Scott and Vicki Behenna write in with an update on the ongoing and even promising efforts to free their son Michael, whom I have written about here and here. They write:

Merry Christmas to the many friends and supporters of Michael,

An update about Michael is difficult because this time of year is all about being together with family and friends.  While we will be able to see Michael over Christmas, our family will not feel complete until Michael is freed from Leavenworth.

Several things are happening toward that end and we are eagerly anticipating a favorable outcome.  Michael’s appellate brief will be filed in December with the Army Court of Appeals and we know Michael’s lawyers will make a powerful and compelling argument to reverse his conviction.  Please say a prayer for Michael’s attorney’s in their quest to present a document that will allow the Appellate Court to see the truth.

 Also Vicki and some supporters traveled to Washington DC the first week of December to meet with numerous Congressmen and Senators. The meetings went extremely well and some Congressmen and Senators are writing letters to the Clemency Board. Some Congressmen are considering Congressional  hearings on the military’s “detention and release” policy that is responsible for 77,000 out of 87,000 detainees being released back to the battlefield for our soldiers to fight again and again. As one Lieutenant Colonel in the Marines told Vicki on her trip to DC, this policy has cost the lives of American soldiers. It is imperative that we stop putting our soldiers in harm’s way whether it is in the form of a terrorist’s bullets and bombs or prosecutors who want to lock these heroes up for defending themselves in a war zone.

Michael’s clemency hearing is January 7, 2010, and we will represent him at that hearing. The Secretary of the Army, John McHugh,  has the responsibility for clemency and has the power to reduce or eliminate Michael’s sentence. If you have not done so already, please consider writing a letter to the Secretary to give clemency to Michael. McHugh’s address is:

Secretary of the Army John McHugh
1400 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC  20301-1400

We also ask that you consider sending a quick note to Michael to let him know the support he has behind him and the groundswell that has begun to cast light on the current military policies that put our soldiers in harm’s way. Michael can only receive written materials (letters, cards, books), but you can also send a money order to Michael which he can use to purchase some items with his commissary account.  Money can only be sent via MONEY ORDER and it must list the payee as  “MICHAEL BEHENNA #87503”.  All correspondence and money orders should be sent to :

Michael Behenna
1300 North Warehouse Road
FT. Leavenworth, Kansas  66027-2304

See this Big Government article that hits right at the heart of Michael’s case and has produced many inquiries.

Thanks again for your overwhelming support and may God bless your families this Christmas season.


Scott & Vicki Behenna Proud parents of 1LT Michael Behenna
Army Officer Kills Al-Qaeda Operative, Imprisoned After Prosecutors Ignore Own Expert Witness
by Bob McCarty By Bob McCarty and Carrie Fatigante

An e-mail Dr. Herbert Leon MacDonell sent to Capts. Meghan Poirier, Jason Elbert and Erwin Roberts — Army prosecutors all — just after 4 o’clock in the afternoon Feb. 27, 2009, should have warranted their attention for several reasons, but they opted to treat the information it contained in exactly the same manner as they had treated it when delivered in person a day earlier.

Largely as a result of the prosecutors’ decisions, Army Ranger 1st Lt. Michael Behenna is now serving a 20-year sentence at Fort Leavenworth after being convicted by a seven-member court-martial panel of unpremeditated murder in the shooting death of Ali Mansur, a known Al-Qaeda operative.


Why should the prosecutors have paid attention to what Dr. MacDonell had to share with them?

For starters, they should have paid attention, because Dr. MacDonell is the expert witness in blood stain forensics they had flown to Fort Campbell, Ky. to testify in the case. Now serving as director of the Laboratory for Forensic Science in Corning, N.Y., Dr. MacDonell’s expert forensics career spans five decades and includes such high-profile and complex cases as the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and the case against O.J. Simpson. In other words, he’s no slouch when it comes to investigations.


For reasons inexplicable, prosecutors opted not to call upon Dr. MacDonell to testify in the case; therefore, he was never able to share with the court something new he had learned about the case — something vital that prosecutors had not shared with him.

Thanks, however, to the fact that he sent that single e-mail, Lieutenant Behenna’s parents, Scott and Vicki Behenna, now hold on to an ever-so-slim hope that they can bring an end to the family nightmare involving their son, now 26.

Read the unedited text of Dr. MacDonell’s e-mail message below and judge for yourself whether you think Lieutenant Behenna deserves, at a minimum, a new trial or, more appropriately, a full presidential pardon:

Friday, February 27, 2009
4:07 p.m.

Dear Captain Poirier:

I came home to an incredible pile-up of work but I shall try to send an invoice to you within a few days. On that issue I should advice you that I may have exceeded what was appropriate because of staying two nights rather then one. My estimate for my total cost was based on one night there but I shall still try to keep the total within your budget even if I have to reduce the number of hours I spent here in preparation for my testimony.

On another issue I am somewhat concerned that I did not testify and have a chance to inform the court of the only logical explanation for this shooting. As I demonstrated to you and to the two other prosecutors, Dr. Berg, Sgt. McCaulley, and Sgt. Rogers?, from the evidence I feel that Ali Mansur had to have been shot in the chest when he was standing. As he dropped straight down he was shot again at the very instant that his head passed in front of the muzzle. Admittedly, this would be an amazing coincidence, however, it fits the facts and as I told you on Wednesday, it fits the facts and I can not think of a more logical explanation.

This scenario is consistent with the two shots being close together, consistent with their horizontal trajectory, consistent with the bloodstains on the floor, and consistent with the condition of the 9mm flattened out bullet which was tumbling after leaving Mansur’s head or body. I do not know where this bullet was recovered but I would expect after impact to the concrete wall it fell very close to that wall. The other bullet should have been close to the first and there should have been two impact points on the wall.

On Thursday afternoon when I heard Lt. Michael Behenna testify as to the circumstances of how the shots were fired I could not believe how close it was to the scenario I had described to you on Wednesday. I am sure that had I testified that I would have wanted to give my reenactment so the jury could have had the option of considering how well the defendant’s story fit the physical facts. This, of course, would not have been helpful to the prosecution case. However, I feel that it is quite important as possible exculpatory evidence so I hope that, in the interest of justice, you informed Mr. Zimmerman of my findings. It certainly appears like Brady material to me.

It was a pleasure meeting you and your team and I learned one thing; the military life is not for me. You guys are getting up about the time we go to bed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dr. Herbert Leon MacDonell, Director

A clemency hearing for Lieutenant Behenna is set to take place Jan. 7 in Arlington, Va.

Cross-posted at

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