This week, a screening of “Avatar” erupted into a small ruckus in a suburb when one moviegoer loudly announced that the Palestinians should learn from this movie what to do to the Jews, causing a commotion and angering others in the audience. The opinionated moviegoer was Juliano Mer-Khamis. Born in Nazereth to a Jewish mother and Arab father, he is an accomplished actor of many years, a filmmaker as well as a political activist who is very outspoken against the occupation… “No one dares to make the real analogy. ‘Avatar’ is one of the bravest films made. It portrays the occupation, but people aren’t making the analogy. Many would like to be like the blue people but don’t understand the meaning…”
I’m actually more offended by that “Avatar is the bravest film ever” crap than by the explicit call to violence. Sure genocidal mass murder is unseemly. But to pretend that some vast pro-American Hollywood groundswell is going to threaten James Cameron’s career for making the highest-grossing movie of all time – that’s just insulting.
Since this is MR’s first and probably last Avatar-related post: come on now. I don’t know why the Onion even bothers caricaturing maudlin liberals. It’s funny. But reality’s just better at this game (h/t: SP).
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