
The AP reports yet another story in which “the authorities do not yet have a motive;” oddly enough, the AP distributed the actual news bits seemingly randomly in a 30 paragraph story. Let’s see if we can help them out:

The passengers sat stunned as they watched a man walk quickly toward the front of American Airlines Flight 1561 as it was descending toward San Francisco. He was screaming and then began pounding on the cockpit door…

Marty, 35, recalled Monday that she and other passengers on the plane were stunned when they saw Almurisi walking down the aisle. She said a woman in a row across from her who speaks Arabic translated that Almurisi said “God is Great!” in Arabic. Wai, 27, also remembered on Monday that the wife of one of the men who took Almurisi down later said Almurisi was yelling “Allahu Akbar.”…

Almoraissi said he could not imagine what may have caused his cousin to act as authorities allege he did…”He might have seriously mistaken the cockpit for the bathroom,” Almoraissi said. “He’s only been on three planes in his whole life.” Almurisi was taking classes in California to learn English but was not happy with his progress

Remember what we’re told by our betters — this shouting is completely normal and is just what some people do. The “pit” referred to above incidentally in the one that journalism has fallen into and can’t seem to crawl out of.

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