16 people were reported killed this morning when the
Israeli military attacked six emergency vessels up bound for Gaza. This could add fuel to the fire and trigger direct, violent conflicts between Jews and Arabs in Copenhagen. The situation in the capital is now so tense that one should avoid wearing a student- or skullcap if you are a Jew and travel through Nørrebro in Copenhagen.The risk of being attacked is simply so great that the chairman of Mosaic Church, Finn Schwarz, advises its members to remove religious headgear when they travel in Nørrebro, writes news agency Newspaq… He is sorry to see that Danish Jews will have to take precautions because there is a group of Danes with different ethnic backgrounds who have a hateful view of Jews.
Copenhagen else for decades had a reputation for being one of the most safe and tolerant places for the large and highly respected Jewish minority. But it has now become necessary to have a large security force guard the synagogue on Crystal Gade.
‘F***ing Jews’ on Facebook
Danish Jews must, of course, be able to walk the streets without being attacked or harassed, like any other citizen is entitled. Danes do not attack people because of their ethnic or religious background. For a small group who do not understand what is right or wrong… On the Facebook group called ‘F***ing Jews’, 160 people have indicated that they ‘like’.
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