For latest on the sad wreckage of the global warming movement, go to www.ClimateDepot.com

Splattergate – the new Climategate?

Flashback: Depicting Dying Kids is Old Hat for Warmists: ‘Provocative’: Ad depicts small child with noose around neck standing on melting iceberg

Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News on Splattergate: ‘The global warming fear promoters are in desperation right now. Their idea to get attention was to blow up school kids’ — Morano: ‘This expresses a deep sentiment in [climate fear] movement of wanting to suppress and silence global warming skeptics’ — Let’s hope eco-snuff films aren’t the future’

Splattergate: NY Times Cites Climate Depot: ‘What is actually very revealing, is that their impulse –the intellectual strain that runs through alarmist movement –is to try to silence their critics’ — Morano: ‘They blame a handful of skeptics for ruining all their schemes, and this (the Spattergate film) is them expressing their frustrations’

Flashback: Kill Deniers Video is not unique: ‘Execute’ Skeptics! Shock Call To Action: ‘At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers’

Splattergate extra: Child actor in film: ‘I think it is vital that children should be exploded in a good cause’

Sen. Inhofe Decries ‘Eco-Fascist Snuff Movie’ featuring ‘gruesome images of exploding schoolchildren’

Fallout Over Assassinate Deniers Video: ‘Joe Romm and Bill McKibben have announced they are ‘Shocked! Shocked!’ that gambling is going on in their casino’

Update: Greens pull grotesque video! ‘We sincerely apologise to anybody we have offended…As a result of these concerns we’ve taken it off our website’

Czech Physicist Motl Unloads: ‘Actress Gillian Anderson (of X-Files) collaborated to produce this atrocious video. Is she really such a disgusting bloody Nazi bitch?’ — ‘Climate alarmism is a genuine threat for our freedom, democracy, prosperity, and even security, much like islamic terrorism’

Update: Eco-jihad – the movie pulled from YOUTUBE! ‘Very obvious message to the faithful. The unbelievers must die’ —

‘This is the face of evil. When do we see the yellow armbands and the gas chambers?’

Climate film ‘explodes skeptical kids in bloodbath’

‘School children – who express ambivalence toward reducing their personal carbon footprint are blown to pieces’ —

‘It’s difficult to exaggerate this. In this video, people are murdered for expressing a different opinion. As a bonus, those in the vicinity get splattered with blood and gore’

Teacher alert: Eco-blackshirts promote the killing of non-conforming adults and children

UK Guardian on Gorey climate film: ‘There will be blood’

Flashback 1999: Splattergate Actress Gillian Anderson Warned of Y2K Disaster!

Splattergate video: ‘It’s a Greenpeace meets Hamas moment’

NYT’s Andrew Revkin: ‘Is there a marketing Nobel Prize? Blow up kids to get folks to cut CO2. Yeah, that’s the ticket…’ —

Revkin: If the goal had been to convince people that environmental campaigners have lost their minds and to provide red meat (literally) to shock radio hosts and pundits fighting curbs on greenhouse gases, it worked like a charm’ —‘The group’s sponsors, including Sony, figure out an upside to this effort. They should either state why they continue to provide support or pull out’

Splattergate fallout: The 10:10 video ‘No Pressure’ is a new symbol–not one that the Establishment will cherish. It’s a symbol of failure to communicate’

Update: Reaction to pulling video: ‘Sorry’, just doesn’t cut it…It’s a ‘Black Friday’ for the eco movement now’

Climate Film Depicts Kids Assassinated: ‘Detonates’ kids ‘into gory pulp for ignoring their carbon footprints’ — ‘Cut your carbon by 10%, no pressure’ (Warning graphic video)

10 carbon reduction? ‘10% Of Nothing…If we reduced man’s 3% contribution by 1/10th, that would reduce the total annual global emissions of CO2 by only 0.3%’ — ‘The effect on the Earth’ radiative balance would be much less than that, less than 0.01%. In other words, a 10% reduction in human emissions would have essentially zero impact on the climate.’

‘Go green or we’ll kill your kids’ says Richard Curtis eco-propaganda shocker – ‘By threatening to blow up anyone who disagrees with them’

Warmist Bill McKibben Reacts: ‘Climate denier Morano’s Climate Depot website is assailing it as latest example of eco-fascism. Morano and other climate skeptics are right to crow’

Petty: Romm posts McKibben’s column, but deletes McKibben’s reference to Climate Depot! Romm’s edited version of McKibben: ‘Or you can look at the stories by climate deniers assailing it as the latest example of eco-fascism. The climate skeptics can crow’

‘These people are complete scum. At least the witch burners in Salem usually killed adults. Which members of the ‘scientific’ community are fueling this madness?’ — ‘Here is how the Aztecs controlled the climate (slaughtering people). Same mentality, just 500 years earlier’
Marc Morano
1875 Eye Street, NW
Fifth Floor
Washington, D.C. 20006

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