
Written on October 24, 2010 at 1:11 pm by Ruth King


Filed under Mideast no comments

It is axiomatic that America and Israel are each other’s most valuable and dependable ally, with shared national defense and security concerns.  It is encouraging that the midterm elections will bring a crop of national security conservatives to Washington, who, with minor exceptions, have stated warm support for Israel. It is discouraging, however, that so many echo the mantra of a “two-state solution.”

It does not make sense to be a national security hawk and yet endorse a policy which weakens—and could destroy our only democratic ally in the Middle East.

One suspects all too many of our incoming legislators accept the politically correct but historically absurd notion that the Arab-Israel conflict began in 1967 when Israel conquered the West Bank  and can be solved by returning to the Arabs of Palestine what was taken from them in war.

Do they know that Jordan is an Arab Palestinian state carved out of 82% of the land promised to the Jews for their state in all of Palestine?  Are they even aware that Jordan illegally annexed Judea and Samaria (the so-called West Bank) and East Jerusalem after Israel’s war of Independence in 1948, and this was recognized only by two states, Pakistan and England?  Any bets?

Have they looked at a map? Do they see Israel’s narrow waist in the old Green Line (to which  the peace processors would have her return) and how easily her population centers could be overrun?

Would these legislators dream of giving up strategically valuable portions of our southern states to accommodate enemies whose stated intention was to destroy America? Well, that answers itself.

These are patriots and decent people who have been misled by a biased media and academy and Jewish organizations and yes, the bludgeoned-by-Obama Israeli Prime Minister, all peddling the perverse illusion that this tiny territory would satisfy the blood lust of Israel’s enemies.

It is not only Ahmadinejad that threatens Israel with genocidal jihad. Shmuel Katz put it best: the conflict indeed has a root cause and it is “the determination of the entire Arab nation, under the inspiration of Islam, to rule over the whole area from the Persian Gulf to the Atlantic Ocean and the southern border of Turkey to the southern border of the Sudan.” The Arabs’ liquidationist designs are rooted in Arab history and woven into the very fabric of the Islamic faith.

The absurdity of the “two-state solution” is only underlined by the fact that there are now two Muslim mini-states within Israel, one of them run by Hamas, which has its designs on the Fatah-run mini-state and makes no pretense of interest in any “solution” short of Israel’s annihilation.

A few legislators seem to understand. Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona issued the following statement on Sep. 25, 2010:

“A few months ago, the Administration chastised Israel for building homes in Jerusalem, despite the fact that Jerusalem is not a settlement, but the capital of the nation of Israel, which was founded and built by the ancient people of Israel 3000 years ago….Indeed, it is highly ironic and bewildering that Israel has received more open rebuke from the Obama administration for plans to build houses in Jerusalem than the Iranian regime that threatens Israel with annihilation has received for building a secret uranium enrichment facility to produce nuclear weapons. As Israelis celebrate their ability to resume construction on the thousands of dwellings that have sat unfinished throughout this moratorium, I urge President Obama to at long last embrace, rather than alienate, the most vital ally America has in the world.”

It is our urgent hope that incoming legislators will echo those words.

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