Gigi Sohn, Another Biden Nominee Who Should be Dumped

Of the more controversial nominees to come out of the Biden administration, Gigi Sohn, the President’s pick to be a commissioner at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), might be facing the broadest opposition of all.

A second confirmation hearing further revealed deep-seated concerns about her policy positions, past statements and actions on critical issues, and unprecedented and eyebrow-raising ethical issues.  The White House even managed to hurt its relationship with allied organizations due to an opaque and seemingly disingenuous nomination process.

The FCC is an independent federal agency that regulates communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable.  Among its fundamental mission, the agency is supposed to promote competition and innovation, and work toward a media regulatory framework to ensure “that new technologies flourish alongside diversity and localism.”

In a highly regulated sector like telecom, ownership, and market participation are especially vital for underserved communities.  FCC overreach can easily make it more difficult to own a radio or TV station or reduce the investment needed to bring broadband connectivity to underserved areas, including the 991 majority Latino rural counties in the U.S., for example.

As advisor to previous FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler during President Obama’s second term, Sohn spearheaded a push for regulation that would have enabled big tech companies to effectively use content from smaller programmers, including many Hispanic and other minority-owned ventures, without paying them for their intellectual property.

America Has Two Major Parties- The Republicans and the Authoritarians

Yearning to breathe free has become an offense in Canada punishable by arrest. The extreme measures taken by boy Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in breaking up the truckers’ protest should appall every person in this country. But one group of Americans overwhelmingly approves of Trudeau’s jackbooted crackdown. In another time they’d be called the agents of tyranny, but for now they’re still known as Democrats.

Rather than sitting down with the truckers demonstrating in Ottawa to civilly discuss their grievances and seek a peaceful end to their takeover of the capital’s downtown, Trudeau instead launched “an unprecedented violation of civil rights.” A “giant security force” was “amassed to quell the demonstration,” writes Canadian Laura Koot, managing editor of The National, which covers the Middle East. She went “from feeling great pride for my home country to being filled with shame and horror” in the course of a week.

While we support the truckers’ objective – to break Trudeau’s infringement of human liberty – a legitimate government has the authority to remove those who block public spaces, whether they are Black Lives Matter belligerents, Antifa thugs, or truck drivers who simply want to be left alone to do their jobs.

But Trudeau went well beyond that. His government became illegitimate the moment he used the country’s Emergencies Act to destroy, as radio talk show host Dennis Prager wrote, “the lives of Canadian dissidents.”

No One Fears Biden By Kyle Smith

Long before our president invited a Ukrainian invasion by suggesting a ‘minor incursion’ would be fine, Vladimir Putin had his number.

L ast June, ahead of a Russia–U.S. meeting, Time magazine conjured up a piece of embarrassing cover-art propaganda featuring Joe Biden’s aviator glasses reflecting Vladimir Putin. At last, a U.S. president had Putin in his sights! Finally we’d get back to putting Russia in its place.

“How Biden Plans to Get Tough on Putin During Their Geneva Summit,” promised a breathless story by Brian Bennett. A senior administration official suggested Biden, despite the “chaos” that President Trump had supposedly unleashed in the world, would use a combination of unity talk — everyone in Europe was on the same page about Russia, supposedly — and thinly veiled threats about retaliatory cyberattacks to show Putin who’s boss. “The whole goal is to have [Putin] come away saying, ‘The Americans are onto us and have us encircled,’” the official told Bennett. The writer editorialized that, “Biden is qualified to lead the approach. He’s spent decades in debates on U.S.-Russian relations as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.” Whew, then.

So how’d everything work out? Well, according to Bennett himself, in a follow-up piece that sounded a bit less like a fangirl transcribing a press release and more like someone who had actually observed Biden up close, noted that Putin seemed somehow to have been the one who came out on top. “The stagecraft,” Bennett noted glumly, “played to Putin’s personal vanity and his long-standing desire for Russia to be taken seriously as a major rival to the U.S. . . . Putin seemed to relish the platform in Geneva” because it placed the two countries on an equal footing. Oh, and the “White House said it did not expect any deliverables to come out of the meeting,” despite Biden doing a very Joe Biden version of laying down the law: He handed Putin a list of 16 kinds of cyberattacks that he considered to be off limits. Did that mean all other kinds were okay? Putin may have been forgiven if he went back to his dacha and spent the following 24 hours giggling.

“What ever [sic] happens in Ukraine we shouldn’t underestimate the fact the United States has retaken the adult chair in the world,” claimed former Clinton White House spokesman Joe Lockhart on Twitter yesterday. “Biden has restored American leadership so damaged by Trump. The world needs us and we have a President who can and does lead.” The grownups are back in charge? Granted that Trump behaved, and behaves, like a toddler. But is a woke undergraduate a grownup?

