Boxer, Holdren Defend Motley CRU

Warming Scandal: Despite the incriminating e-mails, administration science adviser John Holdren still thinks man causes global warming. And Sen. Barbara Boxer thinks it’s the whistle-blowers who should be arrested.

Time was when Barbara Boxer thought it was just fine for the New York Times and Washington Post to spill national military secrets and war plans on their front pages. The people had a right to know where and how they were being led.

But we are not dealing here with the Pentagon Papers, the location of terrorist prisons or the surveillance of al-Qaida and its operatives. Boxer, top Democrat on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, thinks those who unearthed the e-mails from Britain’s Climate Research Unit should be prosecuted as common hackers, not rewarded as whistle-blowers.

“This is a crime. You call it ‘Climate-gate.’ I call it ‘e-mail-theft-gate,'” Boxer said at a committee hearing Wednesday, noting that if she were to hold a hearing on the matter as the ranking Republican has requested, it would include a criminal probe of those who revealed that global warming emperors have no clothes and the world is actually cooling as the sun grows quiet.

“Part of our looking at this will be looking at criminal activity, which could have been well coordinated,” Boxer said.

The only coordinated criminal activity here was by CRU researchers at the University of East Anglia. Their manipulation, destruction and fudging of data were a phony justification for the Kerry-Boxer economy-killing cap-and-tax legislation Boxer is pushing.

The climate sham perpetrated by the likes of CRU chief Phil Jones, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change lead author Kevin Trenberth and Penn State climatologist Michael E. Mann, inventor of the fraudulent “hockey stick” temperature graph, is the conspiracy that should be looked into.

Into the mix comes White House science adviser John Holdren, whose apocalyptic and bizarre views of humanity and science should disqualify him from participation in any serious discussion. He testified Wednesday before the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming that human activity is “beyond any reasonable doubt” the primary cause of global warming.

“However this controversy comes out,” he said of the CRU scandal, “the result will not call into question the bulk of our understanding of how the climate works or how humans affect it.” Even if that understanding is based on fudged and deliberately manipulated data designed to “hide the decline” in global temperatures?

Several Holdren e-mails are among those obtained from the CRU. Ranking Republican James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin asked Holdren about a 2003 exchange forwarded to Mann in which Holdren said the opinions of respected scientists Willie Soon and Sallie Baliunas of Harvard were “flawed.”

In the e-mail dialogue, Holdren called them “amateurs in the interpretation of historical and paleoclimatological records of climate change.” He said that “Soon and Baliunas are wrong and Mann et al. are right.”

Holdren has a problem with humanity and climate change. He thinks Earth is overpopulated and we need to remove more than a few people. In a newly rediscovered book, “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment,” co-authored with Malthus fans Paul and Anne Ehrlich, Holdren wrote that families “contribute to general social deterioration by overproducing children” and “can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility.”

Holdren envisioned that a “planetary regime might be given responsibility for determining the optimum population for the world and for each region and for arbitrating various countries’ shares within their regional limits … the regime would have some power to enforce the agreed limits.”

Among the methods of population control he discusses in the book are “sterilizing women after their second or third child” and adding “a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.”

It is this assortment of deluded politicians, con artists and lunatic- fringe science czars that is deciding the fate of our economy and our country. The hackers don’t deserve incarceration. They deserve the Medal of Freedom.

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