HILLYER: Obama’s pattern of rigging the rules
By Quin Hillyer

Barack Obama learned from Saul Alinsky’s manual that the most essential tactic for expanding power is to make opponents abide by the rules while never enforcing the rules against one’s allies. That’s exactly what his Justice Department and other executive departments are doing in case after case, all aimed at rigging the deck in favor of the political left.

That’s what the accompanying column by Eric Eversole is all about. Military voters are thought to tend rightward. The Obamites at Justice – such as Rebecca Wertz, the deputy chief of Justice’s Voting Section, whose remarks to the National Association of Secretaries of State were referenced by Mr. Eversole – are thus encouraging secretaries of state to seek waivers so they can avoid taking more steps to protect military voting rights. This is an affront to every one of our servicemen abroad, and it should not be allowed.

Rigging the deck is also what the abandonment of a voter-intimidation case against New Black Panthers members is all about. Indeed, one of the lawyers reported to have helped scotch the Black Panther case, Spencer Overton, also is said to have played a big role in crafting Justice’s policy encouraging the waivers that could hamper military voting.

Deck-rigging also is the aim of the department’s maneuverings to avoid directly blocking an anti-white voter scheme in Noxubee County, Miss. It was the aim when the Obamites dropped a suit that would have forced Missouri to clear its voting rolls of dead people and other ineligible voters, such as felons. It’s why Julie Fernandes, the deputy assistant attorney general, reportedly told a roomful of associates never to enforce that same anti-fraud provision anywhere in the country. It was the aim when the Obamites bizarrely blocked a small town in North Carolina from adopting the nonpartisan elections that its own black majority had voted for, on the grounds that blacks can’t be elected unless they are identified as Democrats.

Changing the rules for political advantage, without even benefit of legislation, is also the game the administration is playing when imposing an electronic version of “card check” elections for union organizing and when creating a new tax break for big-money plaintiffs’ attorneys. (See editorial on B2).

All of this is unethical, probably lawless and certainly obnoxious. But the obnoxiousness level is particularly high when it comes to refusing to protect the voting rights of servicemen risking their lives half a world away.

Quin Hillyer is a senior editorial writer for The Washington Times.

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