Everywhere, Cancel The View. Now. It’s reductive, boring, and serves no higher purpose than to fill the pockets and fuel the egos of those involved, at the expense of women. Kay Smythe

ABC’s suspension of Whoopi Goldberg for her Holocaust rant was labeled “cancel culture” by her leftist bedfellows. It may be true, but I don’t think ABC went far enough. I think The View should be cancelled in its entirety.

Goldberg, whose real name is Caryn Elaine Johnson (she gave herself a Jewish last name), had denied that the Holocaust was a racially-driven genocide. The comments were especially galling given her bizarre history with Judaism.

In May 2011 she told a crowd: “I just know I am Jewish. I practice nothing. I don’t go to temple, but I do remember the holidays. Religion is a lot of work, it’s exhausting. So I keep it simple, I have a pretty good relationship with God. We talk.’”

Speaking about her name change, she opined: “The name is wonderful for starting conversations.” The Jewish Chronicle reported that her mother, “Emma Johnson, thought that the family’s original surname was ‘not Jewish enough’ for her daughter to become a star.”

Perhaps even more repulsively, Goldberg has defended Bill Cosby (who poisoned and raped women and girls), even after he admitted giving women quaaludes without their consent. Goldberg is not a woman who supports others, and neither are her co-panelists on The View.

Connecting the dots between Russiagate and Hillary Thanks to John Durham, we now know there was a plot against Trump — and it runs deep Peter Van Buren

Let’s connect the dots between John Durham, Russiagate, the FBI, and Hillary Clinton. They strongly suggest the Clinton campaign ran a sophisticated, multi-prong coordinated intelligence operation against Trump with either the active or tacit support of the FBI.

In the case of prong one, the dossier, the Clinton campaign hired MI6 intelligence officer Christopher Steele. The hiring was through its law firm, Perkins Coie, which hired Fusion GPS, which hired Steele to hide the funding source. The use of the law firm as a cutout allowed Hillary to deny that she’d funded the dossier, and the media to claim for a year or more that it was actually the Republicans themselves who paid for it. This also set up the distracting he said/she said cover that Clinton would use throughout the operation.

Once they had hired Steele, the Clinton campaign itself fed lies to Steele. Steele used credibility to hide the non-credibility of his pushed sources. They were taken seriously only because Steele was taken seriously, albeit only because he was paid by Clinton to do so. You could not achieve much putting a thug like Igor Danchenko on CNN. This is known as embellishing your sources.

Why Biden’s transformational presidency is failing His administration lacks the vision to solve big problems By Peter Morici

President Biden’s transformational presidency is unraveling. He simply lacks energy and ideas and is surrounded by top officials with resumes that nominally check the boxes on experience but lack the vision to solve big problems.

The whole justification for his candidacy was he was not Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose socialism many voters feared, or former President Donald Trump, whose character many disliked but whose policies voters never rejected.

In 2020, Mr. Biden managed to win, but Democrats lost seats in the House. In 2021, the off-year election went badly for liberals in Virginia and elsewhere. In 2022, the president’s approval ratings are lower than a snake’s belly, and generic polls favor the Republican Party to take back the House.

Mr. Biden chose Vice President Kamala Harris for her race and gender and charged her with addressing the southern border crisis. As with most issues, she is more concerned with politics than the substance and is accomplishing little.

Often, she doesn’t do her homework and then blames the staff for poor results. Frustrated by her resulting lack of clout in the administration, key staffers have left.

Mr. Biden was warned his stimulus package was much too large, and now the country bears 7.5% inflation, declining real wages and many benefits of asset bubbles going to Wall Street bankers.

What Putin Has Already Gained From Biden: Claudia Rosset

While President Biden warns President Putin that invading Ukraine would bring drastic sanctions in some misty tomorrow, the Russian dictator is leveraging the current crisis to humiliate and shake down the West today. Whatever Putin’s next move, it’s worth tallying what he’s already gained.

Mr. Biden, for all his warnings, has so far imposed no serious costs on Mr. Putin for threatening Ukraine by land and sea. The Russian ruler has spent months assembling a strike force of war ships along Ukraine’s coast and more than 150,000 troops along its land borders. In April he threatened to invade Ukraine with a smaller force, for which he paid no price.

The precedent now taking shape is that Mr. Putin can with impunity threaten, terrorize, and engage in a dress rehearsal for invasion, as long as the troops then go home — at least for a while. This routine provides useful training in the field for Russia’s military, should Mr. Putin decide at some stage to go ahead.

