Apostate Nonie Darwish, author of “Cruel And Usual Punishment; The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law”. and executive director, Former Muslims United, was scheduled to speak at Columbia University today and Princeton University tomorrow, and both events were canceled.

Columbia, where Ahmadinejad was welcomed like a returning king.

Just hours before she was scheduled to speak, the groups (the Debate Society and Tigers of Israel) succumbed to student Muslim groups and canceled her speaking event. Nonie called me from her NY taxi, shocked that just weeks after an Islamic attack on a military base on US soil, the largest in US history, that activists who speak the truth about Islam are being shut down and marginalized.

Nonie Darwish spoke at the rally I organized for Rifqa Bary on Monday.

I will post the speech Nonie was going to make at Columbia and Princeton and Nonie’s account of this assault on free speech as soon as she gets to her machine — she is on her way to the airport.

For those of us chronicling the advancing islamisation of America, things have gotten decidedly worse since Obama took over. We have entered a dark age.

Last night, they were throwing pies at a Robert Spencer event at NYU ………. what’s next? grenades?

Fight back! Write, call, speak out!

Lee. C. Bollinger, President Columbia

Phone: (212) 854-9970
Fax: (212) 854-9973

Princeton University — President: Shirley M. Tilghman

Phone: (609) 258-6100
Fax: (609) 258-1615

Asst to President: email is

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