Wafa Sultan speech at the Denmark Free Press Society Conference

Last June Dr. Wafa Sultan – the author of the upcoming book; A God Who Hates was a guest speaker along with Geert Wilders, Diana West and others at the Free Press Society Conference in Denmark. Please read the speech she gave at that conference relating to the publication of the Danish cartoons. The speech appears on Wafa Sultan’s website.




 Thank you so much for inviting me to attend this conference, I’m so honored to be here today.

 Two years ago, in the aftermath of the turbulent times related to the Danish cartoons’ depiction of Muhammad, I traveled to your beautiful country to express my gratitude for your courage to stand up and protect our valuable western attributes including freedom of speech, expression and freedom of conscience.


As you may remember, I insisted that publishing the cartoons was a very initial step to educate Muslims all over the world to acknowledge criticism and listen respectfully to how others view aspects of their religion. Ever since, I have been closely watching Arabic media, and assure you that publication of those cartoons has played a major role in making a positive change.


Until that crisis, Islamic ideology emblazoned in hatred, violence and intolerance had not been questioned or challenged by outsiders in such a strong manner. The cartoon episode changed the paradigm and so was a turning point from which there is no way back.


However, Muslims still find it difficult to accept responsibility for their actions. Why?


Muslims have been hostages to their belief system for fourteen hundreds years. They simply have not been exposed to the world outside their Islamic restricted prison. They follow their theologically predisposed dogma and are not at all capable of critically reflecting and self-criticism. For Muslims, self evaluating and challenging their religion is pure taboo. According to Barnard Lewis, and I confirm it, Muslims reject newness.


On the other hand, because of its multicultural relativism, the Western establishment is still reluctant to openly challenge the dangerous Islamic political ideology.


Thus, Western political correctness, triggered by fear, under the umbrella of a multicultural creed, has played a major supportive role in Muslims’ comfort level at following their beliefs and behaviors without need to reform.

Islamists interpret Western society silence and soft approach as capitulation to their demands and are therefore under the impression they hold the upper hand on their path to submission of all others under Islam and Sharia Law.


I recently read an article entitled; “In the casbah of Rotterdam” by Giulio Meotti – an article which shockingly describes how Rotterdam – the second largest city in Holland ‑ is becoming the first Muslim city in Europe. The newspaper article included a quote made a year ago, in form of a letter written by Bouchra Ismaili – a Rotterdam city councilman ‑ where Ismaili stated: “Listen up, crazy freaks, we’re here to stay. You’re the foreigners here; with Allah on my side I’m not afraid of anything. Take my advice: convert to Islam, and you will find peace.”


It is obvious to me that this councilman’s insult would not have been allowed to be printed 15 or even 10 years ago. This is because in the past, Muslims like Ismaili felt too weak and outnumbered, to publicly make such an appalling announcement. Now, their populations have increased substantially; gaining Islamists power and strength to openly express their true intentions.


In addition to open immigration policies in Europe which facilitate drastic Muslim demographic increase, other factors allow this councilman to publicly announce his abysmal conviction.


The majority in the West have conveniently taken their freedom for granted. They easily forget the history of European struggle to advance into the age of enlightenment and establishing the system of secular liberal democracies. Therefore; the general public is reluctant to protect these cherished values. At the same token, they lack basic understanding on the nature, motives and underlying principles that drive their Muslim adversaries.


In western culture, violence is a last resort.  For Muslims, it is a culturally-instinctive reaction.  And please don’t tell me about ‘our majority!’ – Muslim’s first-resort-to-violence gives them weight far above their numbers.  There is NO historical precedent for a Muslim take-over ‘only’ when they reached majority. 


As a result, in the face of barbaric acts like “honor Killings”, raping of non-Muslims and organized vandalism by Muslims in European cities, government officials and law abiding citizens, liberal academic elite, the liberal media and proponents of interfaith dialogues, legitimize Sharia approved doctrines by ignoring them. Or worse, by approving them to welcome and accept other cultures into Western social fabric.


Thus creating a harmful symbiotic relationship. On one hand, young Muslims are taught in mosques, schools and at home that non Muslims are “kuffar” (infidels) and not respected, that Muslims must never assimilate into Western society, that death is valued over life, that Jews are pigs and monkeys, that raping non Muslim women is not a crime, that it’s allowed to beat wives to discipline them, and I could go on and on listing unacceptable Muslim decrees, permitted by Sharia Law. 

