
Monday, May 31, 2010

“Humanitarians” Gone Wild

As usual, the MSM has rushed to judgment in the recent incident involving IDF commandos and the “Gaza Flotilla”.   The aid-to-Hamas fleet has been characterized by most of the world as a “humanitarian” mission.

Check out today’s Ha’aretz’s Caption for this photograph:
“A left-wing activist on board the Gaza flotilla holding a knife after Israel Navy commandos boarded their ship on May 31, 2010.”

Looks pretty “Left Wing” to me, doesn’t he to you?  After all, a dagger-brandishing, 7th Century, religious, Jew-hating, honor-killing madman  has a lot in common with the typical reader of The Nation. What more poignant, Ha’aretz moment could do more to substantiate our last posting.

And note the description of the “humanitarian” “holding” the knife (not unlike Julia Child or a boy scout).

Moreover, did the Ha’aretz reporter sit down with RageBoy here and interview him as to his views on Progressive topics like feminism, gay rights or environmentalism? No doubt he shares the post-modern left wing views of the Ha’aretz editors.

NPR’s Sheera Frankel,  utterly impartial, of course, this morning constantly referred to the pipe and knife wielding assailants on board the Turkish ship as “activists” and “humanitarians.” (NB: Ms. Frankel’s journalistic CV includes work for The Guardian and Common Dreams (among whose other contributors are Noam Chomsky and the late Howard Zinn).

As the “activists” attacked the commandos, they shouted,

‘Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Muhammed will return’,

referring to the 7th Century massacre of a Jewish tribe near Medina.

Lastly, lest you succumb to the Marxist (Grouch, that is) temptation:
“Who are you going to believe – me or your lying eyes”
Watch this short video of the “humanitarians” greeting the IDF commandos:

NPR, CNN and the rest of the lying outlets will have a lot to answer for when this incident is fully revealed.

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