The Pentagon Review of Fort Hood Jihad or Why The War is Lost

Major Hasan’s Power Point Presentation made on Grand Rounds 

(The page turns every 12 seconds. Read it all)


Mr. West, at a second Pentagon news conference with Admiral Clark, said the problem with “self-radicalization” in the military was not rooted in Islam. “Suppose it were fundamentalist-Christian-inspired,” Mr. West said. “Our concern is not with the religion. It is with the potential effect on our soldiers’ ability to do their job.”

Islam has achieved absolute intellectual dominance. They control the narrative. They control information and how it is processed at senior levels of the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, Military ……….

Christianity does not teach its adherents jihad. The objective of Christianity or Judaism is not rooted in the murder of non-believers and the absolute mandate to murder, maim and destroy until the world lives under a pax Islamica. That is Islam. That is its goal. Muslims know this. That is why you do not see blowback and protest and outrage from the Muslims against the horrible unrelenting Islamic attacks across the world. That is why you do not hear Muslims calling out for the violence prescribed in the Quran to be expunged. Mandated genocide.

If I know this, why don’t our senior level officials at Pentagon, FBI, CIA, etc., know this? Because for decades the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated every agency and institution at the highest levels (i.e. MAS, CAIR, ISNA, ISNA) and they control the narrative and what can be said and how it can be said.

Did you know in the FBI’s Counter Terrorism Manual the word jihad is not to be found? Not once.

The Pentagon released its review Friday on Major Muslim Hasan’s Fort Hood massacre. It is described as a systemic breakdown within the military that permitted an Army psychiatrist, now charged with killing 13 people, to advance through the ranks despite concerns from his superiors about his behavior.

Nowhere does it discuss jihad and the ideology that mandates, commands jihad of good Muslims. Major Hasan’s power-point presentation, which he presented to fellow doctors on grand rounds, is accurate as a description of Islamic jihad, the absolute rules of Islam by scholarly consensus. It is a perfect religious document. Read it. It is Islam’s absolute law. He got nothing wrong.

There is nothing wacky or extreme or radical in Hasan’s devotion to Islam. What is wacky, extreme and insane is the Pentagon’s review of Hasan’s jihad without mentioning or addressing Islam and the objective of our mortal enemy – Dar al Islam. 

Togo D. West, former Secretary of the Army, should be brought up on charges for violating his oath to protect and defend the Constitution. He and every other officer and agent have a lawful responsible to protect and defend us from those who advocate and/or plan the overthrow of the government.

This review is another jihad, a stealth jihad, but just as damning and destructive. Frightening.

Pentagon Report on Fort Hood Details Failures NY Times

The Pentagon review, titled “Protecting the Force: Lessons From Fort Hood,” was conducted by Togo D. West Jr., a former secretary of the Army, and Adm. Vernon E. Clark, a former chief of naval operations.

“The challenge for the Department of Defense is to prepare more effectively for a constantly changing environment,” the report said. “The department’s security posture for tomorrow must be more agile and adaptive.”

The report recommends that the Pentagon work more closely with the F.B.I., which runs a terrorism task force jointly with other agencies. The task force uses investigators, analysts, linguists and others to review intelligence reports about possible links between troops and terrorist or extremist groups.

The report recommended that the Defense Department should devote the same commitment to protecting its personnel from internal threats as it does to protecting them from external dangers; develop guidance and awareness programs so that commanders can better identify risky behavior within the ranks; share information about potential internal threats across the military bureaucracy; and develop more sophisticated and agile responses to emergencies like the shooting at Fort Hood, in which 30 people were injured.

Mr. West, at a second Pentagon news conference with Admiral Clark, said the problem with “self-radicalization” in the military was not rooted in Islam. “Suppose it were fundamentalist-Christian-inspired,” Mr. West said. “Our concern is not with the religion. It is with the potential effect on our soldiers’ ability to do their job.”

Major Hasan was born and raised in Virginia, the son of Palestinian immigrants who ran a restaurant and convenience store in Roanoke. After graduating from Virginia Tech, he pursued a military career against the wishes of his parents, relatives have said.

Mr. Gates said he was particularly concerned that the military does not seem to be alert to signs of radicalization in its own ranks, to be able to detect its symptoms or to understand its causes. Major Hasan’s commanders and supervisors, he suggested, may have lacked the clear authority or explicit channels for reporting any doubts they had about him. Indeed, troubling information about individuals is often withheld or filed discreetly away instead of being shared, he said.


The Pentagon review, titled “Protecting the Force: Lessons From Fort Hood,” was conducted by Togo D. West Jr., a former secretary of the Army, and Adm. Vernon E. Clark, a former chief of naval operations.

“The challenge for the Department of Defense is to prepare more effectively for a constantly changing environment,” the report said. “The department’s security posture for tomorrow must be more agile and adaptive.”

How can they do that? Hasan was a devout Muslim — and the the military respects devout Muslims above its own purpose, oath and goal. How can they prepare when they don’t know what and who the enemy is?


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