While Mr. Putin has been readying his guns, America has defaulted to talks, with senior officials proffering diplomatic off ramps as if Mr. Putin were stuck in a runaway truck. Yet the problem is not that Mr. Putin lacks off-ramps. Rather, Putin is expert in creating crises he can manipulate, and he created this one.

Mr. Putin makes no secret of his desire to reassemble a Russian empire. He has already attempted an invasion in 2008 of Georgia, created a mascot state in Belarus, seized Crimea in 2014, intervened recently in an upheaval in Kazakhstan, and fueled separatist conflict in Eastern Ukraine for years. If he has yet to make up his mind on Ukraine, it might just be that he is taking time to marvel at the limp American response.

Mr. Biden’s threat to stop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline bringing Russian gas to Germany in the event Russia were to invade Ukraine would probably be more daunting were Germany more clearly on board, and if Mr. Biden had not waved ahead the same pipeline last year as a fait accompli.

The Left’s Covid Insanity is Creating a Once in a Lifetime Opportunity for Conservatives

How many times can leftists reveal themselves to be intolerant, close-minded, dogmatic, bigoted, cruel, unforgiving, race-mongers while claiming to be the virtuous ones? Two recent events – both of which took place in uber-liberal San Francisco – suggest that the time for leftists honoring themselves might soon be at an end.

Last week, San Franciscans voted overwhelmingly – and we’re talking an average margin of 75-25 – to recall three school board members for, as the Washington Post put it, being “too focused on racial justice.”

Actually, the last straw for parents was the fact that, instead of reopening schools, the board was fixated on renaming 44 of them that carry names of those currently disfavored by leftists. You know, deplorables such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln​, Paul Revere, and … California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

Robert Spencer’s ‘The Critical Qur’an’ A must-read, essential book. Danusha V. Goska

If I were queen, I would reward every reader who completed Robert Spencer’s new book, The Critical Qur’an: Explained from Key Islamic Commentaries and Contemporary Historical Research. The Critical Qur’an is an essential book that every thinking person would benefit from reading. About one in four humans is a Muslim. Given child marriage, polygyny, and women’s low status, Muslims have high fertility rates and the percentage of the world’s population that is Muslim is predicted to increase till Islam is the world’s majority religion in 2075. While it is true that the Qur’an is often not read or understand by most Muslims, Muslims do revere the Qur’an. Muslims may have little idea what the book contains, but they are ready to kill over it. When, in 2005, Newsweek circulated false rumors that Americans were flushing Qur’ans down toilets – which is of course impossible – at least seventeen people were killed in ensuing violence and “a council of more than 300 mullahs …threatened to declare holy war.”

In the past, reading the Qur’an was difficult. Some translations used pseudo-King-James English, for example archaic forms like “thee, thou, thine,” in an attempt to make the Qur’an sound Biblical, and, therefore, holy. Some translations attempt to paper over the Qur’an’s lack of clarity by adding parenthetical fixes. For example, Qur’an 2:1 begins “Alif Lam Meem.” No one knows what this means. One translation tries to “help” the reader with a parenthetical explanation: “Alif-Lam-Mim. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Quran and none but Allah (Alone) knows their meanings].” The reader is left to wonder how the incoherent equals the miraculous. Translators try to draw a smiley face over darker Qur’anic passages. “Jihad,” which clearly means actual warfare to claim territory, booty, corpses, and slaves for Allah, is translated as “struggle.” Spencer’s new translation avoids these pitfalls, and, on the sentence level, it is easy to read.

Can Israel Anchor a Defense Alliance of Moderate Arab States? Or will the balance of Middle East power tip toward Iran? Joseph Puder

The Biden administration debacle in Afghanistan has convinced America’s enemies of the administration’s weakness and vulnerability. The timing of Vladimir Putin’s march on Ukraine is undoubtedly connected to the perception in Moscow of Washington’s lack of will to engage in a confrontation. Communist China is astutely waiting for the right time to seize Taiwan. Should Moscow achieve its objectives, Xi Jinping, China’s dictator would follow Putin’s example and act, knowing full well that the Biden administration would pay lip service to the violation of Taiwanese sovereignty, and perhaps demand UN sanctions, but ultimately, Washington would live with the new reality.

The radical and theocratic Ayatollahs also sense an opportunity to take advantage of the Biden administration’s willingness to have a deal at all costs, and thus have been successfully pressing their demands, and it appears that the Biden administration might cave in. Tehran also realized that there will not be military consequences from the US with their continued advancement toward a nuclear bomb. Iran continues to develop its ballistic missiles range and payload, to possibly carry a nuclear device. At the same time, the Iranians have continued their adventurism and terror throughout the region. Tehran also considered the fact that North Korea has never suffered the military consequences of becoming nuclear. Economic boycotts by the West are clearly no longer a deterrent against Iran, North Korea, China, or Russia.