At the same time, we hear diametrically conflicting messages of tolerance from many prominent European leaders including high level government officials. Such as a lawsuit pursued by a Dutch court against Geert Wilders for hate speech.

Hence, instead of defending his right to free speech, Wilders has been chastised for exposing the struggle between Islamization of the West and the need to protect the free world. Instead of protecting Wilders’ rights to preserve true liberal values, he is silenced and viewed as a racist Islamophobe.


I believe that the Dutch case against Wilders is an expression of the powerful influence of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) over European institutions. As you may know, The OIC – An association of 57 Islamic states promotes a United Nations resolution to suppress voices of critical dissent against Islam. This initiative is a most destructive and dangerous proposal. I strongly urge its defeat.


Just like in the case of Mr. Wilders, the liberal establishment, cheered by the growing Muslim population, is successfully able to portray anyone who criticizes Islam, as war monger, anti-peace, right wing extremist, racist and Islamophobe.

By now, this atmosphere of multicultural relativism has been thriving. Consequently, the superficial, political correctness tone adopted by the West, has failed to recognize the danger of letting weeds creep into the Western garden, to eventually destroy its humane beauty. 


Fortunately, after Sep 11th, and more specifically, after the Danish cartoons riot, some courageous individuals in the West have realized the enormous dimension of this calamity and as a result have boldly spoken up against it. Mr. Wilders is with us today. He is among these brave leaders. He is a true hero who in spite of numerous obstacles, risks his wellbeing to secure us all. By producing the documentary film “Fitna”, Mr. Wilders allows the audience to question links between Islamic teachings and Muslims outward manifestation of the texts, letting viewers reach their own conclusion.


As an Arab, I am convinced that if people in the West learned the truth about Islam, many more would follow Greet Wilders’ footsteps. I therefore call upon Western government officials to study Islamic principles from their original Arabic textbooks without distortion or sugar-coating.


One of the principles is a perilous Islamic concept called in Arabic “Al Taqyyaa.” It allows and even commands, Muslims to lie and deceive in order to achieve their defined objective; submitting the world to Islam under Sharia Law.
We must NEVER forget that the word ‘Islam’ means submission. 
We must NEVER forget that the word ‘Jihad’ means Mein Kampf. 

To be sure, Islamists who follow the political ideology of subverting non Muslims under Islam DO use the concept of Al Taqyyaa. 


I believe that Muslim’s Al Taqyyaa and the West’s naiveté and ignorance about the true intentions of Islamists both violate our right to the truth, regardless of how evil or unintentional their objective is.  The symbiotic relationship between the two is a recipe for irreversible damage to liberal democracy and values of freedom; the foundations of European Union.


It is obvious that people in the West, and especially those in position of leadership who live by Western moral codes on which they were nurtured, refuse to judge individuals on the basis of their religious affiliation, and that is their right.

But they do not have the right to be ignorant or to disregard the fact that Islam is not only a religion. It’s also a political doctrine that imposes itself by force. That is precisely what Mr. Wilders has been trying so hard to convey.


Therefore, it’s the basic duty for every freedom-loving individual, especially those in government positions, to comprehend and be entirely familiar with the malicious Islamic ideology and confront it.


You may be familiar with the saying that “it takes an entire village to raise a well adjusted healthy child”. In that spirit, I call on you as a community of people, countries and nations caring to preserve that eternal child, our treasured freedom and liberty, to be bold and fully support Mr. Wilders’ crucial battle to preserve liberal democracy, as your highest priority. I call on you to please keep in mind that they who forget their history are doomed to repeat it, and they who don’t know their enemy will never be able to defeat it. 


As the wise said: “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion…or abridging the freedom of speech…”  There is NO freedom without the freedom to criticize and exercise reasonable, civil discussion.  There are NO values, without mutual respect.  The threat of violence is the massing of dogs, not civilization. 


As for you, the Danish people, you are well known for your historical record as fighters against evil. I believe the Danish people indeed deserve credit for demolishing the first brick in the Islamic prison wall.  By doing that, I am certain you opened the door and granted a sense of confidence to others in the European Union to get involved in fighting this predicament which threatens our way of life and our core value system.  For that, I salute you!


Lastly, the great Thomas Paine, one of the founding fathers of the US who greatly influenced the French revolution stated “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, so that my child may live in peace.” So let us deal with this trouble right now so that our future generation may live in peace.”

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