American Leadership Initiative
for Muslims

“Leadership can be thought of as a capacity to define oneself to others in a way that clarifies and expands a vision of the future. ”

(WASHINGTON D.C. — July 12, 2010) In less than two weeks, the second American Leadership Initiative for Muslims Convention will be here. This email is intended to serve as a complete guide to those interested in attending the convention, and has the latest and most updated information.

What is the American Leadership Iniatiative for Muslims?

This convention is an “unconventional” convention, designed to bring Muslim community members together, and come up with real plans to serve the domestic and international Muslim community over the next year. Each session at the convention contains an interaction component, where conference attendees participate in table top discussions to help facilitate dialogue. At these discussions, IIC will collect and compile the results of the conversation, and formulate action items. IIC will then enact these action items throughout the year, incorporating them into its mission statement. Furthermore, the convention will include site visits to various locations, including the US Capitol, the Supreme Court, and even a picnic lunch in front of the White House.

Who is going to be there?

This convention will have representatives from several non-profit organizations, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, religious groups as part of the speaking and networking programs. The growing list includes the American Arab Anti Discrimination Committee, the FBI, the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain, IMAM, the Congressional Muslim Staffers Association, Beyond that there will be various representatives from the media and other offices of the Maraja in the audience. The attendees include people from all age groups, and from all professions. High school and college students, lawyers, doctors, IT professionals, and social workers have all registered for this convention. This convention is not geared towards the masses, however, and is focussed on only those attendees who wish to learn more about politics, media, and interfaith efforts in this country, and anyone else who wants to make a difference. The goal of this convention is to produce results and change the status quo. If you are receiving this email, the Islamic Information Center invites you to join us on this important mission, which is conducted in the name of the All Merciful, His Prophet, and the Ahlul Bayt (AS).

What’s included in the registration cost? Are there any discounts?

As a benefit to attendees, we have included all meals and education material within the cost of the convention. Also included in the registration cost is all your transportation to the site visits and back to the hotel. Once you register, all you have to do is show up to the sessions and you will be taken care of from 1pm Friday July 23, 2010 until 5pm Sunday July 25, 2010. (Sorry, no lunch on friday). Seperate from the cost of registration is the cost of the convention banquet.

What are the details regarding the banquet?

The convention banquet will take place at 7:30pm at the United States Capitol. The banquet will have a variety of speakers, including Nobel Prize Nominee and leader of the Chinese Muslim community, Rebiya Kadeer; a video interview of Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Basheer Najafi, and IIC Executive Director Rahat Husain. If you register for the convention , you will receive a discounted ticket to the convention – but please hurry, tickets are going fast.

How do I register for the convention, get my banquet tickets, get my hotel room, and so forth?

You can register for the convention and buy your banquet tickets all in one place, by clicking here . Please note there is an additional convention discount for pairs or couples who register together! You can use any major credit card or PayPal and your transaction will be 100% secure and safe.
What about the hotel?

IIC will be holding this convention at the Capital Hilton, 1001 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036. The Capital Hilton is a world class accomodation that has hosted not only many international heads of state, but is frequented by current US President Obama for various events and programs related to his work. This creates the perfect setting for political advocacy and engagement. IIC has negotiated an excellent deal for convention attendees as reservations are usually $450 per night per room. All you need to pay is $99/night and you will literally be able to see the White House outside your window – the hotel is less than 2 blocks away.

Unfortunately web registration for the hotels has closed, but you can still call in and reserve your hotel room. To reserve your room today, please call the Capital Hilton Reservations Manager, Jason Williams. His direct line is 202-639-5720. He is aware that individuals will be calling and will expect their calls.

What is the full schedule of events?

We’re still adding in some very prominent speakers and tweaking the schedule, but you can view the tentative schedule right here . On Friday, the majority of the events and programs take place outside the hotel. Accordingly, you can meet us at the Captol in Room HC-5 for Friday Jumah Salaat and the subsequent talk. Afterwards we’ll be on the front steps of the Supreme Court for the tour, and if you can’t make either of those, the Banquet Room information is Cannon House Office Building, Cannon Caucus, Independence Avenue and 1st Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003. If at any time you get lost or cannot find a room or building number, ask any guard or police officer – they will be happy to direct you to where you are trying to go.

On Friday, you also have the option of simply reporting to the hotel, and our convention volunteers will direct you, or if needed take you, exactly to where you need to be.

I have more questions, who should I contact?

Please call our office at 202-347-6405 during business hours and we will be happy to assist you.

Please register for the convention and banquet itself by using your credit card or other electronic methods by clicking here !

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