Here are some of the ways our lives have changed since 9/11.  We are all subjected to tedious search and scans at airports, courthouses, museums, concert halls and selective commercial and professional buildings.  We will all shortly be exposed to the humiliation of full body scans at airports.  We have watched specially trained german shepherd dogs patrol airports and other transportation hubs sniffing for explosives.

We can no longer pack toiletries in carry-on bags without siphoning all fluids and spray atomizers into miniscule bottles.  We can’t wear laced shoes when traveling lest we hold up a long line of people when we’re forced to remove them, along with our jackets, scarves, belts, keys, change, jewelry and any computerized paraphernalia.  When we’re on public transportation we’re urged to be vigilant and to say something if we see something, an unnerving message to people trapped together in locked subway cars.

We have witnessed numerous mass terrorist attacks in our own country and countless others in countries ranging from Bali to Russia and South America.  We have heard the defiant threats of jihadists promising to kill us all and have seen the murders of individuals who spoke out against Islamic terrorism. We have seen the torture and decapitation of Daniel Pearl who did not speak out against Islamic terrorism.

We have allowed authors, artists, journalists,  judges and politicians to live indefinitely under 24 hour guard because they have riled the sensibilities of Muslim fanatics by speaking their minds or plying their crafts.  We have seen our leading newspapers and universities  cave in the face of Muslim threats.  We have enacted codes that hamper our police and security forces from using common sense to pursue terrorists and have been brainwashed into thinking that profiling is a form of bias instead of experiential intelligence.

We have pretended that all religions have an equal number of extremists in their midst while knowing that more terrorist acts in the last several decades have been commited by Islamists than by Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Mormons and Quakers combined.  We have similarly pretended that terrorists are simply individuals or fringe groups as opposed to people supported wholly by governments and religious leaders.  We have allowed our prisons to become breeding grounds for home grown conversion by Wahabi chaplains financed by Saudi Arabia.  We have bent over backwards to honor the Muslim faith in our country and to accommodate Muslim demands without the quid pro quo of a loud and organized Muslim repudiation of terrorist groups and national policies.  We have allowed Muslim groups to hijack campus events at which Israeli speakers or their American counterparts try to speak.  We have guaranteed freedom of speech to all Americans and now we have seen that we have empowered Muslims to demand the firing of a distinguished liberal author who was the only black journalist at NPR.  His crime?  Admitting that some of this sometimes make him nervous……………

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