Iran test fires missile capable of hitting Israel

Iran said it has successfully tested what it called an upgraded version of its longest-range, solid-fuel Sajjil-2 missile.  16 Dec 2009

Iran test fires missile capable of hitting Israel

A missile prior to a test firing by Iranian armed forces Photo: AP

State television broke the news in a one-sentence report that gave no details on the test of the Sajjil-2 missile, a high-speed, surface-to-surface missile with a range of about 1,200 miles.

That range places Israel, Iran’s sworn enemy, well within reach and streches as far away as south-eastern Europe with greater precision than earlier models.

Iran has intensified its missile development programme in recent years, a source of serious concern in Israel, the United States and its Western allies at a time when they accuse Tehran of seeking to build a nuclear weapon.

Iran, which is under several sets of United Nations sanctions over its nuclear programme, denies he charge.

It says its nuclear program is aimed solely at generating electricity.

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