
As the grandchild of immigrants, I strongly believe that generations of legal immigration has served as an unparalleled source of cultural enrichment and prosperity for America. However, it is essential that immigration to America must be done in accordance with the law. Illegal immigration has created a new set of national security and economic challenges for our nation, and has undermined American prosperity. Keeping in mind the threats our country faces from abroad, it’s simply unacceptable that our borders remain porous. Border security is akin to Homeland Security.

Social Security and Medicare
I will fight to preserve, protect and strengthen Medicare and Social Security now, and for future generations. We must put Social Security on a sound financial footing. We need to improve Medicaid and Medicare by rewarding quality care, promoting competition, eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse, and giving doctors and patients control over treatment options.

I support efforts to repeal Obamacare and will fight to repeal the Medicare Advantage cuts supported by Nancy Pelosi and Tim Bishop.
Environment and Energy
As your Congressman, I will support common-sense environmental policies that will help reduce pollution and preserve our natural resources. I will work to defeat any cap-and-trade legislation that would result in a massive new energy tax passed on to Long Island consumers, businesses, farmers and families.

For decades, our dependence on foreign fossil energy sources has produced staggering fuel costs for families and small businesses. We must reduce our dependence on foreign oil. We need to strive toward energy independence, bring down the cost of gasoline and diesel fuel, create more jobs for American workers and strengthen our national security. We must embrace a comprehensive approach that relies on American-made energy sources and technologies.

I support an “all-of-the-above” package of steps to overhaul our energy policy: environmentally-responsible domestic oil drilling; greater use of safe nuclear power; investment in alternative energy sources, like solar, wind, geothermal and hydropower; the production of clean coal to power cars and planes; and the extraction of additional natural gas to cook our food and heat our homes.

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