Fitzgerald: What the Mufti of Syria hopes you don’t know
“According to the Mufti, the conflict between Israel and its Arabs neighbors has nothing to do with an Islamic war against Judaism.” – from this story about the Mufti of Syria

Of course he would say that. Muslims are deeply worried that as people all over the Western world who find themselves on the receiving end of Muslim violence, aggression, and also non-violent but equally dangerous and sinister forms of Jihad, learn about the texts and tenets of Islam, they will, insensibly, come to re-think their view of the war being made by the Arabs and Muslims against Israel, the Lesser Jihad against Israel.

And as those people begin to grasp the nature of Islam, they will inexorably come to understand several other things as well.

To wit:

They will come to understand that as far as Muslims are concerned, the war against Israel is a Jihad, and the existence of the Infidel nation-state of Israel, on land once controlled by Muslims, must not and cannot, be tolerated in the long run.

They will come to understand that the war against the Infidel nation-state of Israel cannot be lessened, much less brought to an end, by Israel’s further surrender of territory, and shrinkage into the “lines of Auschwitz” (as Abba Evan described them).

They will come to understand that any further reductions in Israel’s tiny size — a place scarcely to be made out on a world map — will merely increase the belief, among Arabs and Muslims, that they can go in for the kill, and will increase the likelihood of open warfare.

They will come to understand that Israel, so reduced, may be able to hold on, just, but whether it does or not, the triumphalism that will be felt by the Arabs and
Muslims can only increase to the extent that Israel approaches its final demise. And that triumphalism will in turn naturally whet Arab and Muslim appetites elsewhere, but above all elsewhere, in Spain and the countries of Western Europe.

It is this line of thinking, this understanding of Islam as explaining the Arab and Muslim war against Israel, that the keenest Arabs and Muslims worry about. They don’t want Westerners to catch on to this. They hate it, for example, when Hamas and Fatah are described as the Fast Jihadists and the Slow Jihadists, differing only in matters of tactics and timing. They worry about the Western world coming to its senses too soon, and too comprehensively, about Islam and the Jihad that is currently being waged on so many fronts against the West.

That is what lies behind the nonsense and lies of the Mufti of Syria, which he delivered to an audience of visiting Infidels — a delegation of “American academics.” He is betting that those Infidels will not do any study of their own, but will instead be charmed by the deep sincerity of his gaze, and those stirring words — he wouldn’t fool us, would he? – that allow one to think that he would stand stoutly to protect Jews, or at least Judaism, and Christians, or at least Christianity.

Essentially Sheikh Ahmad Hassoun, Mufti of Syria, was giving an intelligence test. He despises those American academics, and thinks they are too stupid to find out for themselves what the texts, tenets, attitudes, and atmospherics of Islam really are. He expects them to remain ignorant of 1400 years of history of Muslim conquest, and of the subjugation of non-Muslims, and of the treatment of those who, as Christians and Jews, were allowed to live (compare what happened to 60-70 million Hindus) but only under conditions of deliberate, systematic degradation, humiliation and, above all, permanent physical insecurity, sometimes greater and sometimes lesser, depending on the ruler.

He thinks they will be, and remain, gullible.

I think that some, or perhaps many of them, will at this point prove him wrong, and pass that intelligence test, and slough off his lies, and be even more wary than they were before.

I hope my faith in the good sense and intelligence of those American academics proves correct, and that the contempt secretly shown them by the Mufti of Syria turns out to be ill-founded.

We’ll see.

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