Kissinger, now in his eighties and quite frail has been “outed” in the recently released tapes. He loved to read comparisons of himself to Bismark, but comes off as a weasel with no empathy for fellows Jews, indifference to trapped Soviet Jewry, duplicity and indifference in dealing with Israel, and callousness bordering on “Sorosesque” in discussing the Holocaust. His words:

“The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy,” Mr. Kissinger said. “And if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern.”

He was the master of the politics of appeasement to the Soviet Union and Communist China. He betrayed the Vietnamese allies in crafting an end to the Vietnam War by leaving hundreds of thousands trapped in Ho Chi Min hell.

He was a fraud…..and he got it all wrong. The recent tapes will probably be footnotes in his biography but they make all the difference…..rsk

Now,  Richard Holbrooke was a decent man but equally misguided in policy. And he also got it all wrong on the Balkans. The Dayton Agreements which placed America squarely on the side of Bosnian Moslems against Serbia has only led to terror and intimidation. The history of Bosnian Moslems is a history of fanatic jihadists.

Holbrooke also promoted the “Rambouillet Agreement” which was an absolute ultimatum to Serbia to withdraw from Kosovo. The First President Bush said, “Rambouillet was not a negotiation, it was a setup, a lynch party.”

In later years Holbrooke, who delivered the ultimatum to Serbia which ushered NATO’s bombing refused to discuss his role in the Rambouillet travesty.

He can no longer rewrite that shabby history.

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