative, encouraging antisemitism and even fomenting violence.”
ISNA’s encouragement of antisemitism and fomenting of violence was no surprise.